

This novel is about a skilled fighter and assassin who studied to be a belly dancer and concubine in the king palace She was payed by the king to kill the king of Persia Now she changed the plan to her favour

Sharonpeace · 奇幻言情
15 Chs

Big headed King of yours

Eating breakfast alone again with the servants standing close not that I cared still it makes me feel like a prisoner. I clearly don't want to live a boring life like this

" Get me Maria"

"Yes my lady" the skinny servant bowed and left

Who knows where he went last night, we aren't married yet and he's already finding excuses to met his mistresses those ugly and flirty bi*ches. Men will always be men he couldn't even wait after the wedding, I swear if I happen to see the lady I'm going to destroy whatever beauty she got

Then he will realize I'm not one of those ladies he can toy with

"Ump" I didn't notice when I stuff so much food in my mouth making me choke

" Have water my lady "

"I'm fine" I said pushing the glass of water away

" I'm fine, you think I'm lying??" which I am

" No my lady " he said

" You do look because I'm human doesn't mean I'm weak and stop giving me that treatment " I said clearly pissed off

" I'm sorry my lady, I've never seen you as someone weak" he said

"Tell that to the dogs in the street, I'm tired of you all treating me like an eighth years old I'm going to start stabbing someone for you all to know I'm no kid

Look into my eyes and tell me you don't think I'm weak " I said to the butler like he was my lover or brother

Raising his head high he looked me in the eyes and said

" My lady I don't see you as someone weak as a matter of fact we don't, the news of you killing an ogre has reached the whole of Persia and we highly respect you "

" Oh " that's all I could say feeling embarrassed, I messed up big big big time

We weren't much and everyone was busy fighting some of the ogre I didn't expect them to have noticed

" Well I'm sorry didn't mean to flare up like that, I had a rough night with that big headed King of yours" I said intentionally pushing the blame to the innocent King there's no way I'm going to take the fall making the servants eyes widen in surprise because I called him big headed

" You shouldn't apologize to me my lady"

" I know"

" My lady you sent for me" Maria said

" Did you deliver my message to lady Irene?"

" Yes, my lady she said she wouldn't be able to accompany you that she's traveling to Nalthis this morning "

" Okay, clear the dishes I'm full "

Standing up feeling disappointed I left the dining hall going back to the king chamber when I bumped into someone with the way he was dressed, I know he was someone of great importance probably the king guest

I will just apologize and continue I don't need any problem I have enough on my plate

" I'm sorry, I "

" It's fine, Shara right?" He asked

" Yeah "

The butler wasn't lying my name has really gone far, I will make sure the king gives him higher position

" Good , I heard you were beautiful but I'm feeling disappointed"

" Excuse you??"

" Come with me " he said grabbing my hand pulling me towards him

Snatching my hand from him, I hit him putting a fighting stance

" You must think I'm your little niece"

" Ohh I love that " he said chuckling

" I'm sorry I should have introduced myself, my name is Shen I'm one of Irene distance relatives, I came to Persia yesterday " he said

" Why will I believe you?" I asked

" Because she asked me to accompany you to the city "

" Don't believe you, you heard it when I was asking Maria this morning or when she was telling lady Irene "

"The second because I was with Irene when she came, if you don't want to come it's fine I really don't want to babysit anybody"

I will go with him, I really need to get somethings from the city market and study the area and if anything goes wrong I can easily fight my way out

" I will go with you only because you said the truth when you said I wasn't beautiful whoever spread that rumor is stupid let's go" I said grabbing his hand taking him by surprise

" Wait" he stopped

" What?? You aren't changing your mind are you?"

" No , we need to change put on commoner clothes "

" Okay where are the clothes?"

" Don't ask me I don't have any for you, you should have one "

"No you should have one, it was your idea"

" It was , I don't have any female clothes I'm a man except you are planing on wearing one"

" Okay "

" Okay what ?"

" Okay I'm putting on trousers let's go "

" You do know you're a lady" he said

" Ah you talk too much, I don't care let's go "

" If you aren't Dragan lady I would have made you mine "

( rolling my eyes) " Now I'm blushing" I said with sarcasm

" Ha ha" chuckling he took my hand and led me to the stables through a back door

" How did you know there was a back door?" I asked

" Did you miss the part when I said I was a relative"

" Distance"

" Now you're acting like Dan, I think Dragan has a thing for people like Dan "

" Don't ever say that, that blood sucker and I have nothing in common, by the way why are we passing through the back door?"

" Because you dear husband is around "

" So? He wouldn't care"

" He would, Dragan is a jealous man and to top it I'm his least favorite person "

" Ohh I see , I knew there was something suspicious about you immediately you led me through the back door, what did you?"

" A "

Not letting him say a word I continued "Wait I think I know, no I don't

hmm what could you possibly do because you can't do nothing to that man in there"

" Ouch you hurt my ego baby girl " he said

" That's just the tip of the iceberg brother "