
ARK The Bane of Spectres

ARK. The Alliance of Religion and Knowledge is an organization that exists only in the shadows for humanity to live free from the paranormal. When Irina found out about the truth behind her mother's death, she refused to succumb into depression again and decided to leave home to study and search for her. Hoping to live a normal life within the process. Being the only daughter of the Defense Minister, who is also one of the richest men, there are threats on Irina's life during her journey. After surviving yet another tragedy, she accidentally stumbles upon a battle between ARK and the paranormal. As she becomes a part of the Alliance, little by little, she discovers her family's connection to the organization, completely abandoning hope to live a normal life. *** "Those people, they became.. I don't know, shadow monsters. You're human, right? You're not going to kill me or kidnap me, right? For a second I thought that's chloroform but-" The man let out an amused chuckle. "Heh. You're more interesting than I thought, Irina Kaspian." "You didn't answer me. And who are you?" "It doesn't matter. You will not remember me when you wake up. Or any of this." "What are you talking-" "Somnolentus", he poked her forehead gently and she instantly fell asleep. *** This dark urban fantasy ambitiously covers conspiracies, religion, politics, depression and other areas narrated with mysteries and action that would interest and thrill to keep the readers wanting for more. This Novel is moving to POPINK. See you there for more actions and thrills! To read the full version and the latest chapters, visit it on POPINK :) ARK The Bane Of Spectres https://popinkapp.com/novel/200001615 You may also like: ARK Bearer Of Curse https://popinkapp.com/novel/200001866 ***

Omnitheus · 奇幻言情
20 Chs

IV. The Night Rangers

To read the full version and the latest chapters, visit it on POPINK :)

ARK The Bane Of Spectres


You may also like:

ARK Bearer Of Curse



Frustrated would be an understatement to describe how Irina was feeling. She looked at the clock. 10PM. She should've been exhausted yet sleep was still eluding her. Since she lost her things in the accident, including her phone, she didn't have anything to pass the time. Or at least take her mind away from its frustration.

She fiddled with the locket her Aunt Hilda gave her. It hurt to remember why she decided to come here in the Central City: to look for her mom who's apparently in one of the mental institution. "I think I'll admit myself in the process", she thought out loud with a bitter smirk.

From the moment she left home, tragedy after tragedy had befallen her. Or maybe that's how her mind was processing things and she's going crazy. She recalled how the day went.


Back to the time when Irina confronted Lucian.

"It was you! I swear it was you who came and killed those..", Irina carefully chose her words. "Men".

"I did what, now?" Lucian with a sarcastic tone.

"I may be ignorant to how the world works for the common people, but I'm not exactly new to the killings happening around me. My father is a military man who has many enemies. You think those are the first people he had ordered to get killed?", she continued.

"Yeah, we all know about your ambitious father. But I don't exactly like your tone, insinuating that I'm his hitman of some sort." Lucian threw her a grim look.

She wasn't sure how she found the courage to talk back to this scary guy. "Listen. I don't know how you're connected to my father, and frankly, I don't care. You, killing those rebels is just him fighting his war. Not saving me."

Lucian just looked at her. He was doing a great job denying everything.

"I don't even clearly remember everything. It's like a nightmare. Those criminals literally looked like monsters last night. I know how clean my father does things. I just need to know that last night really happened or I'm going to lose my mind." she held back her tears. But it wasn't of sadness. It was of anger. She's mad that her father's still controlling her life. "Please, Lucian."

He didn't break his sight to her. After making sure she was done talking, he started to speak, more calmly this time.

"Knowing someone was killed and knowing it was connected to you or your family is one thing", he said. "Experiencing it up close, seeing the bloody dead bodies before you is quite another. The human mind is a wonder, but it's also traumatic."

"What are you saying?" she raised her voice in frustration.

"I'm saying you've had a very long day and you seriously need to rest."

"You think I'm crazy. What are you, a shrink?", it actually felt like she may really lose her mind and get mad.

"Not really. I'm part of Behavioral Science, but I know enough things to see that you clearly need help. I'm showing you to your room."


It was still an hour before the house's curfew. Silence roamed the manor. Most students were still out for vacation as there's still a week before the opening of classes. Irina decided to take a walk. Get some fresh air, or maybe stress eat to wherever she felt like it.

Normally, the streets in this part of the Central City was peaceful as it's near the university but since she was a survivor of the rebels' attack and was suspected as their prime target, security was extra tight. She could see the security detail parked on the other side of the street, from the window.

She stepped out, ignoring the security. After all, that snob agent told her to enjoy like a regular student and to not mind them. She felt the cold wind brush her arms. Tomorrow for sure, she would go shop for clothes. But doesn't it feel too cold, summer is just halfway through, she thought.

Now that she thought about it, it was eerily silent. "Are things really quiet around here on vacation?", she uttered.

Not even the sound of crickets could be heard. The wind sure felt cold but even the rustling of leaves couldn't be heard. She looked around. Sure, there were lights in the street. Even the houses still had lights on but there were no signs of movements or the slightest sounds.

