
Beginning: One Hundred Billions Skill Poins

Marioher6872 · 其他
210 Chs

Chapter 78 Valentine Is Not Convinced? There Are So Many Ways I Can Crush Crocodile!

Looking at the booger man's fleeing back, the girls giggled. Kaya said to Vivi: "Vivi, you can feel at ease now. The bad guy has been beaten away by Brother Ron!"

"Thank you, thank you very much, thank you Captain Ron!" Vivi said gratefully.

"It's just a piece of cake!" Ron waved his hand calmly.

"Hmph, don't be proud!" Miss Valentine snorted and said: "Since you know that our boss is Crocodile, you should know that he is Shichibukai

His strength is very strong, you are definitely no match for him because you don't have Devil Fruit ability!"

"Oh?" Ron smiled and looked at Miss Valentine: "Are you so confident that I can't beat Crocodile?"

"You are definitely no match for him!" Miss Valentine said categorically. She had seen Crocodile's power, the ability of the fruit to turn into sand. It was simply incomprehensible and there was no way anyone could kill him.

"Impossible!" Kaya said angrily: "How can Crocodile be Brother Ron's opponent? Brother Ron has never failed along the way!"

"Yes, yes!" Abis also said, "Brother Ron is so awesome! He even defeated Mihawk!"

Eagle Eye..." Upon hearing this name, Miss Valentine paused, and felt a little uncertain. Ron could defeat Hawk Eye, and his strength was absolutely unrivaled, and from the experience of fighting him just now, Judging from the situation, he is indeed very powerful. As for who is stronger between Crocodile and Ron, she is a little confused now.

"Why are you silent?" Kaya snorted and said, "Brother Ron just defeated you without using all his strength. Don't underestimate brother Ron!"

"I..." Miss Valentine was speechless.

Seeing this, Tashigi said calmly: "If the boss of Baroque Works is really Crocodile, there will indeed be some trouble!"

"What should I say?" Ron turned to look at Tashigi.

"Yes, Sister Tashigi, how could Brother Ron not be able to defeat that Darling guy?" Kaya asked unconvinced.

"Because Crocodile's Devil Fruit is Sand-Sand Fruit!" Tashigi said seriously: "He became a Shichibukai a long time ago. Before becoming a Shichibukai, although the bounty was only 80 million beli, over the years, he His strength must have become stronger. The ability of Sand-Sand Fruit allows him to control sand, and it is said that he has controlled the ability of this Logia Devil Fruit to the elemental state. His body can turn into sand at will, with almost no People can kill him!"

"Can the body turn into sand?!"

When the girls heard this, they were immediately horrified. Who could kill him if his body could turn into sand?

"Hey, are you scared now?" Miss Valentine saw the worried looks on the other girls at the table after Tashigi explained, and she immediately laughed and said with some pride: "The boss is very powerful. Yes, body elementalization is only one of his abilities, and his attack power is also very strong!"

"Stop bragging about your boss!"

Seeing the girls looking at him worriedly, Ron still looked calm and calm: "First of all, Crocodile does have the ability to turn into sand, but this ability is not as invincible as you think. I want to There are many ways to kill him!

Bragging!" Miss Valentine looked unbelieving. She felt that the boy in front of her was definitely bragging. Crocodile's body turned into sand. How could there be many ways to kill Crocodile if he was invincible and invincible?

"Brother Ron, is there any way to defeat that Dar?" Kaya asked quickly.

"It's very simple!" Ron said with a smile: "You should know that I own Armament Haki. This Haki can completely defeat the elemental form of Logia Devil Fruit. I can crush Crocodile to death without any effort!"

"Wow, is it true?" Kaya suddenly laughed happily and looked at Miss Valentine proudly: "How about, let me just say that brother Ron can defeat Dar?"

"It's Crocodile!" Miss Valentine corrected it, and then said: "What's Haki? I've never heard of it! Stop making it up!"

The minions at her level have really never heard of the existence of Haki, so they have no idea how powerful Armament Haki is. (bdcd)

It's no wonder she hasn't heard of it. Among the girls around Ron before, only Tashigi and Makino knew of Haki's existence. The other girls, even Nami, who had been in East Blue for many years, had never heard of it.

"Okay!" Ron shook his head helplessly: "Since you are so ignorant, I won't talk about Haki. Then you always know about seastone, right? If I use seastone to suppress Crocodile's Devil Fruit ability, do you think I can defeat it? he?"

"Sea, seastone..." Miss Valentine's expression changed drastically. This kind of thing is the natural enemy of all Devil Fruit powers. This kind of thing is extremely strong. If it is suppressed by it, all Demon Fruit powers will come from Devil. Fruit's ability will be suppressed to death in an instant, and it will become as weak as if it were plunged into sea water, allowing others to slaughter it!

If a strong man like Ron really used seastone as an attack method, Crocodile would really be in danger of dying.

Seeing Miss Valentine's expression change, Ron smiled and said: "In addition to seastone, Crocodile's ability to dissolve sand has another flaw. Once his body is soaked in water, he will not be able to dissolve sand. This is the biggest drawback of Sand-Sand Fruit."

"How, how could there be such a flaw?" Miss Valentine muttered to herself.

How could he be stupid enough to tell you this fatal flaw?" Ron shook his head.

"Wow, Brother Ron is so awesome!" Kaya said with a smile: "I found three ways to defeat the enemy at once, and the opponent was a big shot like Shichibukai. Sure enough, no matter how powerful the person is, there is no one as powerful as Brother Ron! "

Ron smiled and said, "You know how to praise me every day!"

"They are telling the truth!" Kaya pouted.

Nami and the other girls looked at each other and sighed. Although their captain was not very good, he was really powerful. It seemed that this Crocodile was really no match for him.

Princess Vivi's eyes sparkled as she listened. It turned out that Crocodile, who was so powerful in her mind, still had so many weaknesses. This Ron was really powerful!

Princess Vivi's heart suddenly moved, and she remembered what Ron had said to the booger man before. He said that he would take care of Vivi's affairs and let Crocodile wash her neck and wait.

Is he ready to help himself?

Princess Vivi hesitated for a moment, but was about to ask: "Well... Captain Ron, you, what you just said, you are in charge of my affairs. "Are you going to help me?"

Looking at Princess Vivi's cautious eyes, Ron said seriously: "Yes, the mission to kill you failed this time. Crocodile will definitely not give up. If I don't help you, I guess you won't be able to return to Alabasta." Since I took action today, I will help you to the end and help you solve the problem completely!"

"That's great!" Vivi laughed happily, her beautiful and delicate face blooming into a flower-like smile: "Thank you so much, Captain Ron, thank you very much!"