

A regular student enjoying his high school life playing idle games on his phone gets isekai'd into a different world with a game-like system and mechanics. He was given the power of "auto-battling" as his innate unique skill. We will follow his journey as he explores this new world. Character Progression Page can be found in the Auxiliary Volume. The Cover Page is generated from Gencraft.

Shuri_Suki · 奇幻
272 Chs

The Ruin of Luminosity

Notice: Successfully entered the Ruins of Luminosity (Level Requirement, 120)

Seth looked around and the surroundings were quite dark. Just further away from his position, bright lights started shining- almost star-like. He got closer to them and saw faerie-like creatures with almost ethereal-like transparency emitting the said bright lights. It didn't seem to be hostile as he observed them.

Notice: Monster registered. Dazzling Shades, level 85.

Seth swung his sword to slash one of them but it passed through its body. They suddenly made a hissing sound as they released a ball of light energy.

(Uriel, take over.)

Notice: Dodging all the attacks.

Notice: The user's physical attacks don't seem to land on the targets.

Rim popped out of Seth's bag and turned into the Hoarfrost Dragon Lord beside him- although not in his giant form. Rim shot his ice spikes at them but it all passed through, destroying a wall beside it.

(So how do we deal with these?)

Seth let out his dark shadow and they started attacking the said monsters and it was quite effective.

Notice: Dark magical attacks seem to land on the targets.

(How about a Reality Eclipse?)

Seth used Reality Eclipse to hit one of them and after the attack delay, it hit the monster.

"We can work with this."

(Uriel, take over again. Finish off all of these mobs with my dark shadow army.)

Rim turned back into a hardened ball and went inside Seth's bag.

Uriel ordered all the dark shadows to hunt down the said monsters as they retaliated back with a ball of energy blast. Uriel kept on replenishing and resummoning the Dark Shadows since it was one of their only ways to kill the said monsters.

(These monsters' stats are stronger than the stats of my dark shadows, no wonder my dark shadows die easily. I should get a better skill to deal with ethereal units since the reality eclipse skill is just a single target attack and is not good against mob clearing.)

Notice: 451 Dazzling shades have been hunted.

LVL UP! LVL 131.

Uriel was still taking over as he ordered all the dark shadows to search every portion of the ruin and hit every glowing thing they see around.

(Although I can't see much in the dark, my sensing skills with Uriel controlling my body, make it so that I can still perform very well.)

Notice: 610 Dazzling shades have been hunted.

An hour or so passed and his Dark shadows have killed every Dazzling shade in the ruins.

Notice: 999 Dazzling shades have been hunted.

LVL UP! LVL 132.

Notice: The throne room is in sight.

Eight glowing pillars suddenly rose up from the edges of the arena and in the middle was a sentient light creature.

Notice: The boss appeared in the throne room.

Starlight Swordstress, Effigy of Radiance ( LVL 125)

Hp: 5,000,000

Mp: 1,000,000

Speed: 750

Defense: 50,000

Magical Defense: 50,000

Attack: 250,000

Magic Attack: 250,000

(750 speed? My speed is faster but I doubt I can match it if this enemy is prioritizing agile movements and speed-based skills.)

Seth entered the throne room and instantly let his dark shadows attack it. The Starlight Swordstress gracefully dodge each and every dark shadow attack and slices them one by one.

(My dark shadow's attacks are too slow and can't keep up with its speed.)

"An agile sword user, huh."

(Uriel, do you think we can beat this?)

Notice: Uriel will try its best.

(Okay, take over.)

Uriel started charging at the said Swordstress and trusted his sword which the Swordstress easily dodge and parried back. Uriel conjured a reality eclipse as he backed off the swordstress' parry and after backing off for a while, it did a direct hit as his skill violent conversion exploded.

Uriel kept on charging it as they parry attacks. He teleported behind it using a Teleport strike and stabbed it but the sword went through its body.

(So its body is ethereal as well and only the sword has a physical form. Even Perfect desolate and undying flames don't hurt it. Rim won't do anything to it as well.)

Uriel kept on using reality eclipse and violent conversion as it goes off cooldown and parries the attacks of the Swordstress. Slowly but surely, he keeps on chipping away at its health.

