

Asyraaf finally stopped his brutal beating of the man-shaped Dick. Now he felt as if he had released all his pent-up tension.

His nature wasn't what people would say as, terrible. In fact, some would even say in contrast with his talent, he was very kind and friendly.

Minus the narcissism of course.

What people did not know, besides a certain few, was that when he gets angry, he becomes a completely different person.

When that happens, he will not show the slightest bit of emotion. Instead, he would be cold and indifferent, like a cold-blooded assassin.

For people who don't piss him off, he treats with courtesy. For those who do? A savage beating was one of the nicer things he would have done.

The reason why other people have never heard of this side, was because Asyraaf went out of his way, to make the least amount, of enemies as possible.

The reason he got along so well with Aron and Curt, despite them being in other major powers was because he was such an upstanding person… when he was not praising himself.

This also caused them to develop a sense of camaraderie and brotherhood with him.

Asyraaf's nature made him especially beloved in the Refining Division. Even in other divisions, Asyraaf would not face any trouble, unless someone really wanted to trouble him.

However, today that would most likely change. His actions today, has sent a clear message to all disciples of Zarion Academy.

'Do not piss me off'.

Since he had also defeated, more like brutally smashed, the 5th ranked Dick, he would also occupy his place in the Jade Dragon Rankings.

Jade Dragon Rankings does not only encompass the disciples of the Refining Division, it encompasses ALL of the disciples of Zarion Academy!

Being ranked in the Jade Dragon Rankings will make your name well known throughout the entire Academy.

Though Asyraaf probably wouldn't care about it a single bit.

As he turned around from the already limped Dick, he went straight to Zhang Wei. His head was down, and he could not look straight at Zhang Wei.

This was a stark difference to what he was a few moments ago, and all of the disciples, were flabbergasted.

[Who is this Roland, to make Asyraaf like this?]

Asyraaf noticed their stares and glared at them. Since these people targeted Zhang Wei, he had no interest in seeing them.

To the disciples, this glare meant only one thing, 'Leave now, or you will be 'Dicked''.

(Of course, this meant, being savagely beaten like Dick. Not being 'Dicked' in the way you're thinking. Get your mind out of the gutter.)

All the disciples didn't even stay around there for an extra second, before completely leaving the scene. As far as they were concerned, that area was now a gravesite.

They would not mess with Asyraaf and Zhang Wei in the nearby future.

Seeing those disciples leave, Asyraaf was rather pleased. But there was still one thing that made him restless, and that was Zhang Wei.

He turned back to Zhang Wei and still, he could not lift his head up to face him.

Mustering up his courage, he said gloomily "Sir Zhang, I-I-I'm very sorry for bringing you into this mess."

Zhang Wei stared at this fool and was quite touched. He knew Asyraaf genuinely felt bad about what he had caused, and that showed that Asyraaf viewed Zhang Wei as someone close.

He did not know if it was because Zhang Wei saved him, or because Asyraaf respected him, that was not the point.

What matters was, he finally had someone care for him for the first time since he came to this world.

It almost made Zhang Wei tear up a bit.

Since the very beginning, the only people he met, had an ulterior motive to them. None were genuine. All of them had their own secrets and were not willing to share it.

There was nothing wrong with this. Even Zhang Wei had his own secrets that he hid, the Author's existence and the Overpowered system.

But this made him feel a bit of a disconnect with them. He could never fully depend on them. And he could never fully trust them.

Now, he finally had one.

"Why did you think that I was displeased?" Zhang Wei smiled sincerely at him.

"I… got Sir Zhang into this mess… and I made your mission harder." Asyraaf said slowly.

Zhang Wei laughed a bit to ease Asyraaf's worry. "My mission was never easy. There was bound to be bumps on the road. But what you did, was not stopping the ride. It merely showed another path."

[Holy shit! That was cool. I should write a book of poetry.]

Asyraaf looked up and was smiling widely. He could not hide even a single bit of his happiness. He felt better knowing that Zhang Wei wasn't even a little bit displeased.

Since Zhang Wei now looked a bit better, he felt it was right to ask, "So Sir Zhang, what's the next step?"

Zhang Wei also pondered. [What is the next step?]

Then, as if a light bulb was glowing right above his head, Zhang Wei had a devious smile. He looked at Asyraaf, and Asyraaf shuddered.

[Well this can't be good.]

Time to put Zhang Wei's plan to the test.

It was time, to become rich!


"Division Head Nar, pleasure meeting you."

Inside of the Refining Headquarters the meeting of the two Division Heads was beginning!