
Understanding the Path of Combat

The orcs attacked the weeping trio.

Each of them were hiding on different spots and there some distance between them. The three could do nothing but raise their weapons and charged towards the orcs. In desperation, the three ran forward to meet the rushing group of orcs heading towards them.

Martha watched from afar and kept waiting. In her hands were her arrows as she watched for the battle to begin.

All of the three H had a sword in one hand and a shield on the other. The first thing they did was charge to a place where all three of them would be together.

They dove right in the charging orcs using their shields to ram those in front and use their swords to make wide swings that will force the others to take a step back.

Hunter raced forward in desperation and faced a large shield orc who blocked the way.

His plan was to bump the orc and run to the side to reach and make a desperate dash to reach his companions.