
Conquering A Fallen Spawn

The nightmares of the woman didn't end.

Even as she fainted she could see the horrors of the battle she had. Her entire family had been massacred before she and the platoon that was sent in were all killed.

A terrifying demon stood at the very end of it all.

And then, just when she thought she had escaped and found allies, she saw a being of even greater horrors and darkness!

She was falling into the endless darkness of her fears when a voice called her back.


Suddenly, the woman's eyes were opened.

She was so scared and began to gasp for breath and found herself inside a room.

"You almost died there. Are you alright?" Angelian asked and smiled.

"...Feather-Folk?! You...! This ship!"

"Yes. You were so scared you passed out and nearly died. If not for our master, you would have died." A woman spoke to the side.