
Final Protagonist 3. Bierny.

That first meeting meeting opened a door between the world of humans and the world of non-humans or pro-human. Remember what, nature is always linked to the Creator and omniscient and omnipotent.

Bierny, in the eyes of Jack Latro, underwent metamorphosis: she was temporarily disfigured from her very human nature of being Bierny and transformed into the non-human nature of being Vallemar. It was the sign in the restoration of all things. It is not about seeing or knowing these things and marveling at what you see, but about understanding purposes. Everything you are has a reason for being, everything you have has an interpretation.

Life belongs to the creator and why not all riches ...

Suddenly, Bierny was himself again.

Jack Latro, still speechless, got up from his seat and walked to the exit door, opened it, and gestured to his executive secretary.

Before long, two young people and a mature but well-preserved woman were coming to the office. They went through the door and took their seats. Bierny was up to that moment on her back. Sitting in the chair of the chairman of BitCoin Corp. Next to him stood Jack Latro.

Bierny, turned with a feeling of tenderness, of brotherly love of great mercy and hope. Without looking forward he got up towards the visitors and hugged one by one until he reached his mother and from kissing her cheeks so much and giving her infinite and tender hugs. He cried on his shoulders and his brothers hugged them both.

Relieved, they proceeded to move to the mansion that Jack Latro had prepared for them, and there the whole family was waiting for them, including the new boyfriends: Alondra daughter and Xuli Latro ... there were her friends from the university, each of them from the the hands of Xuli Latro's 'agent' friends.

Nalexa, received her endearing mother-in-law, with great rejoicing and began the reunion party and guess what: a flock of GaviotGPS, flew in circles over the mansion, then posed in a clear area between the pool and the 'family camping' area , then they left Alpine Leaves and Alpine Fruits.

And again, a great rainbow, came out of the part of an immense greenhouse that surrounded the mansion, there in the center of that place an Alpins had been planted and it was about to give its first new leaves of the season and they came on how in Canada, not just four enemies for four innings; but this time there were six that are developed in the book "The Creator of Seven Games."

Well, Reader Friend, I would have to put it like this, because I feel like you were there from volume one and this is number seven. It will not be a repetition of the other stories, but a going back to the origin of things. In that cyclical stage where man fights with himself and conquers and conquers over all things, over humanity itself and therefore over nature itself; because the Creator made nature and within it man. Man should bear fruit in it, subdue it, fill it, and rule it by multiplying itself.

But man today is dominated by creation, and he hides and runs away from his natural reality, he has become a coward for the things he has done against himself, because if he destroys what was given to him for his sustenance and balance natural. He will find and found and lives like this: without sustenance, without balance, without hope ...

No more. Love is the opposite of hate. Love solves what I hate destroys. Love reconciles man with the created. He harmonizes it and connects it, links it and projects it.

Are you part of hatred and destruction or are you someone who loves and you are the solution. And all future tense will be better. That is the lesson of this story: in life there is a school whose only lesson in loving "is clean" and must remain that way until graduation.

And he sent them two by two: "Take nothing because everything will be provided for you on the way."

They learned to love each other, teach like this; Otherwise, they must enter a cycle of repetitions until they understand the path: "You have seven calendar days" and they reach the end: "loving". Otherwise they will be lost in the disorder, emptiness and darkness of beings who do not know how to love others but only themselves. Even if one day they are alone and the world runs its course without them. The end.

The saga: 'White Sea School by GenX_conectados:

(WFP # 32, Rank: 4)


Comprising: BitLove: (WPC # 160, Ranking: 2)


And it extends to: 7 Creator Games.

(WFP # 34)

Guest writers, as protagonists:

KeiSky (Philippines) / DJKarma.

Bierny (Peru) / Nalexa (Mexico)

Xuli (India) / FerLui (Colombia)

Meghan (Canada)

(English version) https://www.webnovel.com/book/7-creator-games_19366455705122805

(Spanish version) https://www.webnovel.com/book/el-creador-de-7-juegos_19366871205123905

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