
Bleach : The Onigami

The Shinigami With The Horns Of The Devil Himself, The Onigami. "The Onigami Captain has arrived!!" "Who the hell gave me that name?!" "Captain, your horns have grown too large again, would you like me to saw them down?" "Fuck you!" "Are you a Hollow or a Shinigami?" "Do you want to be killed with a Cero or Kido?" What happens when a commoner gets reborn in a not-so-common world? Let's see what happens

Wushu_Drunken_Hobo · 漫画同人
11 Chs

Secret Underground Bases


"Slurp. Slurp"

A black cat slurped tea from a teacup, looking surprisingly elegant.

"How can you look so elegant while being a cat?"

The young man asked the cat.

"It's because I'm Yoruichi." The cat spoke.

The cat had the rough voice of a middle-aged man.

The young man next to him frowned with a weird voice as he spoke to the cat.

"This voice really doesn't suit your real appearance you know." He spoke.

The cat meowed a few times and spoke again in the voice of a young woman.

"Perhaps you're right. Acting as a man indeed doesn't suit the beautiful me."

The young Yoruichi was frivolous and proud of herself, a slight difference from the one met by Ichigo Kurosaki.

"Haha! Perhaps indeed."

The young man laughed as he spoke.

"You hear about the newcomer, Kisuke?" The cat looked at Kisuke, as she lazily lied down.

"The newcomer? Who do you mean? I haven't been informed about the things happening inside the soul society for some time, sorry."

Kisuke shook his head, not remembering any newcomers before he'd left the Soul Society, coming to the human world.

"Ah right. The newcomer is from the 6th division. He graduated from the academy in just a year and was personally recruited by old man Kuchiki's son himself."

"Ho? Is that so?"

Urahara raised his eyebrows, having surprise in his eyes. He smiled as he sipped some tea and replied to her.

"If he grows well then, we might as well have a 100% chance to get a new captain in the future."

"Indeed." Yoruichi meowed. She laid down on her stomach and looked Kisuke in his eyes.

"He's in the human world right now too. Want to go visit him?"

Kisuke's eyes showed some curiosity as he stood up. Yoruichi jumped on his head and scratched it. She raised her paw and smacked his head as she pointed it in a certain direction.

"Let's go! He should be in Edo right now."

"Sure, sure whatever you say."

Kisuke wryly smiled as he Shunpo'd away.


"Ah shit! What the hell is this?!"

Seimei looked at his reflection within the pond as he looked at his horns.

They were pure black and were slightly outside his forehead.

The tips of the horns were already out, feeling surprisingly pointy and sharp.

"Go back in!"

Seimei frowned as he gripped the horn.

He pressed his horn with all the force he could muster but the horns were still present.

Seimei sighed with regret and shook his head.

'How the hell did I get horns?'

He rubbed his finger over his horn and looked at his horn which had a white mark.

"Maybe it'll disappear if I go back into my gigai." Seimei muttered to himself, trying to convince himself.

He dived into his gigai. It all went well until Seimei felt something tearing through his gigai.

"Oh shit!"

Seimei cursed as his soul slowly entered into gigai. But instead of the horns disappearing, they slowly tore out through the gigai.

After a few minutes, Seimei stood dazedly. His gigai had 2 holes in its forehead, 2 familiar horns poking out from them.

"How do I hide these…"

Just as he spoke, two figures appeared in front of him.

Well, it was one figure and a cat.

"Aiya aiya, would you like some help right there."


"Is the genius you meant…him?"

Kisuke asked Yoruichi, as he saw a black-haired man pinching his forehead and trying to press something back in.

"What happened to him? He shouldn't be acting so…erratic?"

Yoruichi spoke after a slight pause.

"Well, whatever! We'll automatically learn after we meet him, won't we?" Kisuke spoke optimistically.

He disappeared from his spot and stood in front of the now squatting and constantly sighing Seimei.


Seimei raised his head as he looked at the figure who appeared in front of him.

It was a familiar figure, one who had been his favorite character for a long, long time.

"Urahara Kisuke?" Seimei unconsciously spoke.

"You know my name?" Kisuke asked in surprise as he looked at Seimei.

Seimei looked at the cat above Kisuke's head.

It was a black cat, the kind that would be called ominous in many cultures but Seimei knew that it was the fan-favorite all time best girl, Shihoin Yoruichi.

"So, she's here too…" He murmured to himself.

Just then, something clicked within Seimei's head.

Kisuke was the most talented scientist within the history of Soul Society. He was the one who had created the Hōgyoku, the reishi hiding gigai and was also the first president of the Special Research and Development Institute. Perhaps he'd be able to help him hide the horns on his head.

"Yes, I know your name! You're very famous!" Seimei spoke in a slightly annoying tone.

"Am I?" Urahara pointed at himself and asked another question.

