
BLACK & WHITE: Finding My Way Home

Two siblings who got separated when the other was still an infant. The older one Lost it's sister and tried to find it in the three realm, but didn't have any luck. A thousand Years Later and the Baby grow into a fine Young lady, and will Know about her sister, Wil she decide to Look for her sister? Or she will for her sister to find her? If you want to know her decision please join me in their both adventures in the Land of Immortals.

Ms_Yang · 奇幻言情
14 Chs


Dressed in a White clothing, Hand full of flowers, a basket in her back, Xiao was walking in a forest Looking for some herb Xin Yi asked her to. Humming a song while Jumping and walking making the dress fly a bit as the wind catches is.

After they arrived from the Heavenly Realm Xin Yi then Asked Her shijie to Collect Herbs from the mountain outside their Clan's Manor. She didn't get to say No when her Shifu Agreed when Xin Yi Pleaded saying she'll prepared the equipment for making an herbal tea, and so that she could also Explore since she didn't get to go outside that often.

A moment of Walking happily she then come to a halt when she spot a beautiful Orchid, her eyes sparkled as she went nearer to the flower and gaze at it as she smell the scent.

"Beautiful" she complimented before taking out a piece pf Paper and a brush together with a bit of ink which she brought just incase she wants to draw something.

"Didn't expect I would be drawing a flower in the middle of the Forest" she smiles as she starts to brush on the paper unaware of someone staring at her Not far away.

After a while of brushing on the paper, she then lifted it up Infront of her and smiled in satisfaction before gently waving it in the air to dry it without smudging the ink. After she did that she then carefully roll it and put it away before standing.

"Thank you for your beauty little orchid, here's some rewards for you" she said and waved her fingers towards it to give a bit of spiritual energy to make the other of it's flowers bloom in a beautiful–magical Way.

She then smiled and continued her exploration in finding herbs. After her image Disappear, the man then walked towards the flower and gently removing it from the ground and put it in a pot his Companion brought. After that the man look back from the way Xiao went and didn't bother to went after her. After all he already got what he needs.

After A full four hours of spending in the forest she already gathered a bunch of herbs and decided to go back home. She was about to turn back when she heard a growl, she slowly turned around and saw a beast looking at her hungrily.

She didn't notice she has stepped a foot in it's territory making it angry. Feared creeped on her and she stepped back slowly, the beast saw it and charged towards her making her eyes wide and Jumped to the side to avoid the attack.

The beast growled loudly to the point the man from back then, stopped his tracked and look back after realizing something he then run towards the noise.

Xiao Didn't get to bring her sword and so she can only dodge and use her power to attack and defense herself. The beast swayed it's tail and hit her making her fly and dropped into the ground.

She thought: why didn't I noticed the place I'm stepping into! She was still in the state of shock when the beast make another attack, she didn't have time to react and dodge it's attack. She closed her eyes tightly and wait for her to get hit.

She waited but didn't feel any pain, she only heard the beast Cried in pain before it runs back to its place. She opened her eyes and saw a man standing Infront of her.

Wearing a black and blue clothing hand Infront while the other is on his back. She can't help but to only stare at his back until the man turn around.

"You again?" She asked when she recognized the Man.

"Master!" A guy called. "Eh?" He uttered when he spotted her.

"You again miss?" He said. "Why is it you again?" She asked back.

The man in black offered his hand to her, she hesitated a bit but still accepted his hand and stand up before lowering her half body and thank the man.

"Thank You, Sir" she said in a low voice before standing straight and looked at the mans covered face.

"In a forest like this, you shouldn't be out here alone without a weapon" The man calmly said as he retracted his hand.

"I didn't bring my sword with me as I was only picking flowers and finding some herbs" She reasoned and sighed before continuing.

"I didn't notice I stepped into a beast's den" she said and look around.

"You better be careful when you're alone in this kind of place, many danger awaits to any one who dared to walk in here with their guards down" He said making her make an 'oh' sound.

She then thank the man again before turning back to go home. She walked away from them leaveng the two man behind and went home.

"Master?" The guy called hid Master's attention. "It's time to go back" he said in a worried tone. The man didn't answer and just starts to walk in a different way, His Companion behind him not missing any step near him and kept the distance of about 6 meters apart.

Xiao arrived at the Entrance of their Manor and use her Power to open the barrier before closing it back after she entered.

"A-Yi! I have arrived!" She then called in the kitchen. The first person she saw was Her Shixiong.

"Li Shixiong, where's A-yi?" She asked as she put the basket down on a wooden table at the courtyard.

"Inside the kitchen's storage looking for something" He said and went back to cooking.

"A-yi–" she was cut off when she saw Her friends state. She couldn't help but to suppress her laughter.

Xin Yi, face have a hint of coal, hair full of dust walking around the storage room.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"I'm finding the Grinder" Xin Yi replied walking back and forth. After a moment Xiao got dizzy and stop her.

"Okay, stop" she said and held Xin Yi's Shoulder.

"You can't find it when you are looking only at the places you can reach" She explained making Her friend's forever frown. She smiled and point at the very top of the shelf.

"That's what you're looking for" She said. "Who would put an important tools for herb in such a high place!?" She blurted out hands on her waist making Xiao laugh.

"Alright, how about you prepared the hebs and I will Get it" she said and Xin Yi Agreed before turning her back and went outside.

