
Blue Lock: Shield Demon

A Blue Lock fan-fic centered around Godo Kazuhito a Self Insert/Fan-Fic. OC is a dedicated centre back/central defensive midfielder that's known as the Shield Demon Striker this... A striker that...what's so great about them? Why do people idolize them? I have to tear them all down. It's up to me to destroy them all and to take all their glory for myself. Godo Kazuhito after witnessing a horrific incident decides to tear down every last striker's fame and glory. What will happen to Blue Lock after this anomaly enters their gates and plans on destroying the strikers until he's the last one standing? Godo Kazuhito will tear down all of the Strikers along with their fame and glory and takes it for himself after being invited to a place that has gathered all of the best strikers.

Wraze_Vengeance · 漫画同人
5 Chs


Timeskip: 9 years

'Watching father was always awe inspiring and had my heart beating faster and faster each time he got in a one vs one situation, or a scoring opportunity. He always had me thinking how does he do that so calmly or why does he do that move in that situation, I always wanted to learn and improve myself from the things he does on the pitch'.

The boy sitting at the couch can be seen to be at least 5'6/166 cm and 83 pounds 38 kg, while watching a soccer match and celebrates as a man scores a goal.

'LETS GOO, GOOALLL!! You're soo cool dad, man he's so awesome, don't you also think he's awesome mom?!!.

Yes dear I agree your father is awesome, the best man in the world even. The best husband I could ever ask for says the women while cooking food.

'Mom do you think I'll be able to play like that? Almost like father? He's so cool on the pitch; anytime he has the ball it almost feels like he'll score at any moment. Looking back at the t.v. he speaks to himself I'll be the best striker ever, better than all the greats before me and even better than my father that's for sure.'

'I think you'll be just as good or even better than your father Kazuhito, look at you you're taller and stronger than most of the other kids your age and you've been constantly training both sides of your brain by using both your hands and legs than just using one over the other more frequently.'

Now come and sit down to eat dinner is done, you don't want it to get cold now.

But mom, the game is going into extra minutes, please let me finish watching it please, pleads kazuhito.

'No, your father already has 2 goals and 1 assist, we can leave it on in the background, but I want you to come sit down and eat you food, how do you think your going to handle going against men with those big, bulky statures and try to score against them? Now come eat.'

'Ughhh fine whatever you say mom', dad I hope this food makes me grow faster so I can play against you one day. Thanks for the food mom. He begins to tear that ish up, like there's no tomorrow.

Two months later

'Dad, dad, dad let me play against you please it's so much fun trying to score against you and try to beat you in one v ones, even though granted I barely win trying is still fun.'

'Fine, fine just one more game then that's it'

Kazuhito grabs the ball and places it in the middle of the yard facing off against his father. You ready dad? I hope you're ready to lose today. The boy immediately starts to dribble the ball to try and break off his defender with his technique which is above average for his age but against pros it's barely even nothing. 'Haha I got him this time, look at him so lost I got this; by doing moves like the elastico and the scissor he thinks he broke off his defender, but in reality his defender didn't leave his side, and as he tries to shoot he immediately gets cut off and hits the defender instead of scoring.

'Tsk ahhhhhhh, why can't I score against you?! God I hate this feeling of being looked down upon! Kazuhito hits the floor in anger. I wish you were in my position and I was in yours how would you feel to be stripped of all your glory after scoring so often then it being stripped away by one defender, kazuhito thinks but doesn't say to his dad. Wait, if I become a defender can I be the one that takes away all the spectators attention on them and put it on me by stopping them? Kazuhito ponders as he starts to get up after being in the floor.

'That was a good strike son, you have the makings of a perfect striker, especially when Japan is in need of strikers as of right now.' Also son I've realized that I haven't been able to play with you as often and that our training has decreased that why me and your mother decided to put you into a youth soccer team.'

WHAT?? This came out of no where I'm not ready for this information to just jump out at me. I mean I only just had a realization that defending is going to be my main goal, but is it what I want to be truly I need to get the sensation of what my imagination created after imagining stopping a goal opportunity and scoring chance to grant them the lead, but being the person who stops a lead opportunity and tone shifter for the other team just gets me so hype thinking about it; like if I'm the one who stops Messi from scoring what would have been an insane goal with a leg block I would feel so cool and confident.

After thinking about it for a while I decide to agree and join a youth team hopefully furthering my feeling that defending is where it's at. Not being a striker.

Couple weeks go by.

Going to the youth training camp for the first time a lot of eyes were on me, being the line son of a famous and great striker in the country put eyes and ears on me, they either feared me or joined me in helping each other improve our skills. My father always told me keep improving your technique, your body will grow with you, but if you ignore your technique and skills they'll grow old and decrease in quality keeping them sharpened will help with your career. Among the 30 kids in the camp I definitely had the best technique, but that didn't mean I was the best scorer. There were numerous others who could score much more goals than I, and that further improved my determination in wanting to put all of these wanna be strikers in their place in the face of a true defender.

Throughout the course of the camp I greatly improved my technique and skills to the point where my father had to try a little more harder than he would've done especially when he was on the offense against his son. During the camp kazuhito also found the time to improve on his physique always doing a core work at any moment throughout the day, almost all the time he was doing a core workout; you can clearly see his visible 4 pack and strong body through his soccer outfit. Among all of the youth students he was by far the strongest both mentally and physically.

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