

Update: (12/17/22) Chapter 131 is now released! WARNING! — All chapters labeled with R18+ will have either intense sexual themes, topics of suicide or self-harm, or intense graphic detail. READ AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION. Volume 2 chapters will now be released! Aries: Volume 1 is now complete as of March 28, 2022! *Disclaimer: Mature Audiences Recommended. 18+, Gore, Blood, Strong Language, Sexual Themes, Violence, Drug Reference, Use of Alcohol, and Dark and Suggestive Themes* Ryo Nakai is a 21-year-old ex-Yakuza shut-in who lives in Asahikawa, Hokkaido. He faces an identity crisis after nearly fatally injuring a student as a child, resulting in him running away from home and joining a gang to suppress his pain. Years later, he abandons the Yakuza and spends nine years living alone with a conflicted heart. After being forced to rejoin the Yakuza with his closest friend Sez Fuma, the gang pulls off a heist to steal a special artifact in a laboratory. When the plan goes haywire, Ryo finds himself trapped in a massive terraforming landscape known as Aries. Ryo later encounters April Springwell, a wealthy young prodigy. Joined by his compassionate sister Sumire, Ryo joins a police task force and is thrust into a new world; a world of mystery, compassion, and romance. Together, joined with a cast of diverse characters of Japanese and alien descent, Ryo and his friends must come together and solve a mysterious case that threatens their world. Ryo leaves behind a trail of guilt and misguidance based on the actions of his childhood and seeks redemption to correct the mistakes he once made.

Violet9 · 科幻
132 Chs


Sumire's pink puffy eyes detracted from her attention, causing her to scratch and rub against them to dry out her somber tears. Her feet were implanted deep into the ground that it was nearly impossible for her to move at the time. April settled down on the bed, fully recovered from her unusual supernatural ability. Ryo stood next to Sumire, leaning against the window with his arms crossed pondering deep in thought.

"I didn't choose to be this way. But Claude made me feel so happy the more I spent time with him. He raised me, brought me everywhere he went and took good care of me. Even though he would force me on the sidelines watching him work in the task force, I eventually was interested in his hobbies. Then, I trained with him, and eventually became a member of the Task Force. But we changed it eventually to Sunlight. Our group's name is called Sunlight."

"Sumire..." Ryo's weak eyes glanced away from his sister attempting to digest the entire story that she had laid out for her. The amount of mind-numbingly traumatic moments that mesmerized his sister's personality and mind for the worst had boggled his mind. Suddenly, he was fortunate to have such a supportive family that truly wanted what was best for him, even if it was strict or harsh in some demeanor. Especially his mother, who told him that she loved him the day he confronted them about the existence of aliens in Seiya Elementary School and Sezan Fuma's gradual relationship with him.

"This is why it was hard for me to talk about it the first time we reunited, Ryo," Sumire clarified. "I've been holding it in for so long that it became a habit of keeping it within. I didn't want you to get angry at my father, because I knew that you'd want to change something about it. I knew you'd regret not protecting me before. But... now things have changed."

"You're absolutely right." Ryo angrily expressed with his low voice. He collapsed to the ground on his knees, shivering in regret and doubt.

Sumire grabbed Ryo after he collapsed. "Ryo? Don't worry about it. I'm okay now." She reassured.

"Even if THAT were true," Ryo couldn't contain his rage. "It doesn't change the fact that I could have known you before this all happened. We were all part of the same family. I was just too cocky and ignorant to see below the surface what was happening to you. If only... if only I had met you earlier, I would have KILLED him!"

"Ryo, stop-" Sumire proceeded to calm her brother down.

"NO!" Ryo slammed the floor with both of his fists as tears broke out against his own will. April examined both Ryo and Sumire's behavior, recognizing the brotherly and sisterly bond between them and the truly overwhelming amount of affection connected between them. "It's NOT okay! How... DARE he...? How dare he try to turn you into some toy?! Why couldn't he understand that deep down... you were hurting inside? Why did he just think you were just some kind of tool?"

"Ryo... it's okay," Sumire tapped his shoulder. "It's over. It's all in the past. To be honest, it was my fault too. I was broken for so long that I didn't know how to feel any kind of emotion. I wasn't in pain, but I wasn't happy either. If only I knew the truth sooner, then I would have-"

"But how could have you decided that?!" Ryo spat in contempt, turning his face to Sumire. His pupils were dilated and strained. He scowled with the hatred of Sumire's father in his heart, eyes narrowed against the idea of Sumire's childhood and how it played out. "You were just a kid. Your mind hadn't developed yet to match an adult's idea of maturity. Don't say that you could have known when clearly it was impossible!"