Xiao then climbed and reached for the Grinder before going out the storage room, closing the door and went to the kitchen. Xin Yi is washing the herbs when She arrive on the court yard.

"Here" she said and Put the herb Grinder on the table. "Let me finish that, you get the Dried herbs and start grinding them" She said and went into the bucket where the herbs are washed them before putting it a round winnowing basket.

She then spread onto it before letting dry under the sun and went back to tidy up the bucket and the water before helping Xin Yi.

They were both talking while grinding the dried herb wjen Zhou Li walked towards them with a plate full of snacks.

"Thank You, Li Shixiong" they both said as they take each one. Zhou Li nodded and was about to leave when Xiao asked him.

"Li Shixiong, When will master Come back?" She asked.

When they arrived earlier before Xin Yi asked her for the herbs, their Master Told them he must leave as soon as possible to avoid anymore complications about the barrier. Master Xuan Didn't allowed them to come with him as he's with the other Immortal to make the Barrier strong. They didn't push it more and just agreed to their master.

"Master, will be back by Evening" Zhou Li said and smile before going back inside to make lunch.

"I wonder what's in that mountain" Xin Yi then ask a moment later.

"Well Master did say, it was the mountain were the Friends of the Empress lives a couple of thousands years ago" She just simply said as she put the still uncrushed Herbs.

After about half an hour they have crushed the Herbs into a crumbs, putting it in a small Tea Jar to store it properly. Xin Yi put it away in one of the shelves in the Kitchen while Xiao went to help Zhou Li.

"Li Shixiong, what are you cooking" She asked and take a peak at the pot.

"Main ingredients is chicken" He replied. "And you and Xin Yi's Favorites" He said while smiling.

"Is Kung Pao chicken one of them?" They both asked making the Man chuckled and made an "hm" sound as an answer making the two smile widely.

Lunch time arrived and the Dinning Hall is full of chatter as they all have their lunch. Taking a bite and complementing the cook.

At the foot of the Mountain arrived five men. Master Xuan and the four Immortals gathered at the Bottom of the mountain and discussed the matter about the barrier.

Talking in Calm and Respected manners as they all halt at the entrance of the mountain. A man In Grey was the first one to talk.

"Master Xuan, It has been nice seeing you again" One of them greeted him with a bow. It was the Master Of divine Warriors in the Heavenly Palace.

"It's an honor seeing you with us, Master Feng" he greeted back. "As you all know them Empress has ordered me to strengthen the barrier of this mountain as someone has already tried to break it and almost succeeded. We have to put a stronger barried this time to protect the mountain's Peak" He said to them in a calm and good intent manners.

"Alright, then let's do it" The one standing beside Master Feng talked. It was Master Gou Together with the other two Deciple Of The Heavenly Palace.

They all then start to positioning themselves, standing six Meters apart and start to raise their hands stretching it towards the mountain. Strong spritual Powers then merged from themas the jump high from the ground and let their powers towards the mountain.

The barrier started to be spotted out because of the strong powersmaking it more clear to view as they continue to strengthen it. It took them almost an hour to make the barrier back to it's natural state but stronger.

As they all land on the ground the barrier was then fully made, fully satisfied the four then faced each other. They stayed their for a while talking about the past and the reasons to the barrier being strengthen.

After a while of talking and regaining their strength again, they all bid their good byes and disappeared into the air, going back to their homes.

Master Xuan Arrived at Cloudy Mountain By Dusk, He was Greeted by his Disciples as he walk in the Yard, every disciple ho saw him Greeted him with A "Welcome Back, Shifu" he simply nodded.

A girl in Pink together with a Maiden, looking two years younger than her. Behide them was a man in his 26 years of age walking in a Brief manner. They welcomed their shifu back and together the all went to the pavillion. The Girl In Pink was the one who talked first.

"Shifu, How did t went?" She asked as he Served her Shifu a cup of tea. The man raised the cup o his nose and smell the aroma of the tea before taking a sip and answer the latters question.

They successfully strengthened he barrier and all they hoped for was that no one will attempt to break in again. Master Xuan exchanged few conversation with them.

A man in a cloak clenched his fist eyes glaring at the men infront of him who's been trying to destroy the barrier almost half an hour now. By the time the four immortals had left the place, the man in cloak together with he bunch of men in wearing a mask to cover their Mouth and nose Just Arrived at the place, when the man failed the first time because of an interception back then. After having a quite battle with a man Half face covered in mask, he then decided to retreat first and abort their plan.

The man in a cloak decid then to lay low for a day and had just came back on the place at night. When the men still didn't made the barrier budge he shouted his men to stop.

The men abruptly stop and positioned themselves in an orderly line of two. A minute passed and a hair standing laugh filled the forest in the night. The laugh he maid was not of a happy laugh but rather than a mocking laugh.

"It seems to me that I have underestimated the wer of the Immortals, for me not to notice the change of the barrier" He said in a voice that's seemed to be from a deep cold part of a cave while grinning, making all of th men's hair stand, giving them chills all over.

The man's grin froze and he turned his back from the mountain and leave. The masked men following him from behind, not daring to take a step closer nor far from him, they all kept the safe distance of two meters from him as they walked without breaking the two line formation.



Took me long enough to type this Chapter.

Thank You for supporting my story by just reading it, You are highly appreciated by Me ❤️.

Please Keep Supporting Me and My Story,


Ms. Yang

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