
Beauty in the beast world

Lyra is a 21st-century girl from the modern world who accidentally transmigrated into the beast world while swimming. what happens when a gorgeous young girl with golden blonde hair and ocean blue eyes with ivory white skin doll falls into a world where the female population is drastically low. But as she stays in the world, she discovers many secrets about herself which she never imagined. Join her journey in discovering love, heartache, and the real truth of her life. This is my first story please support me and join me on my journey through this story. The cover photo is not mine Contains mature content with many r#18 scenes audience below 16 restrain from reading it. Follow my insta @ruby_rosie_2001

Ruby_rosie · 奇幻言情
316 Chs


After that day, both Noah and Lucas ignored each other's presence. Noah went hunting whereas Lucas stayed behind with Lyra. A week passed and Lyra was finally able to get out of bed.

Today Lucas was helping her to take a walk. She didn't feel any pain but felt somewhat uncomfortable walking after resting for so long. Lucas patiently held her shoulders and helped her in keeping her balance.

Walking out of the bedroom she spotted Noah sitting near the stone stove. Noah felt her presence and looked up "I have cooked food for you, I hope you like it"

Lucas frowned "Who are you to cook for my female? Throw that away, I will do it myself"

Lyra held his hand and cast an apologetic look at Noah "Don't be so unreasonable "

Then turned to Noah "Thank you, I was feeling a little hungry"

Noah smiled and got up to leave. Lyra frowned "Why are you leaving without even eating? We three should eat together"

Noah froze in his steps and faced her "Can I eat together with you?"

Lucas gritted his teeth "Ly, we can't let him eat with us. He is not a part of our family"

She rolled her eyes "It is the prey that he caught and cooked, why isn't he allowed to his food? And, he has been staying in our house and helping us a lot, don't be so petty"

She looked at Noah "Come and join us"

Noah's lips arched hearing her, he sat down with them. Lucas grumbled and gave Lyra a bowl of steamed meat with some vegetables. Then roasted the remaining prey and made sure to give only the leftovers to Noah.

Noah however didn't complain and ate heartily. He was not able to believe that he was near his baby dove, He glanced at her from time to time and couldn't stop himself from going into trance, she was such a little creature but made him completely crazy for her. His father always complimented him for making decisions without bringing emotions in the middle but when he heard about her origin and the dangers surrounding her, he didn't care about himself and wanted to kill off anyone who tried to hurt her even if it meant losing his life in that process. Beastmen always had stronger emotions towards their females and now he believed it completely.

Breaking Noah's train of thoughts Lucas spoke to Lyra "Ly when will you go into heat again?"

Lyra widened her eyes and glanced at Noah and turned back angrily "Why are you suddenly asking that?"

Lucas didn't understand her anger and continued to chatter "I know that you have a different pattern than others, I just want to prepare the cotton before the rainy season"

Lyra held her forehead "Stop it! I will tell you afterward, eat your food" she said and stuffed the meat into his mouth not allowing him to talk anymore.

Lucas chewed on it with difficulty and gave her a confused look "Are angry at me? Why?" he then looked and Noah and smiled smugly

"Oh, is it because of him? Because I can't talk in front of an outsider?"

Noah who was silently eating the food lifted his head "I already know that she can go into heat every month"

Lyra choked on her food listening to his words and looked at him with bloodshot eyes.

Lucas patted her back and made her drink some water. After calming herself she looked at Noah "How did you know about that?"

Noah calmly answered "The witch master informed me that you and his mate are different from females here"

She frowned and looked at Lucas "Is he spreading this to everyone? Did you guys know about it?"

Lucas sighed "I knew that guy was bad news. He knows that you and his mate are from the same world and I'm not surprised that he said this to someone else"

Noah shook his head "He only said that to me, he also asked me to keep it a secret from others"

She nodded her head "Please don't say that to anyone else, it will be burdensome to me"

Noah smiled gently "Don't worry baby dove, Your secret is safe with me"

Lucas scowled "Don't call my Ly with that ridiculous name"

Lyra held his hand calming him "Let it be, you and Blake also gave me nicknames"

"He is not the same as us!" he pouted and replied

"Do you not like me calling you baby dove?" Noah said as he looked at Lyra

Lucas answered instead "Yeah, she doesn't like it" and picked up Lyra horizontally entering the bedroom

Noah looked at their retreating back and lowered his head. 'Would he never have a chance to be her mate'? he for some time even thought of snatching her away from them but discarded those thoughts because he knew that she would hate him for that. The worst thing he wanted from her was hate towards him.

Lucas put her down on the bed and hugged her tightly, as though he was scared of something. Lyra sensed his abnormal behavior and turned to face him "Is something bothering you? You know that you can talk to me right?"

He whimpered burying his face in her chest "I know that. But I'm scared to show my weak side to you, I'm afraid that you would disdain me"

She looked at him in shock and sadness "Why would you think like that? Do you think that I'm such a person"

Seeing her gloomy face Lucas panicked "It is not like that Ly! It is just that, I want to always appear strong and reliable to you"

Lyra kissed his forehead "I like you the way you are. Your carefree and cheerful personality is what made me like you in the first place, so don't worry about being vulnerable in front of me. Didn't I also share my worries with you before I mated with you? Do you hate me for that?"

He shook his head "I would never hate you, Ly, I'm sorry for hurting you"

She caressed his face "Now can you tell me about your problems?"

Lucas nodded and started talking "I had many brothers and half brothers while growing up, but the one I was most close to was my eldest brother Daniel, he took care of me when I was still a cub, trained me as a teacher, supported me as a brother. He was the one who introduced Noah to me and we three became best friends"

"But it all changed when a stray beast tide attacked us, Noah abandoned my brother causing his death. A beastman who was in that scene informed me that if only Noah helped my brother in that situation, then he would have not met his demise" A teardrop made its way to his face "I hate him so much for that, seeing him brings back the bad memories for me. I barely came out of the past after meeting you, and how can I accept him and entrust your safety to him? that is the reason why Blake and I fought that night"

Lyra hugged him and stroked his back "I'm sorry for your loss, it can be very traumatizing to lose someone close to our hearts. I'm positive that he is in a good place now"

She pushed him slightly and looked at his eyes "But did you ever try to hear about Noah's side of the story? looking at how you are more disappointed than angry with him, I can make out that you still consider him as a friend. You believed someone else's words and didn't even allow him to explain himself, I may come out as unreasonable but I'm saying this because I care about you"

"My heart aches to see you in pain, Talk it out and clear your mind. Remember that you always have me to share your burdens. I love you" She said and kissed his lips

Lucas closed his eyes with tears, quivering he replied "I love you more Ly, You are my everything"

After hugging each other for a while, Lucas broke the silence

"But you didn't say when you go into heat though," he said breaking their emotional moment

Lyra looked at him in disbelief "Why are so desperate to know that?"

Lucas grinned "So that we could have our babies"

She pushed him away "You shameless fellow, It has barely been a week after I gave birth, and stop grinning like a creep"

He crawled towards her and smirked "How am I a creep? I just want to make babies with you"

Lyra fidgetted seeing his seductive look "Get out! I want to sleep alone today"

Lucas laughed looking at her red face "I'm sorry for teasing you Ly, I will clean the living room and return"

As he walked towards the door, he halted and turned back to her and winked, then ran away. Lyra huffed and covered herself with a blanket 'Such a bully'

Lucas's smiling face dropped as he caught sight of Noah, he squinted his eyes and strode to him "I want to talk something with you, follow me"

Noah was dumbfounded, this was the first time Lucas spoke to him so calmly after so many years.