
Beastly Mates

Madoc and Zayeden Ferreire both hail from the Crimson Lunar Tribe. They are 19 years old. They are the unknown males that will become Sachi’s mate. They are the strongest males born in the last three hundred years. Their mating is the key to helping unite all the tribes in a massive unification that will benefit them all. As identical twins, made from one egg, they are a naturally occurring clone, therefore they are one. Sachi Bennion is the daughter of the Sanguine Lunar Tribe. The youngest of the Alpha's children. She is the only daughter born with the alpha birthright. And not just any birthright, she is the special alpha. A tragedy happens and she dies, but has her body taken over by the Sachi from the future. Sachi was just an ordinary girl that worked in the fashion industry, along with her best friend. She dies in a horrible car accident, but not before Selene the Lunar Queen offers her the chance to step into her special alphas place. Sachi agrees and wakes up on the riverbank, badly injured from the ride in the water. Now she must keep her promise to the original Sachi to help her find her mates and fulfill the destiny that Selene the Lunar Queen has laid out for her. With the disappointment Selene has faced in her children, she sends the twins and Sachi to help reteach her children the proper ways of the werewolf people. Far to many are trying to take on the attributes of the humans and their mother is not pleased. Excerpt from the story: Original Sachi Bennion: "PLEASE, please, I beg of you, to avenge me." Sachi Bennion: "Who? Who are you? Are you speaking to… me?" Original Sachi Bennion: "Yes, yes I am. Please, please avenge me. I was supposed to be paired to one of the men from the Crimson Tribe with any luck. As you have seen from some of my memories, I will not see that particular possibility unfold." Sachi Bennion: "What would you like me to do? In my original world, I was nothing more than a clothing designer. Basically, a tailor that designed the outfits. I have no skills in fighting or how to be a leader. How will I manage such a feat? Hell, my only other possible skill is the fact that I studied herbology as a hobby." Original Sachi Bennion: "Do not worry so much on that front, I will leave with you all my skills and fighting knowledge of this world. That way, you will not be so lost. Be sure to make use of those skills and train hard as you will surely need them to help you for the task to come. When my mate is found, you will be among the strongest female alphas in the whole tribe. Finding him will unlock us both completely, then we will be able to transform. That is part of why I was killed by them. Jealously!! Fucking jealousy! I cannot let things stand. It is to be my duty to help rule whatever tribe I am mated to. I refuse to let them get away with taking my role that I was groomed for my whole life. It is UNFORGIVABLE!! I beg of you; make them all pay for what they have done." Sachi Bennion: "I understand, I shall do my best to avenge you. I promise to help figure out which one actually pushed you in and I will make them pay. I always keep my vows to people. This I will do since you have died unnecessarily with such grievance. Those who cannot respect family and traditions have no rights to speak of in my opinion."

SinisterGoth1977 · 奇幻言情
106 Chs

Ch 2 Part 3

She was lost in her thoughts, skimming over everything she had worked out with her parents and thinking of all the reactions that would be given during the big tribal meeting. It was a good thing though that she was already used to holding big business meetings. She was not nearly as nervous as she knew she should probably have been. After all, she was a thirty something year old in an eighteen-year old's body. But that was beside the point, she had the experience to keep calm during this little play they would be performing. Finalizing all the things she wanted her father to help cover, she put all the papers into the makeshift folder she had compiled and set it back by her bed. Sitting down, she picked up one of the pieces of clothes she had been mending and went back to work on it.

Her parents finally came out of their bed area and came towards the front fire. They both stretched as they rubbed the sleep from their eyes. Still, they managed to get a decent set of clothes on for the meeting. Sachi realized they had finally come out and got up from the edge of her bed as she sat down the piece of clothing she was working on. She picked up the makeshift folder that she made and walked toward her parents.

Sachi Bennion: "Good morning, mother, father. I see your two seemed to sleep well last night. Look I made a cover for the meeting items. I thought it would help keep things straighter."

They looked at Sachi and smiled, seeing the odd shaped cover she had made and tilted their heads. They had not seen anything like it, so used to seeing scroll casings; this thing looked so much easier to deal with.

Adie Bennion: "Well that is certainly a different looking item. How did you come up with that? It is most certainly different from anything we have ever used before."

Sachi Bennion: "I just thought that if the area was flat, then the papers would stay that way as well. I just made it when I could not find one of the scroll casings. So rather than make a lot of noise tearing the house apart, I just made this instead."

Adie Bennion: "I see. That makes sense. Thanks for not making a ton of racket. I can clearly tell you have been up much longer than us. But I do not think we have any scroll cases in the house anyway."

