
Better Luck Next Time... Idiot

Gawko Bahn Khai, martial artist, dies and gets chosen by a goddess to be his piece for a wicked game in another world where magic and death are everyday ocurrences, forced to prospere in a world where kill or be killed is law, he refuses to kill as he tries to get stronger in a world that punishes your every move.

Miacter · 都市
10 Chs

Duel, like real men





Jumping back from the shock I tried using appreciation on it

[Name: Vengative Spirit

Hp: 777

Mp: 1600]

"Good news Is he speaks my language and I can use appreciation on him" The armor pulled out his sword and pointed it towards me "Bad ones are he seems to want me dead hm"

-Let us battle in glorious duel challenger, let our ways of fighting speak for thyselves and see if you shall join me in dead, or progress further into this dungeon!-

-(Heh, the fool, let's kick his ass Gaw! I bet you would look peachy in some armor like that! Plus he is already dead so we can totally go without holding anything right? right?!)-

"Yeah… lol no I have a better idea" -Oi why are you attacking me?!- Surprisingly the armor decided to explain instead of trying to kill me

-Battling is everything I have left in this body and soul challenger! The dungeon gave me this chance and I would be a fool to reject it, for fighting is my purpose!-

-(Oi oi oi oi Gaw what the hell are you)-

-So… If I gIve you another purpose, you won't fight me right?-

The armor stood there as if it was thinking for a solid minute, since it didn't move I almost thought he just went to the after life

-Fighting… fighting is my purpose, for so I willed it… but to be fair- He slowly put the sword back in his sheath as he disappeared it with a gesture -Then challenger I will take on your offer, find me a new way to keep fighting, a better way… the thing is… no one comes here!-

-You got it pal! My name is Gawko Bahn Khai, but my friends call me Gaw! Nice to meetcha! Oh yeah also I don't kill so would appreciate it if neither did you!- As I offered him my hand

-(You have to be shitting me… this is idiotic)-


He turned his head down looking at my hand a few seconds before turning around

-Listen child, you are young, and careless, also I don't care about gods, much less another human, so I will kill who I want, and you won't stop me… now make haste, the boss room is this way-

-(Aaaand of course he knows where the boss is… I'm so done!)-

-Oh come on, don't be like that… I guess I really can't do anything but try to stop you if I think whoever you are trying to kill is innocent or something like that… anyways, the boss room? So you know the boss?-

-The boss is… special…- The armor opened a secret door with no doorknob and started walking in -Come, challenger-

-Yeah yeah- As I followed him through the dungeon I noticed the cat was nowhere to be found… again -So, is there anything more to know about the boss?-

-You are in no position to ask questions, challenger! I will slay the boss and we will leave this dungeon!-

-Yeaaaah how about I fight the boss first and if I need help you pitch in? What if the dungeon denies your right to challenge the boss and makes you try to kill me? … again-

-If you fight first, you are sure to cease living challenger, no, I will fight the violin while you watch, after all you are the only excuse to leave seeking for another place to test myself-

-Can you repeat the violin part? Also I insist!-


-Look I didn't want to have to do this but if you don't let me try first I will have to use my unique affinities on you, they are quite all mighty, if you don't believe me ask Reverie, BEHOLD!- I pointed to a wall trying to use that divine magic used against the boar, but to no avail, I only felt as if my mana started to slowly escape my body

-(Yeah, no, you need at least around a thousand units of mana to be able to wield the simplest of divine magics, and I would say you have around… five hundred-ish? was?)-

-Challenger? What are you doing, and who's that Reverie that you speak of?!- The armor got his sword from who knows where again and started wielding it

"You… could have mentioned that earlier…" Recovering my composure I faced the armor again -I was… just a… trying to use divine magic… but it seems I… I don't have enough mana hmpf! Also for Reverie you want the short or long answer-

-I… you…- The armor stopped in front of a big door at the end of the corridors we were walking around -It seems you will have to tell me about your imaginary friend on another moment challenger, for we have arrived… Now since we haven't decided on who will fight first, we will have to decide it like men- Suddenly nailing the sword in the ground the armor turned around looking down on me, then… it started shaking its hands -Rock, paper…-

"This can't be real…" I thought to myself shaking my hand at the same time as the armor

-(Oh it IS real)-

I used paper, he used rock

-... … Yow won fair and square challenger! You first- the armor moved to the side sword in hand so I could access the door

-Y-yeah… Well, we will leave with more people that we entered, I know it!- I entered the room just to find a wide open circular place, with a human sized violin on the middle

-You don't sound like a pacifist with your face covered in blood challenger- The armor entered the room and positioned itself at my side

-You are literally a talking armor, so cut me some slack!- As I approached the violin I noticed the room was surprisingly clean for a dungeon… at least my idea of one -Heyyyy so listen… if you can of course, how about you leave here with us and we don't do the whole, killing each other part?-

-(Gaw… I don't think is a good idea to try to befriend this… violin… he seems…)-

The instrument stood there in silence until the armor decided to speak -Violin leave that strategy, I already tried it before against the challenger, a certain Sir Videogames told him-

The violin stopped trying to be a statue and growed two arms and legs from… somewhere -... In that case…- Violin summoned two smaller violins throwing them in the air where they started floating -WELCOME YOUUUUUNG CHALLENGER! IT SEEMS YOU HAVE SURVIVED THE LETHAL TRIALS OF MY STUPENDOUS DUNGEON! NOW I'M THE ONLY ONE LEFT, SO COME AND FACE ME!-

-(Weird… I was trying to say weird)- Violin started making poses as the floating instruments played an increasingly fast melody -(Also… he is probably a user of a Unique Ability so don't half-ass it this is probably the strongest thing we've faced until now)-

-... Sigh… fine, two things first, why is he playing his own freaking them! and videogames are not people!- I pulled out the guardian's claws facing the violin -All right then, I'm gonna hit until I burst, and you bet I'm gonna win without killing you…- Slowly I started to walk towards him, picking up the pace as I run -MY NAME IS GAWKO BAHN KHAI, I AM THE BREEZE OF THE PALACE AND THE NUMBER 1 ADEPT OF THE BAHNKHAI DOJO!- Fully running I threw myself towards him with Mana Boost using appreciation on him as I tried to slash him only to be stopped by a big fiddlestick that he pulled out of nowhere clashing with my own weapons -PLEASURE TO MEET YOU!-

I think it ended up being a little short, and it was mostly dialogue, but I enjoyed writing it nonetheless!

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