
Avatar: The Fire Demon

A man cursed and exiled from his village while still a child. His father, slaughtered before his very eyes, his mother and sister raped before meeting the same fate. He walks the road to the capital of the Fire Nation, and when he is on the brink of collapse is rescued by another. Now he must get vengeance on the village that killed his family and exiled him from his home, before rising up through the world and reaching the apex, even above the Avatar. “Old man, last night I had a very odd dream.” -I did not create the cover. -This is my second fanfic, and the uploads will probably be inconsistent until I finish my first one, check that one out if you want to. -I intend to have good grammar and story telling. -It has been years since I watched ATLA, so cut me some slack if I get some facts wrong. -Enjoy! :p

Sin_O_Sloth · 漫画同人
36 Chs

Toph Beifong

"Hello Young Miss. How are you today?" Xiao asked, bowing to Toph as she lounged on a couch in her chambers.

She had a maid massaging her feet and another feeding her grapes. She looks over to Xiao lazily. "What do you want Xiao?" She asked. Xiao smiled. "Your parents have left for Ba Sing Se as of this morning. I came to inform you that I will be guarding you until their return, six months from now." He said.

Toph scoffed. "That's it? Alright you can leave now." She said, waving dismissively. 'I swear. Does this girl have multiple personalities? One moment she is polite and graceful, like a young miss, and the next she is brash and loud, like a farm girl…' Ciao thought to himself as his mouth twitched.

The maids gave him a pitying look.

Xiao recovered and bowed. "Then I will leave now, Miss Beifong." He said as he retreated out of the room.

'I really want to ask her about that wrestling h tournament when she is alone. Guess I'll just have to wait for the opportunity to arise…' I thought to myself as I looked at Toph's schedule for the day.

"Training. Huh. I guess I'll be sitting in on a lesson today." Xiao mused as he stared at her schedule.

—Later That Day—

"Xiao. Escort me to my training." Toph said. Xiao bowed lightly. "Of course." He said.

And with that the pair walked towards the training grounds. When they were alone Toph stopped and looked up at Xiao. "Thanks for not saying anything Fire-boy." She said with a grateful smile.

Xiao laughed. "No problem. I assumed from your parent attitudes that they didn't know. Why would they treat you like porcelain if they knew you could crush men that are three times your age, and size? It just doesn't make sense!" He said.

Toph nodded. "Good point. Speaking of which, I wanted to ask if you could train with me secretly. Unlike everyone else I can go all out against you and still receive a challenge." She said with a chuckle.

Xiao looked down at the girl. "Isn't your trainer one of the best earth benders in the nation?" He asked curiously. Toph giggled. "Him? I could beat that guy's ass without even trying!" She said.

Xiao smiled lightly at the girl's language. She looked fragile, like a gust of wind could crack her, and yet she swears like a sailor and her punches break bones.

"I look forward to training with you then. Maybe I can learn something from you!" Xiao said with a smirk. Toph sniffed excitedly and laughed. "Finally a challenge!" She said with a smile.

Toph's teacher, 'Master Yu' was… underwhelming. From what Xiao could see his skills were far surpassed by those of Toph. And the stuff that he taught her was only the basics of the basics.

Xiao had to admit, that Toph's earlier statement that she could beat the man without trying was nothing less than a fact.

Still, Xiao ended up sparring with him. The boy didn't even need to use bending to win, he simply slashed every rock the man threw at him, including the pillars that would occasional shoot you from the ground.

This had Toph silently wheezing into her hand as she laughed so hard she couldn't breath. Xiao himself had to suppress his laughter.

Yu had talked a huge game before the duel.

"I will try not to hurt you." He said. "Are you sure you're any to do this? By accepting you are also accepting the chance of death." He said. And yet within seconds Xiao held his sword mere inches from the man's neck.

Afterwards, Xiao and Toph snuck off and decided to spar secretly in the forest near the mansion, with the excuse of taking a walk.

They reached a clearing and stood apart from each other.

"I will not use my sword." Xiao said as he sheathed the blade. Xiao smiled. "Good! I prefer fighting others with fists anyway!" She said, waving around her tiny hands. Xiao snickered at her mockingly.

"I'm so scared!" He said sarcastically.

Toph growled and shot a Boulder at him. Xiao quickly stepped to the side, letting the Boulder fly past him, missing him just barely as it grazed his clothes.

Xiao chuckled and brought up his hand. His fingers were pressed together with his thumb curled over his palm. A violet flame ignited on his hand, condensing and forming a knife of sorts.

"I've been meaning to try this ability out…" he mumbled as he sprinted towards Toph. Toph stood there, waiting for a moment to strike. Eventually, a pillar shot from below Xiao, however he was expecting this.

He leapt on top of the pillar, using its upward momentum to propel himself into the air.

He shot fire from his left foot, swinging to the right as a Boulder flew past where he currently was.

'So she predicted my jump and fired where I would be… smart.' He thought as he came down from behind Toph and brought the flaming blade down on her head, reabsorbing it at the last moment.

Toph crouched down, holding her head wheee Xiao chopped her. "Ow!" She exclaimed.

Xiao quickly took on joking manner. "Oh no! Is the little Beifong princess alright! Someone call a doctor!" He shouted mockingly.

Toph scoffed and stood up. "Damn flamey bastard…" she muttered as they headed back to the Beifong manor.

Xiao smiled. This next year may be less boring than he thought.


Been kinda busy this week.

School starts soon.

Fuck my life.