
Ben 10 In Marvel

The story of a boy who is reborn in Marvel with the Omnitrix. Follow Ben as he navigates High school, rights and guys, and tries to find out why he is there.

9Lightning · 其他
6 Chs

The City at Night

( I'm really not likeing the name Impulse but, I couldn't think of a better one. Do any of you have a good idea?)

The sun had set and I was ready to go out Patrolling again night time was when most crimes were commited and he needed to be out there. It was mid October and the weather was starting to turn cold. I could see my breath fogging up as I stood in front of my house.

I turned into XLR8 because he was the most convienient alien to use when getting around. As I head into the city I relized that this city really does never sleep. Even now the roads were filled with cars and people walked were still walking the streets. Because I had already made my daybut I decided to stay on ground level while moving through the city.

While on the ground it was easier to see and hear any crimes that were happening. Almost as soon as I went out I noticed something strange even though people were out they seemed a little afraid. People were staying in groups and avoiding walking passed dark alleys even going so far as to cross the street to stay away. I wanted to stop and ask someone what was going on but, before I could there loud bang followed by screaming.

I hurries to the scene expecting to stop a mugging however when I arrived there was something completely different. It looked like a fight between gangs, the two sides were in a stand off while one of the members was on the ground clutching his side while a large man stood over him brandishing a gun.

"When will you Reaper's learn Manhattan is the Kingpin's turf" he said aiming the gun at the injured man's head.

Not wanting to let it escalate any further I rushed in and twisted his wrist making him drop the gun.

"Ahh" he screamed falling to his knee.

My sudden appearance shocked both of the gangs who recognized me from the news they didn't want anything to do with a hero and started to scatter. I would have stopped them but, the injured gang member was bleeding out and I wanted to take him to the hospital. I knocked the large man out by smacking him with the gun and lifted both of them up and rushing to the nearest hospital.

I dropped them infront a pair doctors scaring the crap out of them telling them that one of the men was shot and that the other was the shooter. I also left them the gun as evidence to convict the large man.

After leaving the hospital I reterned to the crime scene to see if I could find any gang members to see if I could get any information out of them but, they were all long gone. With nothing else to do I went back to patrolling the city.

In the next six hours I stopped three muggings and another gangwar. I managed to stopped the fight before anyone was seriously hurt and interrogated the ones who were still conscious. The two gangs were called the Reaper's and the Dragon's respectively.

The Reaper's were an upstart gang who were centered in the Bronx. Apperently the Reaper's leader was tired of being second best and wanted to start stealing the Dragon's turf. While the Dragon's were the Largest gang in New York and were controlled by someone who I actually recognized the Kingpin. Kingpin was the leader of New York's underground and a massive man covered in a thick layer of fat but, that was just a disgiuse under all that fat he was pure muscle and was even strong enough to overpower Spider-Man. The center of the Dragon's territory was Manhattan and they would fight to the death to protect it.

I wanted more information but, I wasn't very good at interrogation the members of the gangs were people who lived everyday on the edge between life and death, they could tell any threat's I gave them weren't serious. And they were right I couldn't stomach the idea of torturing someone and didn't want to hurt anyone more than I already had to, to take them out.

I could only admit defeat and move on by this time it was already two in the morning and I was getting ready to call it a day. When I saw something out of the corner of my eye it was Spider-Man he was swinging through town and it seemed like he saw me too.

"How you doing Mr. Alien Lizard Guy?" he landed next to me.

"I'm pretty sure I told you my name earlier didn't I" I questioned him?"

"Yeah, . . . but, it's a pretty stupid name" he mocked "I mean Impulse come on that sound's like a name an elementery school student would come up with."

"well, I'm not lucky like you who has an obvious theme. I mean what would you call me?"

"That's a good point since you transform all the time and their all completely different it's hard to find a good name. Give me some time to think about it I'm pretty good with this kind of thing I'll think of an awesome name for you."

"Gee, thanks" I rolled my eye's.

"No Problem" he gave me a thumbs up.

"Sigh, anyway is there any reason you came to find me" I asked?

"About that . . . you've been been out stopping crimes tonight right?"

"Yeah" I nodded.

"Then, you saw it? The way people are acting the gangs there's something coming and I don't think I can handle it on my own."