Ceilic Bennion: "So you have basically been keeping busy again this morning. You have been organizing so much stuff. You do not seem to stop at all anymore."

Sachi Bennion: "Well I am now eighteen. My first year of a mate search, and the special alpha. I have to make sure I fulfill my duties as such. With so much needing to be taken care of, I just want to make sure you guys are not to over worked. I should be doing at least that much, I mean, my brothers are busy training the guards while I have been hiding in the house."

Adie Bennion: "Well do not worry about that, they know we were working on that farce and getting you better. They have been putting an act of their own like you were not going to get better any time soon."

Ceilic Bennion: "I see, that is why they kept acting weird in front of me. Geeze, some of you could have let me in on that. But that is fine, she will be out today, and hopefully, they will get stupid and give themselves away."

Adie Bennion: "Yes, for now, I will go get her something for breakfast, she will eat it in here. I set the tribal meeting up for around noon to start. So, we can relax for a few hours while we double check Sachi's plans."

Sachi Bennion: "That's fine father. Thank you. I cannot wait to see what their faces may look like. Oh well, I will make sure the stuff if prepared. Do not worry."

Her father smiled as he left to go get her food. Her mother helped with one last farce outside to the outhouse and then headed back inside. Her sister and cousin clearly showing distain as once again, their cleaning routine came to a grinding halt to stare daggers. Closing the door, Sachi could not help but giggle and her mother looked at her confused.

Ceilic Bennion: "Why are you laughing? Did they do something that entertaining or is their actions just starting to get comical to you?"

Sachi Bennion: "Well, I guess so many days of having to play off as injured still has got me finding their expressions funny. You would think they would at least act like they were sad I was hurt, but no."

Ceilic Bennion: "I see then. I guess, since you have not been able to go out till today, I see the logic in a bit of twisted humor. You are right though; they do not even act sad that you are hurt. That upsets me terribly."

Sachi Bennion: "Do not worry mother. If anything, have my brothers come to the house and act like a barrier around me. Keep them kind of spaced out some, just enough room in case thy try to use a poison dart or shoot an arrow at me from somewhere. Make sure they are armored well."

Her mother looked on in surprise, her daughter even took into account a possible attack on her life again and is incorporating it into the plans while heading to the meeting hall. Watching her daughter, she walked over to her dresser, from beside her dresser, a special project she had been working on, a lightweight set of armor made from hue grass and cotton wood branches. Making the overall armor lightweight and easy to use.

{{For those who may wonder what cotton wood is, it is a type of wood that tends to have its own tensile strength that is equal to most metals. White Cottonwood, when cured right, it can become as hard as steel and is light in weight. It does not break easily. It is not to be mistaken with black cottonwood, which is much more brittle, has no tensile strength and does not even make good firewood. Hue grass is a grass used when making most baskets and other various items, it becomes rigid and strong when woven or braided together, it is also powerful enough to stop most arrows and musket ball rounds if done correctly or keep damage to a minimum at the very least.}}

Her mother marveled at how she managed to make such items. What appeared before her, an entire set that could be worn under her clothes. Arm pieces that would shield the arms as long as they were to her waste, the leg pieces were set up the same. For her sides, tightly woven hue grass that connected to a front and back plate she had designed. In total awe, her mother wondered where she picked up such knowledge. But did not question it, maybe it was something else the Lunar Queen gave her specially. Shaking her head lightly, goddess only knows.

Not questioning it any further, she walked closer to where Sachi was standing and ran her hands over it. It was like nothing she had ever seen, a concealable armor that was lightweight. It was genius, her mother marveled at it for a few more minutes before her father walked through the door carrying food for all three of them, on maid behind them to hold the extra tray. Setting the food down upon the table near Sachi's bed, he was smiling as he turned around holding a chunk of bread. As soon as he spotted the strange looking armor, he tilted his head in confusion putting the bread down and walking over to his Luna and Sachi. Reaching out, he touched the odd-looking armor in wonder. Picking up each piece style and inspecting it closely as he stood there, mouth agape. Sachi had already walked over to the food trays and took her picks of food and began eating happily as she smiled watching her parents wonder what she had constructed.

Standing there she just snickered wondering how long her parents were going to stand in awe of the armor concept she had done. It was close enough to what she had seen done in books at the library back in her original world. She knew weaving and was a good seamstress, the rest kind of worked itself out if she kept the concept simple enough, an idiot could do it. Walking over still munching on some bread, she bent down and inadvertently startled her parents who were brought out of their trance when she spoke.

Sachi Bennion: "I see you like the armor I made."

Adie Bennion: "Where did this concept come from? I have never seen anything like it before in my life. Most of our lightweight armor is made from leather and hide, but this, it is merely grass and wood."

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