
Binded To A Don System

Lin Yu’an who was a well known and talented doc in the day and a big gang boss from the underground world in the night, binded with a system called the Don system when he was shot dead. The system took him to Ancient China which did not exist in history and thus begins his new life completing tasks given by the system to become a big time Don in that era. He thought it was going to be an easy sailing but Lin Yuan was met with a wife and two little buns when he woke. " okay it's all right" he thought since he already liked children then he'd recognize the little buns but as for the wife let's just take it as roommate. Unexpectedly he fell in love for his new roommate even to the extend of becoming an obsession, Lin Yuan a gang boss who is used to having anything he wanted even if he had to break it and a little wife who became dependant on him and greedy to keep the devil he deems to be a good man to himself. Join him on his journey on how he reigns over the underground world of the Ancient Times and take his family to heights they've never dreamt of before. Mc: Gong. Gang boss and a doctor, good with poisons too. Doesn't like to flatter others. Values family, but not wontonly. Ml: Shou. Scholarly, strong and bold. Looks up to MC. Find me: Hawa Kim#2294 Support me: http://ko-fi.com/hawakim

Hawa_Kim · LGBT+
66 Chs

Ch. 8 Part 2

The carriage stopped when it got to Lin Yu'an's home, as soon as he stepped down from the carriage he was met with a crowd of villagers from old aged to children. But Lin Yu'an been deprived of sleep all night didn't have it in his heart to deal with them, his patience was thinned out not wanting to be disturbed, he thanked Ye Xuan who brought him home with 10 taels and Ye Xuan turned the carriage back around and left happily.

Yu ger along with aunt Zhang and the twins walked out of the kitchen hearing the noise in their surrounding. They we're met with Lin Yu'an who walked into the front yard and the villagers who surrounded the house from all sides leaving no space, some were even wanting to open the front door to follow in but where given a death glare by a super annoyed and impatient Lin Yu'an so they had to forget about going into the house. " ah Ayu'an you're back.. you must be very tired. What are you doing dazed around, help him with the basket I'll bring him some water from the kitchen " Aunt Zhang welcomed him happily and slightly hit Yu ger on the shoulder who was watching Lin Yu'an in daze.

Lin Yu'an placed the basket on the floor " don't worry, the things in the basket are for the kids" he rejected before Yu ger was even able to make a move. Yu ger felt really wronged and inexplicably not knowing what to do "... I've cooked you a meal.... s.... y.... please... have some " he had hard time saying it, Lin Yu'an watched him silently for a while before nodding. He was already very hungry since not being able to eat well yesterday and hadn't eaten breakfast yet, he thought why not accept Yu ger's good gesture since he was practically taking care of Yu ger so Yu ger could do that much for him. Receiving his acknowledgement Yu ger went back to the kitchen feeling warm in heart but his face still remained with indifference.

" won't you come and welcome father?" he asked the twins when they were the only ones left in the front yard ignoring the people who were in front of his house trying to talk to him and bath in his good gesture. Ali'an and Aluo ran to him and he bent to hug them "welcome home father" " we... welcome home father " Lin Yu'an felt inexplicably warm hearing their little voices.

He brought them to his face and watched them careful, seeing that there weren't wronged when he wasn't around he nodded in satisfaction. " look father brought you some toys and candies" he took out two delicate and well carved wooded ship which he bought from the system mall. It was a mini type carved 21st century ships which was novelty, well if he told people it was gifted by the foreigners he helped they would believe him without a question.

Ali'an and Aluo took the ships with bright and wide smiles "thank you father" they said in unison earning them a chuckle from him. He then again took out two different flavors packet of candies and gave them one each which excited them more. The children more or less their age seeing this started swallowing hard and looked at the candies and toys with greed, envy and jealousy. "mother i want candies too" he heard the children crying to their mothers who looked at them with anger and looked envy too.

"where do i get the candies from, and those candies clearly can't be bought in town look at how different they look!" the mother's pretended to scold their children while urging them to cry harder. Lin Yu'an didn't care about them, but as a person who loved children himself his heart softened and was planning to buy another packet using the basket as disguise and share to the children stop at the last minute.

"then take it from those thrash and give it to me! how can those thrash belonging to a waste have candies and i can't!" a young boy said looking the same age as his twins. Lin Yu'an was stunned, he turned to the child and his mother who looked embarrassed "you kid! what are you saying?! who's a thrash, ai! stop talking nonsense" the mother pretending to scold him "ai! vicious parents bringing her child up in a vicious way" a woman retorted in sarcasm and both parents blushed embarrassedly.

The child looked at them in confused "isn't it what all you aunties say under the big tree where you sit?" the child asked all of them confused. Lin Yu'an quietly listened not commenting. "you silly child who thought you to say that! " the mother's began to scold the child making him feel wronged he turned to his friends "isn't that what they say?!" they also nodded acknowledging the child's words.

Lin Yu'an decided to ignore them who started scolding each other's children and insult themselves, when he turned back to the children he was met with Yu ger and aunt Zhang who had come out from the kitchen and were listening to those vicious words of the child. Both their eyes were red from wanting to cry, Lin Yu'an was shocked. That was the first time he saw Yu ger show any other emotion except from his cold and indifference look, the emotion he was showing now was the look of hurt and sadness.

