
Ascension: Strongest Fateless Mage

Zevien sacrifices his destiny for his love. Now after the time-rewind, Zevien and Vernisia, who had become Fateless, will rise while treading on the unknown and dangerous journey that awaits them in Astral Land. ------ If you want something refreshing on WN, then check it out. :D Please give it a try, I am sure you will enjoy it. Thank you.^^. ------ If you like this book, then please drop power stones, leave a review, and don't forget to add this book to your library^^. 100 Golden ticket -> +1 Chapter at the end of the week 200 Golden ticket -> +2 Chapter at the end of the week ------ The art on the cover is mine. Artist is Akime.

LivingVoid · Fantasy
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199 Chs

Activating Ritual?!?!?

Zevien soon arrived at the location. It was within a dormant volcano, and there were people inside the volcano preparing the ritual.

"P-please let us go!"

"What are you going to do to us?"

"Please, somebody help!"

Twelve young men were trapped inside a cage. Their ages ranged from fourteen to eighteen.

The young men were crying for help, but the five people donned in dark gray robes with red and purple patterns had turned deaf ears to them. They were standing in front of an altar made of bones. A dark-purple skull on top of the altar was burning with violet flames, making it extra creepy.

"They can't fly, right?" Zevien muttered as he floated high in the sky.

They didn't know that Zevien was watching them yet.