
Chapter II - Lenore

Caleb was studying the people at the table, but she already felt excited for the next steps. Lenore was taller and looked older, but had the goofy carefree attitude a good amount of teenagers usually get to feel. Especially when they get to be so free from constraints as she was allowed by her brothers' job and life schedule. Granted having a job with him cut some of the carefree loopiness, but that came with it's own sets of perks. Like her car, and the decent amount of money she had on hand for herself.

She sighed, then reached out and took the platter with the live squid and veggie lo-mein. If nothing else, she'd show a little mercy and take out one of the less comfortable meals. The trick was in handling the tentacles. After that, the threat was removed. Of course, veering away from how it was traditionally done was also allowed in this game. The three youngest members watched her, as the eldest male turned his head from the action.

Yeah, they would be lucky to walk out of here with the one of these cream puffs ready to join them. That was okay, though. More chances for her to levy herself up for some real field missions. That would be great for her bank account and chances to act more freely!!

She laughed, then stabbed the squid in the middle of it's globulous head, before wrapping the tentacles around the knife and finishing the action by swallowing the dying creature whole. They tasted best either fully cooked, dried, or completely living. Still, this was close enough to living to call it a win in her books. After that, she proceeded to munch comfortably on the veggie lo-mein, while sipping at a brightly colored pink and orange drink. She winced, but shrugged afterwards as she felt the sting run down her throat. Guess that's what she got for grabbing randomly. A drink made by fusing the juices of Habanero peppers and cinnamon with a cream base.

She puffed out her cheeks, then glared at the other five. "It's simple. Eat. Eat like this is your last meal. Eat with how you want to be remembered. Eat honestly. By sacrificing your personal preferences to help another in need, or to having something enjoyable to your palette before you potentially die." Her eyes were like hard flints, but softened as the youngest in the group each took a dish and drink and commenced with eating. Then of course, as it seems was tradition, something happened.

Mr. Tandell spoke again, glaring at the remaining meals. "You make a mockery of the business of hiring people, both of you. I've been in Management, and this odd charade is simply disgusting. Not to mention, one of your candidates could pass for my father! You would hire on retirees and toddlers to do the job of a proper adult? I admit being so young yourself, I shouldn't be surprised. Still, this flat out makes me feel like I've been the object of a comedy roasting, and a poorly executed one at that!"

He stood and picked up his briefcase, glaring at her brother and her without even sparing a glance at the others next to him. The entire meal had ground to a halt because of this ones actions. Lenore sighed, then eyed her brother. When he nodded, she stood as a Cheshire cats' grin slowly stole over her lips. "That's twice you've disrupted the meeting. If you wish to leave, simply ask politely. Though, another outburst like that will force you to fail the first test and get thrown directly into the second and third without any chance to brace yourself Mr. Tindell. Choose your next phrases carefully, I advise you."

Her eyes, which had been excited and interested just seconds before, now looked like a large cat studying it's prey. Even the normally rounded irises were now sliver thin in the mid-day light. Mr. Tindell hesitated, then looked towards her bother and cleared his throat softly. "Excuse my outburst, please. There's a number of things lately that just have me on edge. I think I should go ahead and take my leave. It wouldn't do for me to continue to be here in this state."

The eldest male frowned softly, before nodding and gently murmuring that he'd like to also be relieved of this interview. Lenore's eyes followed them as they headed to the only door to this area, then shortly whistled in two sharp bursts. The door unlocked, making the two men frown deeply. They hadn't known they'd been locked in. Her eyes scanned over the last three, then nodded to her brother as she polished off the last of her noodles before speaking again.

"My apologies for the disruptions and eating my meal before the rest of you all. I'll go ahead and cut to the proper chase now, since the problems have left us behind." She took a long drink and coughed softly, a thin puff of steam rising from her lips as she set her glass back down. "As said before, this first piece is to judge the selflessness or selfishness of each of you. You should also once again remember that any meal could be your last in this job."

The female looked concerned, her tan glowing gently in the sunlight as she hesitantly spoke. "This...isn't for a banking position at all, is it...?" Lenore smiled as her brother reached down, picking up his suitcase and setting it on the table where Mr. Tandell had previously been settled.

"No, it isn't. After you finish your meal, you'll each be picking an item from this case. That is part two of this interview. Once everyone has eaten and has their item, the final piece comes into play. It shows you the tip of this jobs' iceburg and your real resolve to do the work." When he fell silent, nervous glances were exchanged between the three as they each started eating from the choices. One male and the female were munching on the more daring items. Mixed in with the uncertain nerves in their eyes though, Lenore saw something excellent. Curiosity.

This was going to be fun!!