
Batman: Ghost

A new figure appears in the shadows of gothams underworld. is he here to help or Make things worse? What will happen when this figure clashes with batman?

Thomas_Hodge · 漫画同人
10 Chs

Round two!

" Ghost-net? Are there any updates today?" Dante asked as he drove home from the wayne's manor.

[ Yes sir, it would appear deathstroke has been sighted meeting with Falcone's men. Most likely to purchase firearms.]

" Falcone? He usually deals with penguin. Seems odd, I don't like it. Give me the coordinates I'll see if any of Falcone's thugs are still kicking around the area." dante said.

[ Right away sir. Coordinates have been sent to your suit.]

" Got them, Suiting up now." Dante said while putting the vehicle into autopilot. The seat shifted backwards, and his suit began to materialize on his body. " Let's go!"

Back at wayne manor.

" Welcome." Cassandra said to the newly arrived Jason.

" Thanks, cass, did you have a good time today?" Jason asked

" Yes." Cassandra replied.

" Does he treat you right cass?" Jason asked

" Yes." the woman replied.

" Then, I have no problems with him. But if he hurts you, I'll put a bullet in him." Jason said

" No." Cassandra replied glaring at the man

" Okay, calm down cass I was only joking." Jason said trying to calm the girl down.

" That was something cass. I never knew you had it in you." Stephanie joked while laughing at the woman.

" Yeah cass, I would have thought you'd flip out on him groping you like." Tim added in.

" Look at you all grown-up no longer the little girl we grew up with." Dick joked. The taunts making the young woman blush

" Everyone! get suited up now. There was another murder down in the docks." Bruce said to the group.

" Right!" The group yelled

with dante

' Damn! looks like I was late again another pile of bodies to add to the list. But this doesn't make sense. Why would the shadows go through the trouble of killing off their arms dealers?'

" It's weird that whenever bodies show up, you're there. Are you going to repeat the same lie?" batman asked

" Batman and his baby birds, we gotta stop running into each other like this. I'm starting to think this is all just a set up for me." Ghost joked

" This isn't the time for jokes Ghost. Did you do this?" Nightwing asked

" Nightwing, nice to see you. I was disappointed that the original birdy wasn't here last time. But to answer your question, no it wasn't me. Look at the bodies." Ghost was saying as he started to make his way over to the bodies.

Blam Blam Blam. Bullets were fired at the man.

" Whoa, was that necessary?" Ghost asked

" Probably not, but I don't want you moving around so much. So, how about you stay nice and still for me okay?" Red hood said

" Red hood. It seems the whole family's here tonight. Well, everyone, but batgirl, whatever happened to her?" Ghost asked.

" None of your concern. Now, talk!" Batman ordered.

" Sorry bat, but you're going to have to ask a lot nicer than that" Ghost replied

" You said you didn't do this. Then, who did?" Nightwing asked

" Ugh! You guys must have been banking on me being the culprit. Okay, I guess I can be cooperative this time. I'm here tracking a group called the shadows. I'm sure you've heard of them." Ghost said.

" Yeah, we've had many run ins with them over the years." Nightwing replied.

" Then, I don't need to tell you who it is I've been tracking here in Gotham. Earlier today i got a tip that Deathstroke had been meeting with Falcone's men here to buy weapons, but it looks like that wasn't the case." Ghost said gesturing to the bodies lain about. " Deathstroke isn't here alone, I know lady shiva, sports master, and a few others are here as well. More importantly is that they're working with another group."

" Does this group have a name?" Nightwing asked

" That I'm afraid I can't tell you; I can however assume they're the reason deathstroke keeps killing his old arms suppliers." Ghost said.

" I don't believe you." Batman said taking a step towards the man.

" Really, like I said earlier take a look at the bodies, you can see they've been dead for hours. I only got here just before you did." Ghost explained. " why is it so difficult for you to trust me? You know what, don't answer that. Look I've told you all I can for now. There's too many unkown variables for me to give you all the details for now." Ghost said

" Okay, then you should have no problems coming with us while we verify your story." Nightwing said.

" I don't know about that boy wonder. I don't like being locked up. Or are you gonna take me to your Batcave? That is what you birdy's call it right?" Ghost taunted.

" You're coming with us, whether you like it or not." Batman said

" Yeah, I choose not." Ghost said throwing three small exploding pellets towards the group.

Robin and red robin both moved to engage the man together. Robin taking swings at him with his sword, while red robin attempted to throw him off with his bo staff.

" Trying something different this time. I like it, but you two still aren't good enough to play on this stage." Ghost taunted as he dodged the two robins. Ghost vaulted over robin's head Grabbing him by his collar before rag dolling him around and throwing him into red robin.

Seeing the two get manhandled Spoiler, Nightwing, and red hood all moved to help the two boys.