"What's coming" I asked getting a bad feeling?

"War" Spider-Man clenched his fists.

"Are you talking about the Reaper's and Dragon's" I held my chin.

Spider-Man shook his head "I wish it was only those two. No we're about to be trapped in the middle of a four way battle for control of New York's underworld."

"Four? You mean there are two more gang's" I questioned?

"Yes, Aside from the Reaper's and Dragon's there is also the Manfredi family. They're an italian crime family working under a man named Silvio Manfredi who wants to migrate his criminal enterprise into the states and chose New York to be his staging ground."

"Manfredi? Isn't that Silver Sable's last name" I thought.

"That's three, who's the last" I asked?

At my question Spider-Man seemed to deflate "The last group is my fault. They call themselves the Sinister Six and they are a group of my greatest enemies. Their leader is Doctor Otto Octavius a.k.a. Doctor Octopus he is as smart as he is crazy and he's a super genius.

"Sound's bad, do you have a plans to stop them?"

"No, not right now. Before we can even begin to make a plan we need to find out who the leader's of the Dragon's and Reaper's are. All I have right now is their aliases Kingpin and the Bigman."

"Okay, so what do you want from me?"

Spider-Man walked up and placed his hand on my shoulder "I want to know if we can rely on you when things go down."

"We" I noticed his choice of words?

Even though I couldn't see his face I had the feeling that Peter had that stupid giant smile on his face that he sometimes got when he was happy. "Of course We you didn't think I was planning to fight a war all on my own did you?"

"But, I don't remember there being any other heroes in New York besides me and you" I tilted my head in confusion.

"Not all hero's wear bright red and blue spandex you know. Some of them like to remain hidden, heck some of them aren't even heroes at all!"

"So what now" I asked "and how am I supposed to keep in contact with you?"

"Like I said our first step is find out the identities of the Kingpin and Bigman not, sure how much you can help with that but, Here is the adress of a building I like to hang out at if you need me try going there around midnight. If I'm not there just leave a message on the bottom of the water tower."

"One last question" I crossed my arms "Why are you telling me all this? I mean how do you know you can trust me we only met today after all."

He shrugged "Well technically we met yesterday but, Intuition I guess I like to think of myself as a good judge of people."

"Alright, thanks for the information Spider-Man It's getting late so I'll see you later."


The next morning Ben woke up late and grogily went downstairs to get breakfast. He found his mom down there already up sitting at the table eating and reading the newspaper.

"Morning hun your up late" she said without even looking up from the newspaper.

"I was up late finishing some homework" I lied and seeing as she was still engrossed in whatever she was reading she did suspect me.

I sat down to eat a bowl of cereal and started thinking about what I need to do. From my past life I already knew who the Kingpin was he was Wilson Fisk. As for the Big Man when I first heard that name it didn't mean anything to me but, after having some time to think about it,it finally clicked.

The Big Man was L. Thompson Lincoln a wealth philanthropist who is a New York icon. Lincoln was a black albino who filled his teeth into points and used to work for Fisk. I also remember that he seemed to feel no pain and have superhuman strength.

Now that I had the information Spider-Man needed I could help him start taking the gangs down. I wanted to give the information to Spider-Man immediately but, it would be too suspicious so I chose to wait a week or two before giving it to him.

That wasn't what was on my mind right now though. What I was thinking about was the Omnitrix. When I woke up this morning I immediately noticed that the instruction manual that was imprinted in my mind had been upgraded.

Now there were pages and pages of theory that explained how and why the Omnitrix worked. It excited me because ever since I came to this world I felt that I wasn't living up to my full potential. I was smart enough to rival people like Reed Richards and Tony Stark yet all I had done with it in the three months I had been here was get straight A's in school.

Now with all these theories that were light years ahead of anything humans had created so far he had a chance to shine. I had a feeling that if I could understand even a fraction of it I could change the world.

Other than the theories there was one other thing in the instructions that I desperately needed. The instructions told me how to activate the Omnitrix's stealth mode. Ever since he was reborn in this world figuring out how to hide his Omnitrix was always on his mind.

