
Bloody Fairy (First Version and Dropped)

Fairy Tail's very own Blood Dragon Slayer.

Starr_Dakota · 漫画同人
20 Chs

Dragons Vs. Dragon

Drake launched a Blood Dragon's Roar at the dragon before it could attack him and tried to get away. The dragon grabbed him through the smoke and threw him towards the ground at a ridiculous speed. Drake quickly used his flame like blood red magic to slow his momentum just before he hit the ground. He still bounced off of it but he managed to negate most of the damage he would have taken. He saw the dragon's claws scrape the ground next to him before its hand slammed into him and launched him through several buildings. He got to his hands and knees and puked blood as the dragon landed next to him.

"I suppose I should tell you my name before you die dragon." It told Drake as it leaned its head closer to him, "I am Acnologia, the king of the dragons."

"Mom?" Drake asked as he suddenly heard his mother's voice inside of his head. A dark red form slammed into Acnologia and knocked him away from Drake. He looked up and saw the silhouette of a dragon in front of him.

"I'm sorry I left you alone for so long." She told him as she cut her arm and looked at Acnologia as he flew towards them, "Drink and get out of here Drake."

"Like hell." Drake told her as he wiped the blood off of his mouth with his wounds healed and his power exponentially higher. She looked back at Drake and he was using Satan Soul. He remembered the feeling of the transformation from the strange memory he had. Both Blood Dragons formed magic in their hands as Acnologia got closer.

"BLOOD DRAGON SACRED ART: BLEEDING STORM!" They yelled together as they slammed their hands on the ground and a pillar of blood magic erupted under Acnologia, launching him into the air since he wasn't prepared for it. The Fairy Tail mages watched as the two Blood Dragons chased after him at mach speed.

"I thought Drake was terrified of the black dragon?" Elfman asked Mira as they watched him crash into Acnologia with the other dragon catching him.

"I think that's Enve he's with. It was the dragon he called his mother and his courage is probably boosted with her there with him." Mira explained as she began to make her way to them as they fought above warzone. She saw Natsu rocketing towards Drake and stopped in her tracks. Drake saw the fire ball and smirked at the Fire Dragon Slayer's tenacity.

"Natsu grab on!" Drake yelled to him as he held his hand out. Natsu grabbed his hand and Drake threw Natsu as hard as he could straight for Acnologia. Natsu used his fire magic to increase his velocity and slammed straight into Acnologia, making an opening for Enve to attack him.

"You chose the wrong guild to mess with Acnologia!" Natsu yelled as they hopped on her back. Her eyes widened before they threw them away from the fight. They were both surprised until they saw Enve get hit by a breath attack from Acnologia.

"NO!" Both boys screamed as they fell towards the ground. All three of them crashed to the ground and the two Slayers rushed towards the dragon as Acnologia flew away. Enve looked at Drake and was ready to finally tell him who he was.

"Drake you're..." Mira and Lucy couldn't hear the last part but saw Natsu and Drake look at each other in surprise. Drake began to cry as she disappeared. Mira hugged Drake and Natsu out a sympathetic hand on his shoulder. He wiped his face as their Exceed friends flew over to them.

"My boy!" Makarov yelled and the five of them turned to see all of Fairy Tail holding their hands up with their fingers in the shape of an L. They silently held their hands up as well before making their way to the other mages.