
Black Eyed Susan

**~~~~ synopsis ~~~~** Her freedom was taken, her dignity was crushed, her heart was shattered, the courage to keep going was shaken. She lost her parents and lost the one person, who stood by her who showered her with nothing but love and care. What will become of her? Good or bad? Will she still be herself again? ~~~~~~~ "What do you think of flowers?" Her grandmother asked out of the blue. "Flowers?...... Flowers are flowers Mama Liya." She smiled smugly and shook her head. "Have you ever heard of Black Eyed Susan?" Her grandmother asked again. "No. "Why all these questions Mama Liya?" She raised her eye brows and stretched her neck. She wasn't in the mood to know about any flowers at all, not when they are more important things to face right now. "I guess you are dumb in some aspects hun." Mama Liya mocked. Jane just rolled her eyes. "Who in the world spent alot of times learning about flowers?" "People who are dumb like you." Her grandmother said sarcastically and laughed lightly. Mama Liya wanted to motivate Jane again, cause she thought her granddaughter's hope was fading due to the things happening. "Black Eyed Susan is a flower, a special strong flower to be precise. Am telling you this because, I want you to have the spirit of a Black Eyed Susan. It a flower that symbolizes courage, strong will, justice, truth, and strength. "It has the power to survive anywhere, despite if the weather conditions are harsh. "So, I want you to use this to guide your life. It okay to get hurt, but don't get hurt for the same thing again." She advised her precious granddaughter and kissed the crown of her head. Jane actually thought that, Mama Liya will utter a tedious talk but was cut surprise. She was confounded. " Really? I didn't know flowers also has important meaning in life. But........." She paused and sighed. "I don't know if I can be like that. I mean am weak and meek, so am definitely sure I can't survive in this harsh and cruel world." Jane was sure she won't survive in this harsh world, and she wasn't ready to face any more problems, so she was certain the theme of a Black eyed Susan won't go for her. ~~~~~~~~ ....... So guys, let's go into a journey of ; pain, tears, deep love, courage, truth, revenge, suspense, and justice! Please support my work. #Ariy.

Ariy_0001 · 现代言情
23 Chs

Chapter Seven: Going to the city

After spending a full day with her friends, Jane headed home.

"Hum, that smile looks beautiful." Mama liya blurted out and teased her.

Jane smiled widened even more.

" Yeah , I had fun so much."

"Good." Her grandma nodded.

Sitting properly, she faced her grandmother.

" I guess you are prepared for tomorrow, cause you know we have to get to the city before dawn, so our plan will not be in vain."

Mama liya replied her, "Yes, I know, but am starting to look at you in a different way now."

Jane chuckled earning (a what's funny ) look from her grandmother.

"Okay grandma, chill! Your facial expression is just funny, and honestly I can't control myself."

She bursted into another round of laughter. Mama liya just shook her head.

She thought, " At least now, Jane is going to have a better future. And she is going to get a better treatment, what more is she asking for?"

She was really happy for the both of them.


In the midnight, the duo can be seen sneaking out, while everyone was fast asleep. Getting to the border that leads to the big city, Jane and the driver exchanged a knowing look ( everything already planned out by her friends) and soon they were on their way to the city.

At about six am in the morning, Jane and Mama liya reached the big city. They were awestruck by the beauty of the big city, seeing the big buildings, downtown areas, hawkers trying to sell their goods, merrying of the people around there, smooth highway that's pave way for eye catching vehicles etc

The city was alive, bustling, and pleasing.

Asokoro was a big district in Abuja, full of prominent and powerful peoples. That was the reason Jane picked this city, cause she had full hope in finding her family members here and giving her grandmother the required treatment.

"So Jane, where exactly are we going in this big city?" Mama Liya inquired.

"Kurunduma. Yes, that's where we are going."

"Hummmmmmmmm, whatever yo say."

They answered each other and proceeded to the mentioned place.


Arriving at the suburban area, they were greeted with a peaceful view. Not noisy and bustling like the city but also pleasing.

The duo carried their luggages and met the house owner, after some minutes of discussing, they were given a one room place.

They settled into the house and exhaled loudly. Jane believed things were going to start changing now.

Jane stood up and strolled lazily to arrange their belongings.

" Mama Liya, do you still remember our relatives address?"

Her grandma opened her mouth a bit, seemingly hesitating to say something but shook her head as a reply.

She sighed and went to sat beside her grandmother. " Mama Liya, I know you want to say something, but you are scared right?"

