
World Doomed to Burn

The massive World Wood Tree stood towering over mountains. The trunk was as wide as a mountain, and its branches spread across the sky. But its leaves were withering, and its state was constantly declining. Some branches on the far edges of the tree had already fallen off. And cracks and small pieces could constantly be seen falling.

But even though there was such a decline in this massive tree, it was still a beacon of life in a dead and dying world.

The plants and trees that could be seen on top of this massive tree had already withered. Several barren patches of land had no trees or plants in the entire landscape but only had the flickering of small embers moving in that area.

Kyros watched from the watchtower of this region and could see the Brimstone Beasts moving and devouring life and objects.

"Why are here, lo- Er... Kyros?" Mechiel asked.