
Magic Quest

"We were not 100% certain to get the spot, but after summoning our fairies, there's no way we can lose," Erica said as she puffed her chest, "if we still lose, then we should just die by drowning in a cup of water."

"Right, Kate?" Erica turned to a humanoid fairy with wings and a sword in her hand. She was palm-sized and sat on Erica's shoulder.

"Right, right," Kate giggled, "we will win."

"How old are you, Berus?" Dan asked the panda-like fairy standing in front of him. Berus looked like a panda with black and white fur, but it also had demonic-looking scales on some parts of its body and two horns.

"Ten," Berus said while chewing a magical bamboo. Magical because it was filled with magic power.

"Okay, nice," Dan said as he lightly punched Berus's shoulder, hitting its smooth fur, "you know some martial arts?"

"I know some," Berus nodded as he also punched Dan.
