
Blood Moon, Black Night

Prologue : After his newborn daughter is taken, and his wife mysteriously disappears, with the police not taking her disappearance seriously, William must risk everything, including being seen in werewolf form, to hunt down his wife and find out where his daughter has been taken, and fight to get her back, The only piece left of his missing wife. Chapters: Following William's daughter as she grows up, discovering she is a werewolf, and tries to reclaim her culture, along the way she meets other humans with animal forms, and might even fall in love.

Alex_Brothers · 奇幻言情
7 Chs

Prologue 3

Lucene looked at the MCFS workers with horror, as memories of the reasons her own mother had hidden her away from white communities came flooding back. She should have never come to the city hospital, but she was scared to attempt to birth at home in case something went wrong. There was no reason they should be taking their daughter, they had a house, Will had a job, he drank after work, but so did the white father he had been adopted to. It wasn't illegal to drink after work, and Lucene had drank occasionally but never everyday and not once while she was pregnant. Neither of them had ever touched drugs, so why? It was William who finally spoke up 'why? what right do you have to take our daughter?' The Woman answered, 'someone from the hospital called and alerted us of a native couple whom both smelled of alcohol and the woman was about to give birth, which is enough for us to take the child until we can confirm you both are able to be proper parents.'

'No, you cannot take her, Lucene barely drinks and never has during her pregnancy!' William challenged the woman. This time one of the men behind the woman spoke up 'if you do not readily give us the child, we will have to involve the police, I'm sure nobody wants that.'

'Actually yes, I would like you to call the police, I dont know you, how do I know you're really from MCFS?' William thundered. The man shrugged his shoulders and replied, 'As you wish, but this will not go over well for you if you are going to continue to act aggressively.'

The man left the room for a few minutes and came back informing the couple that police are on their way. Lucene hugged her daughter close and prayed to the creator that her daughter would not be taken. William was next to her holding her hand and gazing intently at his newborn daughters face. 'She has your blue eyes' he whispered softly. 'what are the chances of that?'

Heavy Boots could be heard in the hallway as the police headed toward the maternity ward, they arrived in the room, and the lady MCFS worker looked at them and explained 'we were called by a hospital worker who was concerned both parents are drunk, and they drove here, and they are refusing to let us take the child'. William sneered, 'And I told them my wife has not touched a drop of alcohol since she's been pregnant.' The officer frowned at William, 'I'm sorry sir, but you are going to have to let them take the child until you both and the home which you live can be properly validated as safe for the child'. William stood up and said loudly 'Over my dead body.' The officer glared at William and told him 'Sir I'm going to need to place you under arrest for being drunk in public.'

'This is ridiculous! my wife just gave birth, the child is taken and you are arresting me! have you no humanity?' screamed William as the officer cuffed him and pushed him towards the exit, leaving Lucene alone to watch the child being whisked away by MCFS. Lucene began to weep, what was supposed to be a celebrated day turned into the worst day of her life. She ended up crying herself to sleep.

The next morning a nurse came in and began to unhook Lucene's IVs. 'You are well enough that we are discharging you this morning.' Lucene gasped and told the nurse, 'but my husband has not returned and he has the car keys and money, plus I just had a baby, how will I get home?' The nurse pursued her lips 'well then you'll have to call someone, family or a friend that can pick you up.' Lucene frowned knowing there was no one she could call to pick her up. She got dressed and wandered to the exit. Upon exiting the hospital, she glanced at her and William's car and sighed. 'For fucksakes!' she exclaimed, and started walking towards the highway that would lead towards Fort Qu'Appelle.