
Black Clover The Anti-Magic Mage

(This story is on hiatus for the foreseeable future) When someone thinks of being reborn in their favorite franchise they envisioned themselves as being born with an advantage that makes them stand out from the rest pushing them into the spotlight as the main character and easily reaching their goals. This is not what Jack envisioned when being reborn into one of his favorite anime’s sure being reborn as the main character is great UNLESS it’s Asta being born magic-less, poor, and destined to be short is not an ideal start.

Basic_writer · 漫画同人
2 Chs

Rebirth And Resolve

My name is Jack nothing too special but not anything weird either so it's great for me. And one thing I know is that death is inevitable so I lived my life as safe as possible. I didn't do any drugs or any extreme activities that could get me hurt. So I ended up usually staying at home enjoying things like TV and playing video games. Though my death was a bit ironic killed in my own house by a robber with an itchy trigger finger.

Another thing I knew about death was that what came after was uncertainty. So when I passed I sure wasn't expecting to be in a room that looked like a DMV office and given a number and told to wait in a line. It was quite a strange ordeal as this felt pretty uncaring even for someone like me who is not very religious this felt pretty wrong. Though after giving it some thought I figured the line was just a waiting area for my judgment and that made sense to me so I got in line to wait.

While waiting for my number to be called I couldn't help but think how much I wasted my life it was mundane nothing exciting happened or anything devastating either It was just a slow malaise of living day to day. And I can't but hope what happens next will give me a second chance so I can live my next life to its fullest. It felt like ages before I was called into one of the counters to talk to one of these 'Afterlife Attendants' as I chose to call them. As I made my way to the attendee I couldn't help but feel nervous about what would happen would I go to heaven or hell, or be reborn? was the only thing running through my mind.

Making my way to the counter I noticed that the person behind the counter was humanoid in nature but was glowing in a pale white light with no other distinguishing features, on the counter was a name plaque with Mark on it 'quite a normal name if you ask me'. "Erm hello I'm Jack" "Number" he? spoke with an echo in his voice. "Um, what?" "The number you were given." "Oh," feeling a bit stupid I look down at the paper I was given and reply "172,492,031" "alright one minute" he? 'is it a he right? I'm not sure but I just go with it for now turns around and I start to hear typing sounds. Feeling a bit curious I lean over into the window to see he's typing on a computer that looks like it's from the 90s which makes my eyebrow raise 'Why would the afterlife use such old tech? is it for the esthetic?'

"Ahem, see something interesting" "Uh no" I reply quickly feeling embarrassed. "So what happens next do I, uh you know," I say while pointing up then down." "No, we don't do that here, for people like you who live unmotivated lives we have a program to help you get back into the fighting spirit." "What I wasn't unmotivated I was just trying to live a safe and healthy life," I said trying to defend myself. "Sure you did laying around all day watching tv and playing videos sure was healthy," he said while poking me in the gut. "Hey! stop that and I'll have you know-" "Look don't try to get out of this I understand why you're upset and I'll try to at least give you a start with something you're familiar with" "Wha- and with a snap of Marks's fingers I'm whisked off to who knows where.

My eyes snap open in an instant but something is off my vision is blurry and my body feels weak. Trying to move is an endeavor in itself I can barely turn my head and when I try to look around I can barely make out a thing at all it's only blurry shapes and colors. Not being able to move or see that well I try to talk hopefully to catch someone's attention but all that comes out is a barely audible gargling noise. Seeing as nothing is working I give up and hope someone finds me. After a couple of agonizing minutes of trying to move, I hear a door open and a blur of black and white enter my vision. " Oh my, what are two babies doing out here by themselves? We can't have that I'll just have to bring you in for now." Said a masculine voice 'Two babies? is that why I can't move or see very well and there someone else with me?' After a few seconds, I feel whatever I was laying on get picked up and moved into somewhere warmer with an orange glow. "Hmm let's see here to baby boys, are you brothers perhaps? no that can't be right you look nothing alike. Whoever this is moves what might be a blanket off my chest "Asta, Yuno hmm I see well I don't know why you boys were left here but welcome to your new home" the man said gently.

'Asta, yuno? Those names! They're the names of the two main characters in Black Clover does this mean I'm one of them?' 'That's so cool! …. WAIT no it isn't what if I'm Asta I don't want to be him he's magic-less, a peasant, and short.' I feel a hand grab mine when I hear who I believe to be Father Orsi start to speak. "What's wrong Asta why are you making a face like that? Do you need a new set of clothes?" 'Fuck' is all could say to that what a shitty hand to be dealt. All I could think of is 'Why Asta? out of all the people in Black Clover, why is the only character that can't do magic what did I do in my past life to get punished like this?' The next few days were hell on earth being trapped in a body that can't do anything for itself is a fate I wouldn't wish on anyone. But with time comes change and as the days go into weeks, then into months, and finally into years I've fully accepted and adjusted to my new life. Though at first I was sad that quickly became anger and I turned that anger into motivation. I'm going to become as strong as possible so when I die again I can kick that bastard's ass for sending me here.