
Time to Kill the Cardinal

Martha concentrated, and a portal began to open up.

The Temple began to glow as a link was established with her.

"Martha. Grab on to your seats. I will use my powers in space to create a path for magic towards him. Your Dark Link with Kyros sets the direction, and the Temple increases the signal. And I am the link between you and the Temple. Concentrate. Do not lose your concentration on either formation of power. The Temple will provide you with the energy to maintain that form, so don't worry about going beyond your magic capacity." Calaminus instructed.

"I understand." Martha began to concentrate.

The vast distance between them began to link with each other. Martha could see where Kyros was, and with the assistance of the Temple and Calaminus, she could sense the very space in front of Kyros.

"It worked." Kyros smiled as she could sense the power of Martha.

The portal began to open up above Kyros.