
I Will Slaughter My Way

At first, Randy confused but soon he became clear as the wounded Monikia told his story to Marin. However, the more he heard the story, the angrier he became.

Marlin used ridiculous reason to cut his men's hands and told him it was a fair trade. Randy stood from his chair as the crimson fire enveloped him from the head to the toe. Not only his body, but his two Infernal Blades also shrouded in the crimson flame.

Looking at this, Monikias in the room alerted, and they made a stance as two golden sticks in each their hands. However, Marlin calmed down, ordering his men to get back.

"See, this is the proof. You almost killed him and I cut ten hands from your ten men, it was a fair trade," Marlin stated calmly.

"You can go from this island with your twenty men and I will forget for what you have done just now. Like I said earlier, we have no intention to get into your hostile side, and we promise that we would never attack your territory,"