Mama Liya eyes widened at her granddaughter's words.

Jane smiled and continued,

" But you don't have to, you know we really need their help, and am ready to do anything for you to be fine. I just can't stand it, looking at you and knowing your chances are growing slim. I can't!"

She bursted into tears.

"I just can't grandma. You mean alot to me, and I promise to be careful. Just give me the address, and I will do what I have to do, cause we don't have much time on our side.

" I promise I will be fine."

She just desperately wanted to help her grandmother and knowing there isn't much time left, her desperation grew more.

Mama Liya heart swelled up hearing her granddaughter's confession. She was moved beyond words and decided to give her the address.

Even though, it was hard remembering the address, she still tried and told her. But she wasn't sure, cause they might have moved out. Who knows?

Jane got the address and with a determined mind, she vowed to help her grandmother in anyway.


The next morning, after resting throughout yesterday.

Jane set off to the city, searching for the particular address given to her. With a lots of stress, she finally got there and standing before the huge black gates, she was dumbstruck but recovered her self back and proceeded to knock the gate.

"Who's there?"

The security guard questioned and opened the gate.

"Good morning. My name is Janet and am here to see Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. "

The security guard raised his brows and seized her up and down. "A minute then."

Five minutes later, he came back and let her in.

Entering into the big mansion for the first time in her life, awestriken was an understatement. Her jaw dropped, and she admired the beauty of the big house.

Mr. Thomas and his wife came out to meet their long lost relative.

"Jane right?"

He cleared his throat and voiced out.

Jane's admiration state was cut short, and she faced them bowing her head. "Yes, that's me."

Mrs. Thomas snorted.

"Who cares."

"Why are you here?"

He asked.

Startled, Jane realized they aren't happy to see her.

Guess Mama Liya is right, she thought..

"I just need your help. It about mama Liya."

"And what's wrong with Mama Liya hun?"

Mr. Thomas answered her indifferently.

"She has blood cancer and it getting critical, so she needs to undergo a surgery before the cancer gets worst, or else I don't think she will make it.

"So, that's why am in front of you. Just help us in anyway you can please, I don't want to lose her."

She said with all sincerity looked down.


"You think too much of yourself "

Mrs.Thomas laughed.

Mr. Thomas stared hard at Jane.

" What's makes you think you are fit or qualified to ask help from me?"

"Because we are family." Jane replied in a grim tone.

"Pfft! Family my foot! We will never be family with lowly and unfortunate people like you. Haven't you noticed?

"You are a witch and nothing but a witch! You killed your dad, your mum, and also implicated your grandma. Now, you want us to help you? Oh, my Christ! You must be dreaming.

"You don't deserve our help, and if not because am in a good mood today, I would have feed you to the bull dogs. Already they are starving, I wonder how you even located this place. Well, desperate people are never to be underestimated I guess but let me tell you, you are not welcome here!

"Not now, not ever! Do you get that? Just seeing you is making my blood to boil."

Mrs. Thomas barked with no hint of sympathy and glared daggers at Jane.

Jane widened her eyes, tears already brimming at the corner of eyes.


Feed to the bull dogs!



All these words were ringing in her head!

At that moment, she wanted the ground to swallow her up just to be alone and cry all her heart out.

She was tired of everything!

But little did she know, this was just the start.

Mr. Thomas added to his wife's words. " Honey, I think you shouldn't waste your time on lowly people like this. They are just nothing but peasant, wanting to infiltrate their bad luck on us, but I won't allow them and never will I!

"Also , whatever you call your name, remember you are not welcome here, and I don't know you.

"Infact, I Ioathed you, your dad, mum, and grandmother. You are not worthy to be my family.

"Such a disgrace!

"Please leave!"

Clapping her hands, Mrs. Thomas whistled and called the dogs,

"Jackie and Bullie , you have a big meal here." And she smiled smugly.

Jane quickly wiped her tears and took to her heels, despite feeling so down to the extent her vision was blurry due to the tears.

Her eyes were Stark red. She stood outside the big gate and shook her head hoping to believe this was a dream, but reality was too cruel!

She was grief striken and disappointed.

Too down in that state, she failed to noticed a black Lamborghini that entered the Thomas's mansion.

Inside the car, a man in his early fifties, suddenly saw Jane standing alone and looking pitifully. Immediately he got attracted, and wished he could get to know her more.


This story really requires a lot of patience, and I assure you that you guys will love it

It like a slow burner.

Drop your review please.