The hourglass symbol on the aliens and his watch was too conspicuous. Anyone who was a little bit observant would be able to find out his true identity. While in stealth mode the Omnitrix would completely melt into his body making it impossible to find. From now on as long as I wasn't using it hI would always leave it like that and bringing it back out was as simple as thinking about it.

After eating I went back to my room I was planning on dedicating my entire day to study the Omnitrix. I opened up the Omnitrix to select Grey Matter. When I was first learning to use the Omnitrix I transformed into Grey Matter and tested my I.Q. and found that it was raised to a whopping 280 being raised over a hundred points and being higher than Ironman by over 30 point.

While I was transformed I would be able to comprehend anything memorize thing at an unbelievable level. However as soon as I turned back to normal I would slowly lose everything that I learned until it was at a level I could understand.

I found a way around this however while I'm Grey Matter I could design a learning curriculum to teach myself everything starting from the basics. It wasn't a complete fix but it allowed me to do things like learn computer programming or advanced mathematics in a tenth of the time.

So my plan was to use Grey Matter to teach myself how the Omnitrix worked. It would even be kind of poetic too because Azmuth the man who created the Omnitrix was a Galvan the race Grey Matter was from. Azmuth even donated his own DNA to represent his race so using his form to learn how to make an Omnitrix just seemed right.

But, as soon as I opened the Omnitrix I noticed something shocking there were three new aliens unlocked for me. Looking through them I started to frown not because they were bad but, because they seemed like they were specifically chosen for me.

They were the three monster themed aliens Blitzwolf the werewolf, Snare-oh the mummy, and Frankenstrike the frankenstein's monster. It bothered me that these specific aliens were unlocked just two weeks before Halloween. That along with the part in the instructions that said I would unlock more aliens as he was proven worthy made me think that I was being watched.

I had the feeling that who ever was watching me was the one responsible for bringing me to this world. I just needed to figure out who it was, was it some all powerful being from the Marvel world like The One Above All(basically god) or Madame Web the woman in charge of protecting the multiverse.

I threw myself into my bed trying to get these thoughts out of my head because after all there was nothing I could do about it anyway even if I was right. But, it just creeped me out that someone could be watching me right now and I wouldn't even know it.

I was in a bad mood now and had no desire to study anymore so I decided to go out and let off some steam. And I couldn't think of a better way to do it than going to the rail yard and testing out my new aliens.

"Mom I'm going out for a while" I shouted while heading out the door.

"Ok" she called back "just be back before sundown."

I was a nice day so I didn't transform and walked to the rail yard normally enjoying the sunlight. The rail yard was the same as ever completely abandoned and full graffiti. I checked around to make sure I was really alone and transformed into Blitzwolf.

Blitzwolf was a ten foot tall blue wolf. I took in the surroundings in my new form and noticed that everything seemed far too bright. It was like he just came out of a pitch black room and his eye hadn't adjusted to the light yet. However no matter how long he waited it never got any better.

That's when he remembered that all three of his new aliens came from the same planet. A planet that was tidally locked facing a brown dwarf a star that had already burnt out and was nothing more than a corpse. All of his new aliens essentially evolved in a permanent twilight which explained why everything was too bright.

Blitzwolf never evolved to deal with light so no matter how long I waited my eyes would never adjust. I sucked it up and tested out what Blitzwolf was capable of and it was far better than I had hoped. He wasn't as fast as XLR8, as strong as Four Arms, or as good at tracking as Wildmutt but, he wasn't terrible at anything making Blitzwolf a perfect all rounder. His only flaw was the aforementioned sensitivity to light.

Next was Snare-oh while it looked like a mummy there actually wasn't anything inside of it. He was actually a living cloth which turned out to be surprisingly useful. Snare-oh could stretch out his arms to grab something or wrap around a person to stop them from moving. Not to mention the fact that his body was just one long strip of cloth made him perfect for sneaking into places that would otherwise be impossible to get to. The only weaknesses I could see where the sensitivity to light and the obvious one to fire seeing as I was a cloth.

Last but, not least was Frankenshock he was basically Frankenstein's monster with Tesla coils on his back. He was just a little weaker than Four Arms but, was far more durable and I didn't even feel any pain when I was hit. He also had the ability to shoot lightning generated from his Tesla coils and was actually the only one of the three who wasn't weak to light.