
As the Wind Blows Your Scent to Me

[COMPLETED] "Meow~ Meow~" The orange tabby cat sneaked out of the house, bringing back with it a little girl to resurrect the faint link between two people who had just crossed paths together once. Three years ago, Kato Himari was forced to end her first love in order to cherish herself more. In the early moments she faced her own heartbreak, she met him in a series of strange events. At the same time, Hayashi Kazuya was compelled to assume a crucial role after tragic events kept on befalling his loved ones. There were things he had to let go of and there were things he had to hold on to. Unknown to them, a funny companionship of a cat and a little dumpling led them to meet again. Would their encounter give them second chances of gaining more hopes in the face of the future? Would the reappearance of Himari's first love break the ties of their Fate? And, what was the secret that Himari concealed even from her loved ones? "Uncle, when would you give me an auntie?" "Uncle, why don't you marry Teacher Kato home?" "Teacher Kato, do you find my uncle handsome?" Both of them exchanged glances before they hurriedly looked away with the tips of their ears reddened. The little girl grinned and gave thumbs up to the orange tabby cat next to her before she looked at her back. "Big Brother, look! I've found us an auntie!" "Meow~ Meow~" The orange tabby cat happily agreed to the little girl's words. --------------------------------------------------------------- Commissioned cover by yuuri_e (Instagram). Exclusively for this book. Entry for Spirity Awards Spring 2021 for Slice-of-Life and First Love themes My other books: Spring Blooms When I'm With You [Completed] The Ocean Beneath Her Feet [Completed] For Our Happier Path [Ongoing] Get Rid of Him (Ongoing) Discord: hansora#1507 Instagram: hansora_author Enjoy!

hansora · 现代言情
357 Chs

Mom Doesn't Want You to Suffer Any Grievances

Three springs had passed since the eventful night of her breakup with her first love.

The spring flowers wilted, giving away for summer to shine. Then, autumn leaves began to scatter on the road before white snow blanketed the ground. Once the snow melted, flowers started to bloom again.

It repeated until the pain of that night no longer hurt so much.


Himari snapped out of her daze. She blankly stared at the watering can in her hand before her eyes grew their clarity.

"Coming, Mom!"

Himari put down the can on the garden bench. She ran inside the house, heading to the kitchen. Her long hair fluttered in the air as the hem of her skirt twirled around her.

"Help me give this to your Granny Saichi."

Her mother who was still wearing an apron beckoned her to come closer. There was a three-tiered lunchbox on the dining table.

"Oh, okay," Himari quickly nodded.

She had forgotten she hadn't sent Granny Saichi's lunch today. The old lady must have been starving by now.

Himari took the lunchbox and carried it with her. She wore her slippers then she stepped on the garden as she made her way out of the small yard of their home.


Himari stopped. She chuckled as she saw an orange tabby cat stretching on top of the fence. Its bright and glossy coat shone under the sun.

"Chobi! Where have you gone? You didn't even come home for noon snacks," Himari gave the cat a flick on its forehead.

"Meow~ Meow~"

The cat yawned. He ignored Himari. The tabby cat jumped from the fence and landed elegantly on the garden table. With a swish of his tail, he ran inside the house.

Himari had an urge to confine the cat in her arms and bully him until he meowed nonstop.

Himari opened the iron gate. Her destination was on the yellow house located at the end of the street. She hummed softly as she enjoyed the spring breeze gently caressing her face.

"Granny Saichi! Himari's here!"

Himari shouted from the closed gate. Not long after, an old lady came out with a grin.

"Aiya! You're here already! Come in!"

Himari pushed the gate open. Her steps were light as she walked inside the house.

"My mother grilled a chicken breast for you today, Granny Saichi. Don't forget to eat it with the other side dishes," Himari disassembled the tiered-lunchbox before placing it down on the table one by one.

In an instant, the delicious scent of the food spread in the air.

"Hehe, of course, your granny here has been craving grilled chicken," Granny Saichi laughed, "I have to wait until the doctor says it's alright for me to have solid food. A week of liquidy food, I thought I could no longer enjoy your mother's dishes!"

Himari let out a little laugh, "Alright. I'll come here for dinner next. Enjoy your lunch, Granny."

"Ah, when are you going back to the city?" Granny Saichi asked when Himari had just turned around.

"The school would start the day after tomorrow so, I'd return tomorrow, a day earlier," answered Himari obediently.

"It's hard making a living in the city," Granny Saichi sighed, "Haven't you try to find a vacancy in the local schools around here?"

Himari shook her head, "I haven't found one. I'll try to look for it."

"En, if you could find a job here, you don't have to find a husband..."

"Ah! Granny, Mom's calling for me! See you!"

Himari quickly ran out of the house without waiting for even any second longer. Granny Saichi was dumbfounded. She then shook her head.