"I guess you are? I mean I know you so many more people should know you too, right?"

Urahara looked at Seimei with a 'i-don't-believe-you-but-ok' gaze as he shook his head.

"Anyway Kisuke! I need your help with something!"

Seimei suddenly stood up and looked at Urahara with a hopeful gaze.

'Where did the honorific disappear to?' Yoruichi thought as she looked at Seimei.

"Help? Help with what?" Urahara asked Seimei curiously. He wanted to know what a so-called genius like Seimei needed help with.

"I want you to hide these! Or remove these if you can."

Seimei lifted up his hair and exposed his horns. The pitch-black horns gleamed under the light of the moon and looked slightly mesmerizing.

"Oh my." Kisuke exclaimed as he looked at the horns as he extended his hands towards them.

But before touching them, he asked Seimei.

"I can touch them, right?"

Seimei nodded his head in affirmation as he felt the hands of Kisuke on his horns. It was a weird feeling but something he had to deal with.

"The toughness of these is pretty high. They're as hard as some spirit-steel actually, perhaps even harder."

Urahara analyzed as he touched the horns.

He looked at Seimei and spoke to him.

"I can only make an initial assessment of them right now. If you want me to make a deeper analysis of this then we'll have to go to my laboratory in the Soul Society."

Seimei nodded as he scratched his head.

"What should I do about this then? I don't want to show them in broad daylight."

Urahara looked thoughtful for a second as he suddenly smiled.

Yoruichi sighed even as a cat.

"How about this… I'll sell you a mask which can make you look like anyone you want to look like. It only costs 1000 kan! I'll give you a 10% discount and sell it to you for 900 kan."

Just then, Seimei remembered that Urahara was a shred businessman.

He looked desperate as he put his hands In his pocket and pulled out 1000 kan coin.

He sadly looked at it and placed it in the hands of Kisuke.

Kisuke put his hand inside his shihakusho and pulled out a faceless human mask.

"Just place this on your face and imagine the face you want to make it look like and bam!"

Seimei snatched the mask from Kisuke's hand and placed it on his face, imagining his own face.

The mask slowly molded to look like his face.

As the mask finished molding, Seimei thought that his predicament had been dealt with.

But just then, Seimei heard a familiar tear.

He looked upwards as he saw familiar 2 black dots on his forehead.

He looked at Kisuke who had an awkward face and extended his hand.

"Defective product, give me my money back."

Kisuke froze as he slowly gave back the money he took from Seimei.

Not only had he sold an item for no reason, he had also lost 900 kan.


A white smoke cloud appeared in front of Seimei and Kisuke, with a brown skinned beauty appearing in front of them.

Kisuke threw a change of clothes immediately as the smoke cloud appeared, appearing quite familiar with this action.

The figure inside the smoke cloud immediately disappeared, re-appearing while wearing a black sleeveless and backless Onmitsukido uniform, with long black wrist guards. She had a ribbon tied around her neck. She had a armband of her left arm, with the division symbol and number "2".

She was Shihoin Yoruichi, the current lieutenant of the 2nd division and a member of the Onmitsukido, while not being its captain.

"Every time I look at your uniform, I'm reminded that my childhood friend has already come so far, sigh. Maybe you'll be the captain of the Onmitsukido and the 2nd Division." Kisuke spoke with an exaggerated tone.

"Well, aren't you a part of the detention unit too? Who knows maybe you'll be its captain one day."

Yoruichi replied with an equally exaggerated tone.

"Indeed. You're both right." Seimei suddenly interrupted, speaking in an almost-certain tone.

Kisuke and Yoruichi looked at Seimei who had replied so seriously. The two looked at each other and smiled at the same time.

They felt as though Seimei was someone familiar to them, the laid back yet slightly goofy and serious at the same time attitude felt very familiar to them.

"How do you know that?" Yoruichi asked with a smile.

"Yeah, tell us; Prophet-san." Kisuke supported her with a smile too.

Seimei suddenly felt like he didn't have a proper answer. He scratched his head and simply replied, "Well, let's just say I can see things."

He pointed to his red eyes.

Well, his red eyes had no real powers in them, but the unusual color would perhaps slightly help his excuse.

"Oh?" Yoruichi laughed. "Is that so?"

"Yes? I guess?" Seimei replied.

"I'm not sure myself. But I have a certain feeling that my words won't be wrong."

"Alright, alright whatever you say."

Yoruichi smiled and replied back to him.

"What about you tell me one more thing then? Something that you saw?"

Kisuke suddenly interjected.

Seimei grasped his chin as he sat down on the floor.

'What should I tell them? That Kisuke will become a fraudster shopkeeper who keeps 2 little children and a bulky man with him?'

Seimei suddenly decided on something.

He looked at Kisuke and spoke with a smirk.

"Secret underground training space."