
Arthur Smith's Hollywood Odyssey

In the 1990s, the United States officially launched its strategy to globalize entertainment, leading to a flourishing film and television industry with Hollywood's influence spreading worldwide. Arthur Smith, who has mysteriously traveled through time, begins a glamorous journey through the world of European and American cinema. Unofficial translation of 美娛從1989年開始 by 顏可顏.

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Chapter 213: Actor Choice for Speed

"Arthur," Jennifer Aniston tightly pressed against Arthur on the dance floor and passionately kissed him.

"Mm," Arthur responded to Aniston while caressing her, their hormones flaring between them.

Feeling aroused, Jennifer Aniston pulled Arthur's hand, guiding him through the dance floor to a dark corner.

She leaned against the wall, wrapped her arms around Arthur's neck, and continued kissing him.

"Darling, you're in high spirits tonight?" Arthur's hand moved up Aniston's body, feeling the changes in her.

Jennifer Aniston smiled and ran her hand over Arthur, "We haven't seen each other in a long time. I'll be shooting a movie soon. Don't you miss me?"

"Of course I do," Arthur said, slipping his hand inside Aniston's unbuttoned shirt. "Lately, I've been preparing to develop Speed. It's an action movie, but many directors aren't interested, and it's hard to find a lead actor!"

Arthur had considered starring himself, but the thought of a 16 to 18-week shoot made him back off. If he invited a big star, the budget would increase significantly. Fortunately, Nicole Kidman had just won a Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Musical/Comedy, gaining some fame!

As for the male lead, Arthur had thought of Keanu Reeves, but he was busy filming Bram Stoker's Dracula and another British movie this year.

"Then you should play the role!" Jennifer Aniston blew a breath as Arthur's hand slipped inside her bra.

Arthur, feeling the softness, kissed Aniston again and explained, "With a budget of over 30 million dollars, even though I've worked with Nicole Kidman before, I'm still not famous enough!"

"Nicole Kidman, the token beauty in an action film?" Jennifer Aniston laughed and started to unfasten Arthur's belt.

Feeling Aniston's hand, Arthur whispered, "How about we go back?"

"Can you still hold back, Arthur?" Jennifer Aniston bit her lip and licked his neck.

"Alright, let's go," Arthur said, pulling his hand back and taking a deep breath. "Man, the marijuana smell is strong," he commented.

Jennifer Aniston fixed her bra and linked arms with Arthur, pointing to a nearby corner where people were puffing smoke.

"Let's go," Arthur, disliking the smell, glanced at the people lounging on the sofa. Their expressions were of pure enjoyment and intoxication.

"Isn't that Keanu Reeves?" Arthur immediately recognized him.

Jennifer Aniston added, "Next to him is River Phoenix!"

Arthur had just been talking about wanting to invite Reeves to star in Speed. Seeing him in this state, he wondered if the set would be filled with smoke.

Arthur also saw River Phoenix sitting beside Reeves but didn't recognize the others. Johnny Depp wasn't around; he must be filming out of town.

Among young actors who fit Arthur's standards, there were only a few. Nicholas Cage and Matt Damon were still too unknown. Johnny Depp and Keanu Reeves were the best options. Depp's performance in Edward Scissorhands had boosted his competitiveness, and Reeves had some commercial action experience from Point Break.

After leaving the bar, Arthur and Jennifer Aniston got into the car, where they immediately embraced.

Jennifer Aniston, on top of Arthur, quickly removed his T-shirt, kissed him a few times, then sat up, taking off her shirt and bra.

Seeing the sexy Jennifer Aniston in front of him, Arthur pulled her into his arms and kissed her while feeling her hands unfasten his belt.

Enjoying the touch on his chest, Jennifer Aniston, after a while, kissed Arthur's ear and softly asked, "Do you like my body now?"

"Absolutely," Arthur's hands roamed her body. He laughed, "Did your agent ask you to do this?"

Arthur kissed her chest as he spoke.

"The agent suggested it, but it was my personal decision," Jennifer Aniston snuggled into Arthur's chest and started kissing his torso again.


With the release of The Bodyguard in 1,717 theaters, its opening weekend grossed $16.7 million.

This action-romance blockbuster received mostly positive reviews, especially highlighting Whitney Houston's portrayal of a popular Black singer who regularly faces racial discrimination threats in her life, adding a touch of reality.

Los Angeles Times: "Aside from its thrilling, action-packed, gunfight-filled, entertaining, and romantic elements, the biggest charm of The Bodyguard lies in its touching music!"

