
Blue Lock: Shield Demon

A Blue Lock fan-fic centered around Godo Kazuhito a Self Insert/Fan-Fic. OC is a dedicated centre back/central defensive midfielder that's known as the Shield Demon Striker this... A striker that...what's so great about them? Why do people idolize them? I have to tear them all down. It's up to me to destroy them all and to take all their glory for myself. Godo Kazuhito after witnessing a horrific incident decides to tear down every last striker's fame and glory. What will happen to Blue Lock after this anomaly enters their gates and plans on destroying the strikers until he's the last one standing? Godo Kazuhito will tear down all of the Strikers along with their fame and glory and takes it for himself after being invited to a place that has gathered all of the best strikers.

Wraze_Vengeance · Anime & Comics
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Tenacious and Victory?

During a soccer camp game, we see a young boy standing in the middle of the pitch looking at both his teammates and opponents questioning himself why they play so boringly. Granted he is still only 10 years old, but all of the other 21 players play the same way and have no life to them or any sense of righteousness while playing. None of them give off that excited feeling he experiences when watching others play. The boy still decides to try and carry his team to victory no matter how he may feel about them because they are teammates and have trained countless hours together.

The game is tied 2-2 and the opponents have the ball in their half near the goal with only 10 minutes remaining in the match. The opposing players' star striker has scored 2 goals against Kazuhito's team all scoring chances after a free kick. The star striker who goes by the name Ryuu is aiming to score a hat-trick and finally put this game to rest, as he approaches the goal in a 3v2 situation against Kazuhito and his goal keeper while Ryuu has two teammates on his left and right side. What will Ryuu do? Will he pass, will he go into a 1v1 situation.

As Ryuu is thinking about what he should do Kazuhito doesn't question anything and relies on his instincts and tenaciousness as he rushes towards Ryuu dead set on stopping him from scoring at any costs. As Kazuhito approaches Ryuu, he realizes that he isn't slowing down and is completely ignoring Ryuu's other teammates, Ryuu sees this and decides to accept Kazuhitos 1v1, and Ryuu starts to perform all kinds of dribble moves showing off his technique against Kazuhito.

Kazuhito watches as Ryuu tries to break off from him in order to break free and score, but Kazuhito doesn't fall for his techniques and instead he thinks ahh man I hate when this happens. Everytime I get in the zone when facing father I feel like my concentration is on a whole other level, and this boy did this to me, I've never been pushed this hard mentally and physically those goals he scored granted free kicks hurt my pride because those two times I had opportunities to step in for my teammates and stop Ryuu, but I didn't.

Kazuhito determined and confidently shuts down Ryuu right there and then, you hear gasps and complaints from both parents and teammates, and at that moment a flip switched.

Instantly Kazuhito himself snatches the ball and instantly starts running towards the opposite pitch. Kazuhitos teammates took a couple of minutes to comprehend what just happened, but soon begin to follow Kazuhito all having the feeling that he'll win this game.

While carrying the ball up Kazuhito runs into numerous 1v2 situations, but using his techniques and skills the opponents couldn't handle him he was too good even his own teammates were awestruck, was Kazuhito even trying before this match? They all thought that.

As Kazuhitos showing off his skills he begins to think, dang stopping that boy earlier was actually really fun, you see a bright smile slowly creep on the boy as he's destroying the opposing team by himself no one can stop him. The way he looked up at me as I completely crushed him was invigorating! I want to do that to others like him, other great players, players so full of hope and confidence that they'll win the game for themselves and there teams, but then I come in and tear it all down. And score MY OWN GOAL.

Kazuhito approaches the goal after beating a team with his techniques not a single person able to stop him, the goal keeper gets chills down his back as he looks at Kazuhito almost as if he saw a demon on his back telling him. 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒑 𝒉𝒊𝒎 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒔𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈. The goal keeper completely shuts down and almost accepts his fate, but still attempts to stop the boy.

Kazuhito lets it rip! You could hear a crack like sound come from the shot the boy took, to Kazuhito his tenaciousness of keeping the ball for himself and not letting his opponents take the ball, and finding ways to earn more joy while playing on the pitch granted him a new strength, power, and ego. The will to crush everything and everyone that attempts to take glory for themselves. No HE will be the one who takes from others, while also protecting his own.

Swoosh, the ball enters the back of the net almost as if it was drawn into it. GOOAAL!! Kazuhito scores in the final minutes of the game and seals the victory! Scrams of joy and excitement come from the boy as he pumps his fists screaming YES!! His teammates celebrate his goal with him, and can sense something in him, but they don't know what yet.

After celebrating and going back to the middle of the pitch, the opposing team attempts to counter-attack but that lack of time and solid defense said other wise as Kazuhito quickly shuts them down.

Kazuhito meets up with Ryuu and thanks him for helping him find his calling, and that it was a fun he's match that made him try; almost like when he plays against his father he says. Ryuu replies back with 'Man you really were a tough cookie man, when I saw you on the pitch and anytime I had a 1v1 with you I got scared, but I knew I had to do it at least once and that one time ended in a complete failure; shutdown really. You were really tenacious out there I've never met someone so committed to stopping me and not even worrying about my teammates. It was fun though, I hope we get to play again sometime either as teammates or opponents.

I agree man, anyways good luck out there stay safe and have fun.

The two boys go there separate ways, but who knows what might be in stores for them.

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