Judging from how far she walked, it had been at least seven minutes yet she didn't seem to recall seeing any other person from the moment she stepped out the manor. She looked back, hoping to see the security detail. She never expected to be worried not seeing one.

Strangely enough, it felt familiar. Frighteningly familiar. This was the same setting she had last night when she was attacked in the hospital!


"Damn, it!", Lucian cursed under his breath that he'd been trying to catch. He was running for five minutes yet there's no sign of Irina. He couldn't even get a proper rest ever since his father Marcus, tasked him to look after her. He almost failed before, when he was unable to follow Irina on the same bus. He could've killed those rebels with his hands tied on his back, but never in broad daylight. He was just in time saving Irina when she was attacked last night in the hospital. But now, how could he lose her again, from the manor no less?

"What was the old man thinking? He should've hired a Knight, or at least a freaking Watcher." Lucian was known for being stoic. Even in the face of danger, he always had a calm mind, but this woman, Irina and her unpredictability, had put him on edge. "I'm a Ranger for damn sake, I wasn't made to be anyone's babysitter."

He felt the presence of several entities. Nightmares! He thought. It was confirmed when he made a right turn.

These creatures didn't even have enough spirit to manifest in a distinguishable form. He called his weapon. A couple of seconds after, he's holding a white sword chained to his right arm.

He counted six of the Nightmares, readying to attack him. Two of them instantly materialized whip-like tentacles, lashing on his direction. He effortlessly dodged them, while three other lounged at him with swords and spear for their arms.

Lucian moved past the two Nightmares with swords, not even giving them the chance to swing it. He ducked to avoid the stabbing spear of the other gaining the momentum to sweep it with his chain, and decapitated it on its way to the ground. The creature disintegrated on the spot. He turned to face the remaining Nightmares.

"Three.. Four.. Plus the one I just killed. Where's the other one?" he thought. They were not going to give him time to think as the four Nightmares circled him and attacked from all sides. The ground the nightmares hit cracked but Lucian managed to jump just in time. He was preparing to launch an attack from midair when all of a sudden, a deafening screech hit him, causing him to almost lose his balance.


"Fuck!" One of the Nightmares distanced itself on a wall, far enough to prepare and manifest a wailing banshee's ability. He had to cover his ears, losing his chance to attack. He broke his fall by rolling but the Nightmares were quick to follow. One of them was quick enough to land a strike while he was in a rolling motion which made it impossible to dodge. Lucian was not a fan of blocking or parrying.


The Nightmare which supposedly landed a hit was burning in glowing green flames and shortly after, disintegrated! If these creatures had a face, they would've been in shock. Lucian disappeared! He was not on the ground anymore.

"RAAAAERK!!" Another throe from one of the shadowy creature. The wall where the one that wailed like a banshee, was now burning, and Lucian was burning with it! No, at closer inspection, it was the wall and the creature that were burning with Lucian. He looked back to the ground where the remaining three were, only to find a tall, well built, red haired man. The Nightmares were gone.

"I'm sure there was no need for you to do that, Lucian.", said the man.

"Yeah, but I did. I need your help, Siegfried."


Irina thought she would be safe after outrunning the creatures chasing her. She didn't know how she managed to run with her knees trembling in fear. Those were the same creatures that attacked her in the hospital. They didn't have the figure of a human but she was certain they were the same creatures.

"Oh, you're bleeding. So, you're not a Nightmare, but what are you?", said the woman in front of her. She looked exactly like Irina's age but her demeanor was so strong, like that of a soldier that had been to countless battles.

Irina tried to move but her leg wound prevented her. She couldn't believe that this woman slashed her at the first opportunity. It was luck that she dodged it, although not completely. What's up with these leg wounds, are they trying to prevent her from wearing shorts and skirts in the future, she thought to herself.

The least she could do was amuse herself or she might die of fear. This immense killing intent, she felt it before, last night from Lucian, but he was directing it to those shadow creatures which this woman called "Nightmares". This woman intended to kill her.

"Did you lose your tongue, huh? Come on, let's try this again.", said the woman as she swung her sword that looked like a katana with a paper trinket at the tip of its hilt. She wiped the remaining blood on the blade before speaking.

"What. The fuck. Are you?"

"I- I'm Irina Kasp-"

"Forget it. I don't care. You will die."

She raised her sword in a quick motion to strike her down. Irina closed her eyes, accepting her fate. Had she had enough courage, she would have seen Lucian arrive at the scene, grabbing the woman's sword hand, sweeping her with his leg, and binding his chain to the woman's neck, slamming her to the ground. All in one swift motion, and having the edge of his sword to her throat.

"Aarghh!", the woman let out a suppressed moan of pain. "Good to see you too, Lucian."

"What the hell do you think you're doing, Evangelyn? You better choose your words carefully, they may as well be the last you'll utter."

"What a heartfelt reunion of the Night Rangers." said Siegfried.

To read the full version and the latest chapters, visit it on POPINK :)

ARK The Bane Of Spectres


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ARK Bearer Of Curse





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