

Across the space of time, beyond the length of Age, Love abides and breaks all rules and boundaries. Follow the story of Kevin and Veronica as they struggle to make things right and build a better future for all humanity

Soayomide · 奇幻
5 Chs



We arrived at this city called Wales. A very busy city with many individuals not caring nor paying attention to whatever is not their concern.

Room 209, our apartment until the mission is complete. I sat silently on the sofa as I watched nothing in front of me. Slowly, I got up and walked to the window and watched many people do their own things. What is the importance of this mission?

"We must fulfil this mission to make the King proud of us" I remembered Alexander tell me earlier

To make the King proud? It wasn't complete. But who am I to question His authority? I am just an ordinary soldier, I am just Kevin.

The door opened and I turned to see Alexander walk in.

"We begin today. You will be responsible for everything about her. I will guide you and see you through this mission" He said sternly and I nodded slightly.

My mission. Veronica Hans.


My Friends left earlier after we had cleaned up the house. It's a Sunday morning and there's really nothing much to do. I would be graduating finally from the University tomorrow and finally achieve all my dreams and goals. A first class honors in Accounting. I smiled at the thought. This is it.

I remembered the new neighbors and swiftly, I took out the box of chocolates I had gotten as a birthday present to give them as a 'welcome to the neighborhood' gift.

I got out of my apartment and with two steps, I was in front of theirs. I was a bit nervous but I shrugged it off. Three knocks and the door was opened.

I was greeted by almond shaped brown eyes which held a neutral expression. No fear nor excitement...nothing. His face was cleaned shaved with a moderately thin moustache like a young man who just got a new job. His auburn hair was neatly styled, all to the back only leaving a few strands that almost touched his eyes. He held my gaze for a while and I found myself with no words to say. Crap!

"Who are you?" He asked

His voice was slightly thin but deep enough to know that he's a man. No emotions were found in them as well

"I...I'm Veronica" I comported. "Nice to meet you. I'm your neighbor and just opposite you guys" I chuckled to soften the atmosphere

"You're Veronica." He emphasized

"Yes I am" I answered awkwardly. "Have you known me before now?"

"No" He said.

Silence passed through us and I spoke quickly to avoid things from getting even more awkward.

"I brought you a box of Chocolate as a welcome gift" I said as I stretched

He took it and observed it closely and finally looked at me.

"Thank you" He said and smiled

I felt my heart skip as I saw his smile. Warm flush passed through me and I held on to the smile like I had received a rare stone.

"You're welcome. So are you new here at Wales?" I asked

"Yes I'm new" He said

"I can show you around if you like" I suggested

"No problem" He said

"Alright then, I'll choose a date and get back to you" I smiled as I turned to leave

"Wait.." He called. "I would like to know more about you Veronica" He said

My heart skipped and I could barely control the rush of excitement within me.

"Alright...." I paused as I realized I had not asked of his name

"Kevin." He answered as though he heard my thoughts

"Kevin" I repeated smiling.


And there she was, standing right in front of me. My mission, the reason why I am here. The key to gaining favor with the King. I remembered the woman who failed her mission. I don't want to end up like that...at least. Veronica, She was indeed a special kind. I could feel the aura of joy and happiness all around her. Is this what the King wanted? Her smile had it's way through the emptiness all around me. She was bright just like the sun. A fireball. I desired to be around her and keep her close. What happens after the mission? she would end up just like us filled with emptiness. All the joy...gone. The King takes it all. Well, He is King and I´m his soldier. That´s really all that matters.


Time was slow and the day faded gradually into darkness. Alex was ready for his mission and I decided to accompany him. It would help me focus and know what to do with Veronica.

"Let's go" He stated

And together we left the apartment and walked to where Alex would complete his mission. Finally, we approached a moderate house, well designed architecturally. The outside was dark and as we furthered into the house, it was even more darkness. Was there anyone in the house? The main door was left open as we walked in. The interior was well designed, whoever owned the house surely must have been very comfortable. A wide staircase in the middle of the hallway and we climbed gradually. The lights flickered and the house breathed emptiness, exactly where we belong.

I heard whimpers and gentle cries as we approached a room on the left.

"There's nothing left for me here. Everything...all....I've ever had...gone" He cried to himself

He was on his kneels facing the wall caring less if there were anyone in the room with him.

Alex brought out a knife and curiously I watched to know and understand. Gently, he approached him and crouched beside him.

"You have nothing left here....come with me, I'll take you to a better place" Alex whispered but loud enough for me to hear

"I don't want to be here again. My family....my friends...my jobs..." He cried

"Let me give you peace....come with me" Alex whispered as he stretched the knife to him

He saw the knife and paused as though his request has been granted. He took the knife and without hesitation sent it into his chest. He dropped, lifeless as blood left his body. He killed himself.

Alex laid his hands on the body and retrieved his soul.

"Mission accomplished" He said

This was my mission as well. I walked out of the room and slowly entered another room. This room looked childish, toys and children decors everywhere, I furthered as I noticed red colored splashes from the side of the bed, I closed the gap and finally saw two young children dead as well, the younger boy was across the young girl who I presume to be the older one.

"It's all part of the mission" Alex said as he joined. "No excuses. Give it your all" He added finally as he left.

I looked at the children again and felt.....nothing.