Lin Yu'an looked back at the twins who had innocent looks in their eyes, just like the type of children he liked and not those who learn to be vicious from their parents at young age, Lin Yu'an despised those types of children and adults a lot. "can we show them to little daddy?" Aluo asked in a coquettish words which made him snorted. Ever since getting along with them he has noticed that Aluo had that yandere part to himself "okay, go and show. And give this to your little daddy too" he kissed them on the heads and gave them the basket before letting them go.

They both ran to Yu ger and gave the candies to him but kept the toy ships, the fighting villagers had looks of jealousy and the young to be married aged gers and girls were more envious wishing they were Yu ger. Some even started having thoughts of approaching Lin Yu'an, even if they will be the concubines and not the main wife they'll be happy. Because now Lin Yu'an was very well of just being the concubine would have a them live lavishly and receive things too, but that was just their wishful thinking.

Yu ger who was given the basket glanced in curiously and saw a box but he chose to leave it be for now, he titled his head and met Lin Yu'an's eyes who had also suddenly stood up from his previously position. He noticed that Yu ger still didn't intend to look away from his eyes, so he thought it was because of the present for him. Well not like it really mattered to him, Lin Yu'an just didn't want to discriminate between the children and Yu ger. Yu ger was also their birth daddy and if he wanted it or not Yu ger was his family too, so as a family man he couldn't show discrimination and the children loved their little daddy a lot.

So how could he wrong them, "I've served the meal... do you want to eat in the room or?" listening to his own voice Yu ger was stunned by how his voice came out. He glanced sideways at Lin Yu'an feeling embarrassed but Lin Yu'an feigned ignorance and pretended to have not noticed which Yu ger breath a sigh. "I'll eat in the kitchen" Yu ger nodded before going to arrange the kitchen. After he walked out with aunt Zhang and went into the room along with the twins.

Lin Yu'an walked into the kitchen and saw the well served good, it didn't look much nice but he felt Yu ger's sincerity. He sat and started to eat it lavishly. In the room Yu ger who was sitting on the kang bed along with aunt Zhang who was playing with the twins new obtained toys. Yu ger slowly took out the box out off the basket and looked at it from all sides with curiosity feeling fascinated at another thing given by Lin Yu'an. "what's that? the box looked very different what's it made of?" aunt Zhang turned her attention to him and asked "i think it's paper? but I don't what kind" he answered her not sure "it smells nice too" he added bringing the box to his nose and aunt Zhang nodded agreeing because she was also smelling something sweet and nice.

The twins stopped playing and went to his side as he opened the box, what they saw next overwhelmed them all. They all started to swallow loudly staring greedily "it looks like some kind of snack, definitely not sold in town here!" aunt Zhang commented looking at the box of glazed donuts Lin Yu'an got him from the system mall. "maybe he got it from those foreigners" Yu ger covered up knowing that Lin Yu'an had been giving them things not from this era before even saving those foreigners but he still used the foreigners as a cover up for Lin Yu'an, Aunt Zhang couldn't agree more, there were 6 donuts in the box and there took one each along with the twins.

They all moaned taking the first bite and before they new it the donuts were gone from their hands, they licked their fingers and smacked their lips feeling the after taste. Yu ger closed the rest of the donuts in the box and passed it to aunt Zhang along with some few candies, "take it to uncle Feng and the kids for a taste too" Yu ger said with a smile which warmed her heart, he was greedy for it but it didn't mean that he wouldn't share with those around here m, knowing that he wouldn't take it back even if she refused she thanked him honestly and took it. "what's thank you, aunt Zhang has been sharing good things with us. So now it's our turn to share good things with you." she smiled hearing his flatter.

The villagers who were still in front of the house watched with envy as Yu ger came to see her off at the door, they looked at the box in her hand with greed knowing that she must've received something good from Yu ger. After Yu ger locked the front door and was about to return to the room she heard uncle Li call "Yu ger! Yu ger! is boy Lin here?" he asked "uncle Li want something from me?" Yu ger heard his magnetic voice from behind him and he stiffened not taking a step. Sensing his somewhat not so discomfort and seeing how close they were Lin Yu'an step aside, feeling the heat move away Yu ger felt inexplicably at loss.

"no, no, I just wanted to see whether you're in" uncle Li answered, guessing his reason for a visit in heart Lin Yu'an didn't have the time to indulge in him so he said "uncle Li I'm very exhausted now and lack of sleep so i can't spare time now, please let me rest first." Uncle Li nodded in understanding thinking that Lin Yu'an must truly be exhausted. "that's good. Rest first!" doctor Huang who also arrived nodded in understanding after hearing that and they both went their ways leaving the greedy people who brought stools to sit under the small tree not far from the house, Lin Yu'an had no time for them infact he had long forgotten about them.

"Yang Yu, I'm going up into the mountain to find somewhere to rest, I'll come back later before it gets dark." Lin Yu'an who had already taken his bath and changed clothes said to Yu ger with his back facing him. He didn't have to explain or inform him of his whereabouts but thinking as a family man he decided to at least say that. " ...sleep in the room" Yu ger whispered in a small voice. Even though it was very small but Lin Yu'an who was always very alert caught on and turn back to him. "what did you say?" he asked in doubt. Yu ger took a deep breath "i said sleep in the room, the kids and I will sit in the yard and take fresh air" he said with a blank face. Seeing that there was no other meaning to his words Lin Yu'an agreed and went into the room to rest his exhausted body and soul.

Author's words:

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Check out my other books (Transmigration: Life As A Ger In Ancient Times With My Snake ) and ( Becoming A Zombie King After Regression).