"Why are you running like that?" Her mother asked with confusion the moment she saw her daughter panting. She lowered the knife on the chopping board. A plate of bunny-shaped apples was placed in front of her.

Himari kicked off her slippers. She gave her mother a wry smile, "Granny starts nagging me to find a job here. If I did so, I could just find a potential husband from this area."

Her words made her mother laughed.

"Well, she has been eyeing you for her cousin's grandson. Don't you want to have a try? You haven't dated anyone for years."

Himari pursed her lips. She lightly shook her head.

"Mom, do you want me to get married as soon as possible?" She asked while her hand was busy picking on the bunny-shaped cut apples on the plate, "What if I didn't get married even after I pass my 30s?"

Her mother gave her a thoughtful smile, "As long as you're happy, I don't mind when would you get married."

Himari grinned, showing her dimple, "Thanks, Mom."

Ever since she entered her mid-20s, more people began asking her about her marriage plans. Most of the teachers in her school were already married, some were engaged to their loved ones. She was the only one who didn't even have a boyfriend.

Himari was glad because her mother didn't put pressure on her. Her mother knew she was busy getting on her own feet after her breakup with Jun. Even though she had free time, she often spent it on herself rather than focusing on finding a partner.

One of her mother's words was; "You've always trying hard to please his family yet, until now, they disregard your sincerity. You're my only flesh and blood. I hope you'd love yourself more rather than exhausting your love to someone who doesn't deserve you."

Although Jun was a good boyfriend, her mother was dissatisfied with the way he handled his family. Even though her mother understood Jun was powerless against his family, it still left a bad impression on her.

"Once you marry him, you'd marry his family as well. Mom doesn't mind if you're insisting to be with him, but, darling, Mom doesn't want you to suffer any grievances."

Her mother's support was what helped to pull Himari out of her sadness.

Himari pulled up a chair and sat in front of her mother. She took the opportunity to look at her mother while she was busy cutting more apples.

Her mother, Kato Akemi, single-handedly raised her up when she had just hit twenty years old. When they first came here, her mother's reputation was bad because of her status as a single mother. Only a few villagers were good to her, especially Granny Saichi.

Yet, over time, their prejudice lessened because not once did her mother try to hook up with any man in the village, either the single ones or the married ones. Coupled with her calm temperament, the villagers began to accept their small family of two as one of their own.

To Himari, her mother was a strong woman. She had never begged for help. With Granny Saichi's help, she opened a small candy and stationery shop nearby to the local school. The profits she gained there were used to sustain their livelihood.

"Have everything been packed properly?"


Akemi scoffed. She flicked her daughter's forehead, "What are you daydreaming about?"

"Haha," Himari laughed awkwardly, "There are still a few things that I have yet to pack. I'd do so once I get back."

After three years of working, Himari finally was able to rent an apartment of her dream. Although her current apartment was okay, she still wanted to get a change of pace.

Seven months ago, Himari found a new job at a private school with better pay. She could send more money to her mother while also increasing her own savings. In the end, she decided to find an apartment that was within the school's area.

"Mom, when you're free, come to my new apartment," Himari persuaded, "This time, it has two rooms. Even the kitchen space is bigger."

"Your mother is so old already. I don't have the energy to go to the city," Akemi quickly refused.

Himari rolled her eyes, "You're only in your late 40s! Even Granny Saichi could go to the city easily."

Akemi gave her daughter a meaningful glance, "Don't nag at me. I'll go there if I feel like it. Your mother is not suitable for city life. I'd rather walk all around the village than go to the city."

Himari groaned.

While the mother and daughter were bickering, Chobi hopped on the dining table.


"Aye, my grandson~ Do you want your wet food?" Akemi smiled brightly at the orange-colored bundle of fur.


"Alright, alright. Let Grandma takes it for you."

Himari was ignored by both her mother and her cat. She helplessly stared at Chobi who jumped on the floor to follow her mother. He meowed happily once Akemi opened a can of tuna.

"You treat Chobi better than me," Himari let out a sigh.

Akemi laughed out loud, "Chobi, your mother is sulking now. Won't you appease her?"

As if he understood Akemi's words, Chobi turned around and stared at Himari. Then, with a lift of his head, he focused back on his favorite wet food.

Himari's lips twitched.

Should she have a cat stew for dinner?

Soon, it was time for the new semester to start.

Amamiya School of Early Learning was where Himari was lucky enough to be hired. The private school was comprised of two stages - kindergarten and elementary section. Aside from the children of the teachers who got subsidized if they wanted to enter the school, the rest of the children came from wealthy families.

That was why the pay was better.

Himari was assigned as the homeroom teacher for Class 3-3. She got the role after the probation period was over.

"Teacher Kato, good morning!"

"Teacher Kato, did you have fun on the spring break?"

"Teacher, please, don't check our homework yet~"

Himari didn't know either to laugh or cry as she heard voices pleading for her to give them more time to finish the homework.

These brats were so sneaky!