The Wall Street Journal: "Whitney Houston's beautiful singing runs throughout the film and is its essence."

New York Post: "Despite Kevin Costner's stoicism and Whitney Houston's beautiful singing, the hero-saving-the-beauty storyline is quite clichéd and fell short of expectations."

Chicago Sun-Times* "A fairly engaging popcorn flick."

At the same time, Lethal Weapon 3 had reached $70 million in box office revenue after ten days, and Basic Instinct was only a few million away from breaking the $100 million mark after a month.

In the morning, in the Bel-Air villa.

"Honey, you have a beautiful bust," Arthur said as he held Jennifer Aniston in bed, kissing her soft skin and making a compliment.

Jennifer Aniston touched Arthur's body, "How does it feel?"

"Very good," Arthur said, rolling over onto her.

"Arthur, you're at it again?" Jennifer Aniston wrapped her arms around his neck, smiling contentedly. "Don't you have to go to the office?"

"There's still time..."

In North Hollywood, at the Galaxy office.

Arthur met his former agent, Tracey Jacobs. "Good afternoon, Tracey. How have you been lately?"

Tracey Jacobs smiled, "Not so good lately. There are many factions in CAA, and it's tough for a newcomer like me to take sides!"

"Really?" Arthur shrugged. The biggest factions were probably the ones led by Michael Ovitz and Ronald Meyer, with no other groups as strong as theirs.

Tracey Jacobs observed Arthur for a while. From a dropout who took bit parts to an Oscar-winning producer with considerable influence in Hollywood, Arthur's rise was remarkable.

Michael Ovitz and Arthur Smith's feud was also known to her since Ovitz had specifically asked her about Arthur.

"I imagine you've read the script for Speed. I want Johnny Depp to play the lead role. And a $3 million salary, with a clause stating no drug use on set!"

Johnny Depp commanding a $3 million fee wasn't low. Tom Hanks was earning $4.5 million at the time.

Tracey Jacobs looked at Arthur carefully. "Honestly, I think you're perfect for this role!"

She knew Arthur's skills well and thought he was a great fit for the part.

Arthur spread his hands. "At least 16 weeks of filming."

"True," Tracey Jacobs understood. Arthur's current status was different, and he was never particularly interested in being just an actor.

"No issues with CAA? There won't be any obstacles?" Arthur asked.

Tracey Jacobs shook her head. "Depp hasn't done a commercial film like this before. It's a good opportunity for him."

Tracey, who had once been Arthur's agent, had faith in the box office potential of his adapted scripts. 

With over $30 million invested, she didn't believe Arthur would be careless.

The Speed script might not have seemed deep, but that wasn't important. Johnny Depp needed commercial appeal to boost his influence quickly.

"And Speed starts filming in late August," Arthur made it clear that if Depp wasn't confirmed soon, they would replace the lead actor.

"Don't worry, I understand," Tracey Jacobs knew that Arthur's productions would attract plenty of actors eager for roles.

"By the way, Arthur, Mel Gibson has joined CAA. The company released a red congratulatory report in the newspapers!"

When CAA first recruited Sean Connery, they released an all-red report in the papers, a tradition continued whenever a big star joined.

Though Galaxy's collaboration with CAA was minimal, Tracey reminded Arthur out of their past connection.

"Haha, WMA got poached again?" Arthur chuckled, indifferent. "What can one actor do? Besides, I can see Michael Ovitz's downfall."

Arthur held up three fingers. "In three or four years, he'll be driven out of Hollywood in disgrace."

Why? Because Ovitz had offended movie companies, deceived investors, oppressed peers, and had a domineering personality with great ambition.

An ambitious person would not stay in an agency forever. Look at Barry Diller, Lew Wasserman, Jeffrey Katzenberg, and David Geffen, all turned into moguls.

Tracey Jacobs was wide-eyed at Arthur's prediction. "This..."

Arthur waved his hand and smiled. "He's been offending people since CAA's inception. Who knows how many enemies he's made? A new golden age is dawning in Hollywood, and he thinks movie companies will tolerate him?"

Did he really think an agency could control Hollywood's film media companies?

The power levels were completely different, and the cutthroat nature of packaging services needed to stay within bounds for everyone's benefit.

Now, Ovitz's actions were getting increasingly offensive, crossing the line was unwise.

"Besides, Michael Ovitz has offended me too," Arthur smiled, but his words were chilling. "In three or four years, do you think I won't be able to crush him?"