" Damn, you guys really undersold this guy's abilities." Nightwing said

" No kidding. I can't get a clean shot at him." Red hood said trying to get a shot in on the man.

" Sorry but fighting me as a group like this when you're using a gun is never a good idea." Ghost said as he used the man's teammates as meat shields. " What's the matter boy wonder, can't take me on your own?"

" You're taunting isn't working." Nightwing replied

" Well, it was worth a shot." Ghost said. " What about you blondie? I got to admit your ass looks nice in that suit."

" Yeah, well you can kiss it." Spoiler replied swinging her staff at the man, trying to sandwich him in between herself and nightwing.

" Sorry, but I'm happily taken. But I'll be more than happy to kick it for you." Ghost said before slamming his foot into her chest knocking her out of a nearby window.

" Spoiler!" Nightwing called out.

" You shouldn't be getting distracted boy wonder." Ghost said before comboing the man. Driving his fists into the man's gut and temple before following it up with a knee to his stomach and another knee to his chin. " Alright! your turn red." Ghost said before throwing Nightwing at red hood.

" Damn it!" Jason yelled as he caught Dick's body. " Where'd he?" Jason was asking before Ghost appeared in front of him driving the heel of his palm into the man's face knocking him off balance, before dropping him with an axe kick. " Are you just gonna watch while I beat your team's ass?" Ghost asked batman.

" Fight!" Orphan said stepping forward.

" Oh, is it your turn bat babe. You managed to cut me last time. Let's see if you've improved." Ghost said before gesturing to the girl to bring it. The girl lunged at the man with one of her blades drawn, slashing at his arms and legs. ' Your blade, its edge is blunt. Did you do that so that it wouldn't be lethal? Why would you do that? Your friend robin is at least trying to kill me or at the very least maim me for life." Ghost asked as he dodged the woman's blade.

" No kill." Orphan replied

" No killing huh. I can respect that. I'm not to uppity about killing myself, doesn't mean I'm not capable though and you are very capable. You're reading my every move and acting without thought. That's something not even the most accomplished of fighters can do." Ghost explained. " But still you're not strong enough yet to beat me." Ghost said before disarming the woman and slamming his palm into her chin. Orphan stumbled slightly before recovering. ' Hand to hand now. She is good' Ghost thought. " What the?" Ghost said before being attacked by nightwing and red hood together.

" You didn't think we were down for the count, did you?" Red hood asked

" No, not really. But I was hoping." Ghost said as he dodged attacks from the three fighters. ' Whoa, they're good with teamwork.' " Ah!" Ghost grunted as he felt a sharp pain in his leg. Orphan had slashed him with her second blade. " Wait a minute. Time out." Ghost said.

" There are no time outs in a fight man." Nightwing said.

" I SAID TIME THE FUCK OUT!" Ghost yelled as he drove his fist into nightwings jaw. " Where did you get that?" Ghost asked the young woman.

" Don't worry." Orphan replied.

Hearing the voice of the young woman ghost began to study her and the others carefully.

" Cassandra?" Ghost called out.

Hearing her name come from the man's mouth without his voice changer shocked the woman into silence.

' There's no way. But that's the blade I gave her. And her voice and body are the same. There's no doubt.' Ghost thought. "Dick? Tim? Damien? Bruce? Cass?" dante called out as he dropped his fighting stance.

" dante?" Cassandra called out as the man pulled his hood off revealing his white hair

" We should have told her not to bring that sword. Did you have to hit me that hard?" Dick asked still reeling from the punch.

" Oh, shit! Things just got so much more complicated." Ghost said

" Dante? you're!" Cassandra was saying.

" I never wanted you to see this cass, but now isn't the time I suggest we get out of here before cops come running." Ghost was explaining when suddenly a red dot appeared over cassandra's head.

' FUCK!' dante thought as he rushed to the woman, covering her just before the trigger was pulled. Two fifty-caliber bullets tore through the man's back just barely missing his arteries. " ARGHHHH!" The man yelled out in pain before throwing down smoke bombs.

" Sniper! watch out!" Bruce said

" Ghost stay with me." Cassandra cried as the man dropped to his knees.

' Thank god I upgraded my armor. Or else I'd be dead right now.' Ghost thought as he struggled to get to his feet.

" He's gone!" Red robin said as he surveyed the area.

" Why? Why protect me?" Cassandra asked.

" I couldn't lose the only good woman in my life. I love you too much." dante was saying before he passed out.

" Damn! He's losing blood fast. We need to get him back to the cave." Bruce said as he and nightwing grabbed the man from the crying girl's arms. "Let's go!" ' I should have listened to the others. No way am I letting you die kid.' Bruce thought as he and the others rushed back to the cave.

'don't die. Please don't die' Cassandra cried as she cradled the bleeding man in her arms.