
Fire of Hope

It was months ago that the demi-human, Margie, left Castle Rock Kingdom to journey towards the High Lands.

But her landing there revealed terrifying truths. But as she witnessed the horrors and hordes that constantly threatened the Walls that Endured, she knew it was impossible to send a team to rescue them.

She sat down on the floor in her great depression and knew that her hometown would die soon.

The Cardinal stood over her and noticed numerous demi-human races that once hailed in Castle Rock approach.

All wanted to hear of their home. But as they saw her face, they understood that Castle Rock would not live long enough.

Suddenly, a Commander stood forward and greeted his Cardinal.

"Lord Cardinal! I thank you for protecting my people and me! And even to the Eldrich leaders!" The Commander began.

The Cardinal sighed. He knew that this would happen.

"Let them." The Eldrich answered.