
Blood Moon, Black Night

Prologue : After his newborn daughter is taken, and his wife mysteriously disappears, with the police not taking her disappearance seriously, William must risk everything, including being seen in werewolf form, to hunt down his wife and find out where his daughter has been taken, and fight to get her back, The only piece left of his missing wife. Chapters: Following William's daughter as she grows up, discovering she is a werewolf, and tries to reclaim her culture, along the way she meets other humans with animal forms, and might even fall in love.

Alex_Brothers · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Prologue 4

As Lucene wandered down Victoria Avenue, the road leading through east end Regina to the highway, she wondered how yesterday could have gone so wrong so fast, Canada is a country that preaches multiculturalism, yet being indigenous still meant being treated like a drunk or a druggie, the lowest of the low, even if you were not. Lucene walked past disheveled houses and run down looking bars as she walked. She glanced inside a bus stop which reeked of listerine and noticed a drowsy, disheveled looking native man passed out inside the bus shelter, with an empty plastic listerine bottle at his feet. He looked to be in his 40's or 50's, his black hair showing a few whites and greys peeking out. She felt a twinge of pain for the man, wondering what kind of life he may have lead that he ended up where he did. It seemed to be a common burden between Indigenous people to carry deep pain which was inflicted upon them since the white settlers decided to push them onto reservations and force residential schools upon the young indigenous children to white wash the lives of future indigenous people. Lucene wondered what kind of life she might have led had she grown up in the city, or even been subjected to residential school or the sixties scoop. Even though Lucene did not get to see much of her mother, who stayed down south after taking a baby Lucene up north to stay with relatives, Lucene was at least thankful to grow up around a loving family, and learn what pieces of her culture she could, Even though her mother's pain ultimately led to her death before Lucene could really get to know her. William did not have that kind of chance, the only thing he had of his family was his last name, Whitewolf. His adoptive father was a drunk and a brute, and William faced the brunt of it most of his life, he no longer talked or had contact with his adoptive parents, and they could likely care less. As Lucene walked, the scenery changed from run down slums, to nice suburban homes and nice restaurants. Lucene could tell she was getting close to the highway, and decided to take a quick sit down on a wall of bricks before moving on. She sat down taking in the warm June morning sun and fresh air. Her mind wondered over to thoughts of how William might be doing, she guessed since it was a weekend, Saturday to be exact, that he likely wouldn't be let out of his cell until Monday. He would probably go to the hospital thinking she would still be there, he would probably worry when he discovers she is not there. She decided she would phone the hospital when she gets home so they can inform her husband that she is at home safe.

After 10 minutes, Lucene got up and began walking again. When she got to an area with a Starbucks and Costco gas station, she decided to fish a piece of cardboard out of the back bin, and she wrote Fort Qu'Appelle on it with a sharpy marker she kept in her purse, She then sat near the gas station where she could be seen while people where filling up. She wasn't sure how long she might have to wait, but she had hitchhiked a couple times and knew it could take awhile. She wasn't scared, because she was sure she could sense a creep or a pervert from a mile away.

Lucene waited about an hour before a young gentleman with dark brown hair and light colored skin, drove up to the pumps in a white Toyota car. He opened his door and his eyes met Lucene's, he smiled at her and turned to walk into the gas station. He came out minutes later and sauntered towards Lucene, still smiling. He stopped in front of her, 'you need a ride to Fort Qu'Appelle, I am going that way.' he told her.

Lucene thought for a moment, then stood up and said, 'great, that would be great.' and followed the man to the car. She paused before opening the door, wondering if she should take the ride or not. He doesn't seem dangerous, and Lucene just wanted to get home as fast as possible and rest and focus on trying to get her daughter back in her custody. She climbed into the passenger side and buckled up. The man took a cigarette pack from the centre console and held it to her, offering her one. She took it and lit it and the cars car's engine roared to life, and they were off down the highway. 'So what's in Fort Qu'Appelle?' he asked her. 'I'm actually headed to the Fort San area on Echo Lake, its where I live.' she replied. 'you live with family?' he asked again. 'with my husband, he's actually at home waiting for me'. she replied. 'why are you in the city without your husband?' he pried. 'He had to work while I was in the hospital, and couldn't pick me up', she lied. 'hmmph, some husband you have,' he replied again. His prying made Lucene uncomfortable but he did not ask more questions, they sat in silence. They arrived in Balgonie and he took a turn to the 364 road. 'Wait, we are supposed to keep to the 10!' Lucene exclaimed in a worried voice. She can almost feel sweat begin to drip from her brow. The man says to her, 'This way will take you to where you are going, it's just a small detour, I promise I will take you to Echo Lake, okay?' Lucene drew a breath and slowly began to relax, at least she had a ride all the way to her place.

After some time she briefly noticed a sign reading Edenwold 5, meaning a town called Edenwold was 5 kilometers away. Likely the usual small Saskatchewan hick town, When she felt something cover her face briefly before everything went completely black, and Lucene blacked out.