
Then you must wait for the spring season for another attempt at kissing him


—Vallemar, flushed by what happened, fled from his new human friends, brandishing his wings, he flew lost in the clouds, leaving Xuli dumbfounded, who promptly reacted, and meditating between loves and heartbreak Nalexa, who notoriously longed to be kissed by Vallemar . Not achieving its mission in the first encounter of beings from different worlds but matched by what we call human love.

Doctors of the world consider describing as states of mind to mention demonic possession, it is called bipolar disorder that modifies how they think, act and feel. And that affects both children, adolescents and mainly adults and more if the latter are influenced by their closest relatives such as wife or husband, for the former by their parents.

In the Alghalys world, there is tripolarity up to the Vallemar generation. A third-generation Alghalys gene that has developed his identity based on the genetic influence of his ancestors.

And while for the world there is bipolarity or "manic depression, or manic-depressive disorder, or bipolar mood disorder or bipolar affective disorder", as it is designated to new studies or negative experiences within dysfunctional homes. In the Alghalys world it is not like that, but they are acquired qualities, such as a histrionic legacy of such magnitude that its manifestation from the leadership of Vallemar positively impacts his generation, family and personal life.

There is documented by Nalexa "the environmental engineer apprentice" a seasonal pattern about Vallemar. It is known that polarity or mania appears in the spring, and bipolarity or depression follows in the winter. Tripolarity by transmutation or transfiguration has not yet been defined, considering two stations that have not been reported by Xuli "the journalist friend", because they have been times when Vallemar: usually migrates to the oceans parallel to the coast, following the Humboldt current. This stage brings together the Chile, Peru and Ecuador sectors.

"Then you must wait for the spring season for another attempt at kissing him," Xuli said, "we already tried the summer season."

"No way," Nalexa said, "what else did you find out?" You have noticed his hormonal change to human contact. He really thought I was his enemy. Or that he made him act like that; Perhaps Vallemar is possessed of a being of hatred that prevents him from experiencing love. But this demon has already manifested and we must do everything in our power to get it out of it; so he can love God's creation including humans and fulfill his purpose of helping heal the world.

One of the genetic knots in the body of Vallemar has this numerical inscription: 3,739 islands, alluding to the islands recorded in the Chile sector, by his grandfather, the great Aquamar, a name determined for its origin and habitat limit. Aquamar means genetically shaped to inhabit sea water. Aquamar sailed the oceans of these three countries before falling in love with Warmisol, a beautiful ancestral aborigine from the Peruvian sector. The journey from south to north, guided by the trade winds, only deviates in the Ecuador sector towards the west to the Galapagos Islands. This millennial subsector for its gigantic turtles, are the great genetic resource, the body strength of all alghalience and therefore of Vallemar; It lies in the seasonal coexistence in the Galapagos Islands, whose marine flora and fauna contain the necessary materials to build the Alghalys shell and shield widely used in interworld wars.

(Keep going…)

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