
my new song

hayley you have got no new song for you to sing yes i do and i can sing it for you right i said me everybody see my sunny everybody see my shine but they don't know my story they don't know whats on my mind i carry on like a princess but man i've got em fooled cause underneath my business i am cold i'm heard i'm cruel never gonna put a spell on me never ever gonna bring me back never gonna make me be somethin i'm not because i'm evil tell the people i'm evil open your eyes i'm all a disguise everybody in my circle think i'm gonns be their friend but i've got bad intentions and i'm gonna have em again so why should i stoo ny dissin or soften up my heart tell me what good is livin if you can't be who you are yeah never gonna put a spell on me never gonna make me be somethin i'm not because i'm evil tell the people i'm evil open your eyes i'm all a disguise i'm evil tell the people i'm evil open your eyes i'm all a disguise so good i'm gonna fine some trouble trouble i'm gonna make some trouble so good i'm gonna find some trouble