
Become Cosmic God

The story of the main character becoming a god by using dream world

Sitidara · 奇幻
1 Chs


Talking about MC, let's just call him MC first because you don't need to think about his name, he is an adult in society and has a job, but because he is sensitive and complains easily he was kicked out of his job.

The same day he was fired, "huh, I'm so tired," he said when he entered his small house. In the house he was the only one because he lived independently as an adult and was far from his family. Even so, he was rather happy because he preferred being alone rather than hanging out with people.

After doing his daily routine after coming home from work, he rested in front of his computer, after all it wasn't time to sleep yet. Usually he goes to bed at less than 12 o'clock but because he was fired today there is no tomorrow to go to work, meaning he will laze around until morning comes.

"Nothing interesting" after he played on his computer for hours. Because of a strange algorithm, he saw a video on YouTube about lucid dreaming. Because he was curious and he was a little sleepy but had difficulty sleeping, a video related to dreamland aroused his interest.

And because of that, his life began to change.

About two years after that, at night, around 8 o'clock, it was a bit late for MC to go to sleep. "Huh, if that was two years ago, I was still busy playing on the computer." Now his habits have changed, because he just stays at home and doesn't work. outside, then the night's rest time is early. Usually at half past 8 or even 7 he is asleep.

"It's time to get serious," he said to himself as he lay in bed. He immediately closed his eyes and in a short time he was in dreamland or entering the lucid dream that he had learned about two years ago.

In the dream world, what we call the astral world is a strange world with an appearance similar to a starry sky or cosmos, but there is no dark or empty feel around it. There are various colors and strange objects such as backgrounds covering the scene of the MC.

"It seems there is no 'them' this time, as it is very far from the existence of 'them'" the mc's field of vision is not like on earth, because he is in spirit or astral form he can see 360° and can penetrate the appearance of objects in the astral world even the furthest away.

Then the mc took out a book without a cover in front of it, the transparent papers were not white but reflected the colors of the astral world around the mc.

This is a valuable object or existence belonging to the mc, in the dream world or astral world you will be able to realize something you want, of course this applies to people who are already skilled or experienced in the world of dreams, so for lay people who are just learning lucid dreaming, it is very It's hard, let alone, to move his body freely like he's stuck.

"What a valuable experience" sighed, the MC felt nostalgic like an old man remembering his childhood. Without further ado, he moved the floating book by extending his hand.

Then transparent paper with a reflection of the astral world was scattered around the MC, tens - hundreds - thousands of countless pieces of paper covered the MC's view of the astral world.

In fact, these papers are a reflection of the MC's memories of the astral world he lives in, unlike on earth he feels a heavy burden to remember what happened in the astral world. Because the MC adheres to his 'humanity'.

How long had he lived in the astral world? Two years? No, twenty years, that's not it either. The mc doesn't remember for sure, because of the time difference and because he separates his memories he has a vague intuition that he has lived in the astral world for 4-5 digit numbers. A fantastic number for a 'human' like him, "the lifespan of ancient dragons or ancient elves is comparable to this right?" He remembered works of writing in novels or other things that had settings like this.

Even though he mocked himself, what the MC didn't know was that his intuition was half right, what he felt was only the tip of the iceberg, aka precious memories in the astral world that affected his spiritual body, similar to the case of the human physical body. Spirits are much more sensitive about their own memories, so the MC's case of relying on intuition is much worse than that of a decrepit old man who remembers the memories of his youth.

His memory papers had done their job. Now the appearance of the MC is somewhat similar to before but there are dividing lines that form a hypercube with the MC inside.

"Tsk, just the spacetime barrier uses up this much energy?" groaning at what happened, he checked his remaining energy. He has lived in the astral world for a long time by saving energy, even though only 10% of his energy is used to 'escape'.

The energy of the astral world is to do what you want, but of course, when you first get to know this dream world, it will be difficult to get this energy, for MCs who are already skilled or professional because they have lived in the dream world for a long time, getting this energy is as easy as breathing in their physical body. Well, this energy has an equal exchange, the more difficult your 'desire' is, the greater the energy consumption.

What the mc wants to create now is a space-time barrier, as the name suggests is a barrier or an isolated space in the form of a complex space-time, even the mc himself understands a little about the existence of space-time because he used to be just a former 3-dimensional mortal body who live in a 4 dimensional world. Now in the strange astral world, he felt that it was much higher than where he used to be, therefore he was able to cast the wish he had dreamed of when he saw his favorite character as a god unattainable by mortal humans. The embodiment of the space-time barrier is the strength of the character based on his imagination and desires.

The requirements for doing so are not too ambitious, whatever your wishes will be assessed by the astral world, so the amount of energy you consume is based on the exclusive assessment of the astral world. Even after living for so long, the MC still doesn't understand the mystery of the astral world.

"Tsk, enough narration, time for 'creation'!" after the mc shouted, he reached out again to transfer the energy into his will. Then he was like a painter drawing a sketch of what was in front of him. With a fictitious brush that suddenly materializes in his hand, the 'paper' to draw on is the room where MC is located which is the blank 'paper' from his memory book.

His memory book functions as an aid to the manifestation of astral world energy. In the distant past, he was aware of the function of 'memory' in this world, not only as a stimulus for astral world energy but also as a consumption of astral world energy.

The more knowledge and insight into the astral world, the more valuable it becomes in the eyes of the laws of the astral world, what you see and what you understand after exploring the astral world will become a source of great energy for the inhabitants of the astral world. Of course it has a big risk, the more you know, the less you will become.

"It's hard to explain, but it's similar to 'them'" the MC's mind raced when he accidentally accessed the traumatic memory of himself when he 'ran away'.

Then, the brush began to paint a planet that looked like Earth, although its size was much larger, the picture did not show modern-day Earth but rather the Earth when it was still in its first formation as a planet, he missed the origin of the planet as gas but because the 'planet' he drew was not planet at all but space-time is round like a planet with its contents.

After that, draw a big tree in it. The mc embodies the myth of yggdrasil on earth into his 'creation', the tree in the picture doesn't look like a tree at all with a brown trunk or green leaves but a colorful trunk with characteristic colors in the background of the astral world and the leaves show irregular angles with a starry sky in it.

The roots are darker than anything like looking at the empty space in the cosmos with the darkest point at the core of the 'planet'.

Satisfied with the results, then the MC drew satellites and stars as the sun around it...