
Chapter 1️⃣1️⃣ - Mission (2)

'Finally. We're here' I thought

Glancing to my left I see Momo laying on my shoulder.

She had been laying on my shoulder for about 30 minutes. After turning on the movie I heard her yawn a couple of minutes in.

That's when I realize she must've been tired as it was still morning. So I didn't wake her up.

'Now that we're here I should wake her up'

"Nishimiya." I spoke up moving my shoulder a bit.

"Nishimiya. Wake up we're at the hotel." I said close to her ear.

Waking up slowly she started yawning. After that she stretches her little arms hitting the ceiling of the car.

"What...what happened?" Momo questioned rubbing her eyes

"We were watching the Avengers then you began yawning & went to nap on my shoulder. We're at the hotel now so you can get some rest there. We start the mission later on today." I said getting out of the car.

"Well If you didn't put that trash movie on I wouldn't have fallen to sleep." Momo rents as her cheeks turned red a bit getting out of the car embarrassed.

"Yeah, yeah you were tired before the movie started. Anyway let's get our stuff from the trunk." I said strolling to the back of the car.

Opening the compartment I see me & Momo's luggage. Grabbing both I walked to the hotel doors.

"Nishimiya can you get the door?" I requested

"I can carry my stuff Kamo. I'm not weak." She claims snatching her luggage from my hand.

"I know. Nishimiya." I said

"Then stop treating me like I am." Momo stated

Stepping inside I see indoor pools as well as a fitness area. Wandering deeper into the hotel I see their restaurants which were probably the most luxurious I saw both in my past life & this life. Matter of fact this hotel is the most lavish I saw in both lives.

This is surprising due to me being from the big three families. But also not surprising as my father would keep me in the house to train.

'How did the school afford this? How did they get three rooms in this hotel?' I thought shaking my head. 'Shit...I don't care if only they can pay us sorcerers good money for missions I'll be fine not knowing'

Anyways Me, Momo & the auxiliary manager went to our rooms to get our stuff unpacked so we can get some rest. After all we don't want to be tired for this mission as people's lives are on the line.

After a couple of hours of sleep. We settled on having lunch in one of the diners in the hotel.

"Like Utahime - Sama said twenty-one people went missing. Mostly done by a cursed spirit but we should not rule out a curse user." The auxiliary manager spoke out

"Can we not track them?" I questioned eating the famous Kobe beef. (Pause.)

"Well, we are having trouble pinpointing the cursed spirit or user." Auxiliary manager declared

'If this is a curse user work. Would I be prepared to kill a human if necessary? Even if they are a curse user would I be able to kill them for the good? They are still humans? Right?.... No! I can't have a thought like this they are people who use curse energy for their gain & enjoyment without the care of others. I shouldn't have a thought like this if I kill one I save many more'

"Didn't a sorcerer detect cursed energy?" Momo questioned

"Yes but it was barely noticeable as if the cursed spirit or user was attempting to conceal their tracks." Auxiliary manager answered

"This might be a curse user doing." Momo declares

"If so this will be troublesome. We might retreat if the headmaster decides." The auxiliary manager says.

Nodding. "We should get going then."


"I'll be nearby so alert me when the mission is completed or when something unexpected happens." The auxiliary manager said taking a turn and stopping.

After that Momo & I got out of the car heading toward the alleyway. It was still day but almost night.

The smell got strong as we went into the alleyway. Strong beef flavors were floating through the air.

Looking to my right I see Momo's mouth was becoming watery like a dog getting a treat.

"Even though I ate this smell is making me hungry again." Momo says

"I was expecting fewer people here as twenty-one people did go missing. I thought this would be a ghost town." I said

"Same." Momo says

"Nishimiya since there are more people than we thought can you go up top & see if you detect curse energy residual." I questioned

"Yeah, I was about to do that." She said

"I have your number so just call me when you sense curse energy. I'll do the same if needed." I declared

Nodding she got on her broom.

"Wait before you go....be safe." I said glancing at her.

"I'll be fine Kamo - Kun there's a low chance of a curse getting me from the sky. You be safe as well even though I know you be ok. You are grade 2 after all." Momo says as she started flying in the air.

'Stay alive Nishimiya' I thought looking at her in the sky.

Wandering through the alleyway I see small stores with people setting at eating.

'Let's just hope this mission goes well'