
Remembering The Celestial Code

Kyros was very honest with the team.

But those that stood by didn't cower and only gripped their swords and weapons tighter.

"Still... It took two beings that we cannot fathom to kill you. Not a bad ending... Histerion approaches with his army. I want to ask the remaining Feather-Folk to carry my wife back." Kyros turned to a Commander.

"...I am saddened that I won't die with the honors of facing this beast. But I will gladly bring your wife to safety." The Commander bowed, and his wings erupted out.

"N...o..." Mechiel cried out. But she was too weak. The fight she was having with Lanthanou was causing her to be drained of all power.

"Mechiel. Your battle is to distract Lanthanou. I'm sorry. I thought I'd be strong enough to figure this out. But the power before us is too powerful. Breveros... I'll be frank."