(Even though its mitigation from its defense stats is only 50%, it must be using more defensive skills since I can't deal much damage to it. Or maybe it's being mitigated more since my attacks aren't specifically meant to deal with such beings.)

Notice: The Starlight Swordstress, Effigy of Radiance has 50% hp left.

(The dark shadows are useless to fight it but with my own strength, Uriel is easily keeping up with it.)

Notice: The enemy is backing off and summoning Dazzling shades.

Notice: Enemy is using Blessing of Light. Enemy attacks will now deal Physical and Holy damage.

Notice: The enemy is using Swift Path. Enemy attacks will now deal more damage towards the targetted unit- the user.

The enemy summoned Dazzling shades to fight for him. The Dark Shadows popped out of Seth's shadow as they fought the Dazzling shades with Uriel's directions. The swordstress then began attacking Seth again as Uriel tried to parry it but Seth's sword passed through the enemy's sword that became ethereal. After passing through Seth's sword, the enemy's sword became a physical object again, doing a direct hit on Seth's chest.


The swordstress began to follow up another attack but Uriel backed off right after that direct hit.

Notice: The attack that the enemy did was a skill. It's called Phantom strike. It makes the initial attack a physical attack as the weapon becomes ethereal halfway through the parry. When it goes into contact with the enemy, it deals a huge amount of physical damage as it returns back to being a physical object.

Uriel cast another Reality eclipse while replenishing the dead dark shadows.

(The Dazzling shades just keep on getting resummoned when they are killed. Those monsters can easily fight my dark shadows. Keeping up this fight, I might run out of mana before I can kill this boss.)

"Uriel, don't use Violent conversion. I can't run out of mana resummoning my dark shadows while fighting this thing."

Uriel kept on parrying the enemy as he took direct hits from a phantom strike from time to time.

Notice: Enemy Hp is below 30%.

Notice: User Hp is below 50%

Notice: Triad Spirits are active.

(With max focus EX stacks, precision, and the spirit's damage buff. Within these 60 seconds, make sure to kill that thing. This might be our only window to deal as much damage as we can, Uriel.)

Uriel teleported from place to place, out-speeding the enemy's agile movements. He used reality eclipse one more time as he teleported near him with a teleport strike. The enemy parried it as he teleported back. The reality eclipse's attack hit as Uriel backed off again. Uriel stopped teleporting randomly and started running to save mana. He cast another Reality Eclipse and stopped in place. The enemy swiftly charged toward him and stabbed him using a phantom strike. The reality eclipse hit as Seth was stabbed in the chest.

Notice: User hp is below 30%. The Warden of Life shield replenishment time is 60 seconds.



It dealt a huge amount of damage to Seth's body but Uriel held the sword of the enemy.

"Now you are going nowhere!"

(His sword is the only physical thing. I haven't seen it let go of the sword so this might be the most optimal way to kill it if I hold it in place. Since he already used phantom strike, now is the perfect time to nuke it.)

Seth's dark shadows left fighting the Dazzling shades as they directed their attacks on the boss.

"Uriel! make sure he stays in place!"

Uriel held the sword with Seth's hands as blood kept on oozing from it. Although it was hurting him like hell, it was the only way to keep the enemy in place to be targeted by his dark shadows.

Notice: Enemy Hp is below 30%.

"Goodbye, and I hope I never fight such a stupid enemy like you again."

All his dark shadows attacked it and all of their attacks landed a hit. Since the enemy cannot move, it took every attack from the dark shadows. After just a couple of seconds, the enemy perished leaving behind his Physical sword covered in Seth's Blood. All the dazzling shades that were left were then cleared out by Seth's shadows.


Notice: Enemy has perished and the user has cleared the Ruin of Luminosity.

Seth took over again and laid down on his back as Rim got out of his bag to immerse his hands and chest in his gooey body.

"This is kind of cold, Rim. But...Somehow... It feels good..."

Notice: The treasure chest can now be obtained.

Sorry for the late upload. Was taking a day off from writing.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Shuri_Sukicreators' thoughts