
Chapter I: Caleb

Dawn fluttered in through the window drapes, spackling the bed and floor in soft shimmering golden rays. As they angled enough to begin painting the twenty year olds' face, a soft groan slipped free from his lips and his eyes tightened in annoyance. For such a pretty morning and good figure, the sound was rather surprising. Though taking into account that he worked until almost 3 AM every night, it shouldn't have come as a surprise to those that knew him best.

A soft knock on the door elicited another groan from him, before he sat up and threw his pillow at the door. "Only the dead are sleeping in here! Go away!" He rolled his eyes as the door opened and his sixteen year old sister popped her head in with a grin. Her bright green gaze studied his with merriment and excitement.

"My my my! The dead sure are noisy when disturbed, aren't they?" She laughed and stepped aside from the second pillow that was lobbed at her, before holding up a piece of paper and her phone. "You set up the interview event for today. You should eat and get cleaned up before people start to arrive at the location at least. I've made your favorite..." Her laughter was soft and warm, and he sighed before smirking at her gently. She always did this when she was overly ecstatic about something. From Christmas breakfast two years ago to today it seemed, cooking and teasing were things she used when so pleased with events that we're unfolding for her.

"Yeah, yeah, alright. I'll be down in five minutes. You should put something nice on yourself. Can't have my PR representative looking like she's from a girly school anime." She huffed, then shook her head with a sigh and headed off to get changed while he eased himself from his bed. At least she was willing to take the mild jab after her statement about him being an undead. That mess would be apparent later on, and he'd rather get his good humor going now while he still had the potential mood for it.

Caleb Pentario was 160 cm tall, or 5'3" in the US standard. At around 61 kg or the American equivalent of 135 pounds, he was essentially always looking like he was younger than his sister. Without needing to even shave, he barely seemed out of his pre-teen years. Yet as he studied his eyes in the mirror while throwing on common wear for breakfast, he could see what others did when they studied his eyes. That strangely intensive icy focus and ferocity. It was almost like looking at Andre the Giant or Arnold Schwarzenegger. Maybe The Rock, but with more hair.

He chuckled and shook his head, heading from his room with a thoughtful hum. He sat down and ate quickly, going over the list of needed items and where they were in the household and his own room. He knew that the invited five folks were thinking this would be a business luncheon to potentially be hired on as associates of a law firm. What they didn't know was that he wasn't a lawyer, his sister wasn't a secretary, and they all believed that they were the only interviewees.

He knew the small things would shock them. The big things would let him see who, if any of them at all, were worth his time and energy. He also hoped that they brought the requested forms. That small first test would show dependability and preparedness where it was a demanding necessity. He half-grinned as he dabbed at the last of the spilled jam with his toast, then put the dishes in the washer after a rinse before heading up to shower, dress, and gather his briefcase.

If nothing else, this was going to be an interesting change of pace for him. Working diligently but as a solo operative could get so troublesome, after all. It had also been a year since he had looked at candidates like this,and only months before that had he even been promoted to the rank of a Tursean Inspector. He straightened his suit, then knocked on his sister's door and headed out to the car. Time to make an appearance...


It was a pleasant day at least. Light clouds, soft breeze, warm sun. Everything perfectly balanced for his stage. He handed the owner of the restaurant a few bills and murmured soft instructions to keep the music moderate, or run an action movie. After he entered the back patio, he took a seat and grinned gently at the five confused and mildly ruffled people before him. One female, four males, varied ages, heights, weights, and levels of attempts to remain calm and collected.

The middle aged male cleared his throat softly, before extending his hand towards Caleb. His eyebrow rose slightly, and he nodded for his sister to begin talking. Sitting back, he watched, listened, and waited.

"Hello! This will be far less complex than I imagine you all seem to think. You all believed it was a one on one interview, but my boss has suggested that meeting everyone at once gives things a more real situation understanding of our candidates." Her words smoothed out the feathers that the grouping had ruffled. The middle-aged man hesitated, having lowered his proffered hand reluctantly a moment ago. Now his eyes sharpened as he began speaking to the sixteen year old blonde girl.

"Now look here, Sir." He had made the first mistake. Caleb sighed, then leaned forward, his own gaze sharpening dangerously and killing the words on the man's lips before they flew free. "You should listen, Mr. Tandell. If I am doing the selection of the interviewees, I get to make the rules of how they get processed and hired. If you choose to subvert my associate so dismissively once again, you will be asked to leave and I won't bother looking at you as having any worth in my company at all. Am I clear?"

The youthful look was one thing, but this older man who could have passed as Caleb's grandfather remained silent, looking unhappy at having been so readily chastised in front of other people. "...Good to hear it, sir." He smiled softly, settling back and motioning for his sister to continue.

"Alright... So, the interviewing process has three simple things to handle. Anyone who passes all three gets hired. Everyone else can leave at any time to forfeit their chances. With that, the first is simple enough. Each of you, pick a meal. There are seven drink glasses and seven platters to choose from." Her eyes were bright with interest, but she seemed extremely easy going as she continued. "This shows an ability to calmly barter for favored meals and the willingness to take the...less than desirable...meals for their current team and innocent civilians present."

A very long moment of quiet followed that. The tests had begun, and as the drink glasses and meals were revealed, the middle-aged man recoiled and the eldest males' lips curled up in disgust. The female and two younger males were eyeing the options cautiously, weighing the options before them. Those three had the highest chance of succeeding.

A living squid was thrashing on a bed of salad. A double-decker cheeseburger with bacon and nearly a dozen other burger standards rested next to a pile of chili spiced fries. A simple dish of ramen noodles with a thin broth was in the center. Another dished had a handwritten note next to a gathering of white gelatinous material, the note stating simply "Monkey Brains".

The other dishes and drinks were of a varied state of extremely plain to extravagantly complex and somewhat horrific, including a glass of water, milk, cola, beer, a glowing green fizzing concoction, and other such oddities. Caleb leaned forward and placed his left hand on the table. "Sacrifice the self, or offer an unknown in the exchange. Make your choices, folks. My associate who is also my sister and I will take the last two drinks and meals. Use your minds to judge the situation and decide on the wisest course of action. I should warn you, your choices here will affect the next test directly. ...Enjoy." He snickered, then settled back and crossed his arms over his chest, waiting patiently for the first move.