
Avatar: The Fire Demon

A man cursed and exiled from his village while still a child. His father, slaughtered before his very eyes, his mother and sister raped before meeting the same fate. He walks the road to the capital of the Fire Nation, and when he is on the brink of collapse is rescued by another. Now he must get vengeance on the village that killed his family and exiled him from his home, before rising up through the world and reaching the apex, even above the Avatar. “Old man, last night I had a very odd dream.” -I did not create the cover. -This is my second fanfic, and the uploads will probably be inconsistent until I finish my first one, check that one out if you want to. -I intend to have good grammar and story telling. -It has been years since I watched ATLA, so cut me some slack if I get some facts wrong. -Enjoy! :p

Sin_O_Sloth · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Combustion Bending

Xiao and Top spent the six months where Toph's parents were away messing around. As the leader of the guard, Xiao had the authority to accompany Toph anywhere she wanted to go as long as it did not put her in danger.

So, they went gambling on the streets, took part in many rock bending tournaments, and ate a lot of sweets. It was generally a good time. Xiao did have to write Lao every once in a while with an update on his daughter's status, but other than that it was mostly fun and games.

A few idiots tried to kidnap Toph during that time, probably looking to ransom her for a ridiculous some of money, however Xiao was able to shut down all their attempts with ease.

Ru Te and the other guards under Xiao's command sparred with him and trained with him in the mornings, and sometimes they would go out to drink with Xiao in the evenings.

Xiao didn't like wine, or any type of alcohol for that matter, so he stuck with tea. He still paid for all his subordinate's drinks though, which was much appreciated.

Ru Te had come to practically worship the Violet-eyed boy, seeing him as some sort of elder brother even though Ru Te himself was ten years Xiao's senior.

Often they would chat and laugh, telling each other stories. Xiao would also play his flute for everyone on occasion. Many seemed to enjoy his music, especially Toph, who couldn't see and thus music was one of the few forms of art she could appreciate, albeit slightly.

Her personality and pride didn't permit her to speak of her love for music, however Xiao could see it clear as day.

Also, a few earth bending masters were sent to him as well, curtesy of Lao. Xiao was glad that the man took their agreement seriously. One man, a member of the Earth Kingdom's Dai Li, showed Xiao how he coated his arm in rock, using them to fight.

This got Xiao thinking, and soon he started trying to make an armor for himself using condensed flames.

The only issue was getting it so it didn't burn his own skin. This was still a work in progress.

Another man particularly interested Xiao. The man's name was Lin Yu, and he was a rare earth bender called a lava bender.

This man was interesting.

He could bend earth in it's liquid form, lava, with a style apparently similar to that of the Northern Water Tribe.

This got Xiao thinking, what if he could do the same thing? What if he could bend his energy in a different format other than fire or lightning?

Xiao remembered a story told by his Master when he was younger, of a tribe of fire benders that used to live in the Fire Nation buttered exterminated due to their power being a threat to the Fire Lord.

They were called combustion benders, and were able to send their energy out of a tattoo they would put on their foreheads at birth.

This energy would then be projected outwards, they would control it until it made contact with something. Upon which their energy would combust. They were called combustion benders and were extremely deadly.

The reason why they only ever shot the explosions from their head is because they needed a focus of sorts to prevents themselves from blowing their heads or limbs off.

However, what if Xiao instead put similar tattoos on his, say, hands?

Xiao went out and found a tattoo artist, paying the man to put a tattoo similar to that of the combustion benders on his right palm.

The man was confused but Xiao was paying a lot of money so he did it.

Xiao's don't to the training grounds with his new tattoo and stared at a Boulder placed it eh center. He raised his hand and pointed his palm at the boulder.

"So if I push my energy through the center of the tattoo…" Xiao muttered to himself, letting his energy flow to his palm.

"And then I push it out, without turning it to lightning…" Xiao muttered once more.

"And then… I make it explode!" Xiao shouted excitedly, lighting the energy up like gunpowder.

A huge explosion shook the training grounds and Ru Te bolted in, looking around worriedly.

He looked over to see Xiao coughing and waving the smoke away from himself, his whole body slightly charred.

Xiao's started laughing. "It worked! It worked! I put too much into the move though… I guess this type of bending requires less energy and more control…" Xiao muttered to himself.

Ru Te just stared at the kid. He chuckled to himself. 'This kid is amazing…' he thought to himself as he went to get a doctor to treat Xiao's wounds.


This is my own theory on combustion bending, and fire bending in general, so even though it may not be actual cannon, I will be adding some pretty cool abilities later on that should be possible for fire benders.

Hope you like the combustion bending! I have a lot of plans for this!
