
Chapter 44

  King Archer jumped down from the horse not wanting to believe what the mysterious lady has said.

  He raised his brothers head to see his eyes shut tightly and his body now cold and pale, his brother was indeed dead! Prince Ray died on his arms.

  King Archer blinked back the tears that was about streaming painfully down his cheeks as he turned to the mysterious woman.

  “Who are you?” He asked coldly as the woman giggled now in a babies voice as she made a step towards him making him slide his sword out of his armour.

  “I am someone no one knows, I belong everywhere my king, I don’t have a home” that same line she recited the first time they met at the boundary between Noviran and Prussiate, who is she exactly and why couldn’t he see her face clearly.

  “Well I am here to help you once again or don’t you want my help as usual?” She asked as she slightly raised her head but it seemed like the higher she raised her head the more her face turned darker.