"Yes, I know, Ryo..." Sumire hugged him affectionately, "But even if that were the case... I wouldn't have met you. Your parents wouldn't have adopted me and Claude wouldn't have taken me in. Yes, I regret my actions, but I would never regret them to the point where I regretted meeting you. If that was the path I had to take to meet my brother, then so be it."

"No... NO!" Ryo shook his head as tears continued leaking. "There were other ways, damn it! There were other ways!" He extended his arms instantly and clutched onto Sumire in an even tighter hug. His cheek had rested upon her shoulder as tears leaked onto her skin. The breeze of the afternoon outside April's estate blew inside, brushing Sumire's jet black ponytail against Ryo's shoulder. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry, damn it. You told me this before, didn't you? And I ignored you because I thought about myself." His voice choked uncontrollably while his teeth grit together in pure selflessness.

"Shh... it's okay, Ryo," Sumire whispered into his ear, imitating exactly what her mother whispered to her during the night they had escaped from her father in the pouring rain. This time, it was for her brother's sake to protect him. "I've got you, Ryo. It's going to be okay, shh..." A single teardrop erupted from her left eye, but this time, she was crying out of joy that she had the single opportunity to meet her brother. "Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault. You said it yourself that you wanted to distance yourself away from me so I wouldn't be hurt. I understand how you feel."

"But if only I knew back then," Ryo denied his efforts. "If only I stayed with my family and met you naturally. I would have fought for you to rid that son of a bitch out of this world. And I only complained about the aliens coming to Earth. They were the wrong enemies that I believed were monsters. What right did I have to complain about them when our people are the monsters? When your dad was the monster?"

Without a single second to react, April lifted her head up, revealing that she had been sobbing eternally in response to Sumire's agonizing past. She inhaled through her mouth with a mixture of repugnance and woe before storming out of her bedroom at a swift speed. Ryo and Sumire took notice, realizing that she had taken the orange crystal with her.

"APRIL!" Sumire cried, leaping after the exit to the bedroom with her.

Ryo gasped before chasing the both of them down an endless regal stairwell decorated with golden shimmering vinyl trims and red velvet carpet. He could not take notice of the number of vibrant paintings of nature and vanity across the castle-like main estate. April's unexpected speed had already touched down on the first floor, with Sumire chasing after her into another room in a well-lit hallway. After touching down with them on the gray marbled floors, Ryo had no idea that April had lived in such a costly mansion of her own.

"April! Where are you-" Sumire's voice was cut off by the sound of metal slamming in an unknown room.

"Stop!" Ryo called, following the sound of the ruckus. He entered abruptly into a kitchen setting where Sumire's back was turned against him to face April. Ryo shuffled through Sumire to witness April setting down a glass of orange viscous liquid that resembled much like the orange juice Sumire spoke of in her story. Drink mixers and tools were magically fluttering through the air from April's unknown psychic abilities that were mistakenly revealed. "What are you-"

"Both of you already know about my secret," April nervously explained, swerving her torso from left to right as a side activity to steer her nervousness. She placed her hands behind her back, hiding the orange crystal from sight. "I guess it doesn't matter anymore. Please drink this, Sumire. I don't think you'll be disappointed."

Sumire stepped forward with a cautious glance on her face. She grabbed the glass cup, feeling the icy mixture against her fingertips and rendering them slightly numb. The moment her tongue touched the orange viscous liquid, her eyes nearly burst into excitement, which translated into more tears. After downing the entire cup, she placed it on the granite countertop with her mouth jaw-dropped in reverential awe. Her taste buds didn't miscalculate.

"You... this is..." Sumire's faltering voice began, speechless from her experience. "How did you..."

"I'm a regular at the Mountains, did you forget?" April said as she chuckled. "Not only do I perform there, but I'm close with Claude too. He taught me how to make the Mountains orange juice with the exact ingredients and measurements. That's why I wanted you to have it."

"It's..." Sumire nearly crumbled to the ground, but April slid in and caught her halfway. She glanced into April's compassionate eyes as if she was gazing into Claude's inviting eyes the day she was taken in. "It's perfect. It's absolutely perfect. I'm sorry I almost hurt you just now. And don't worry, I won't tell anyone about your secret, okay?"

"Don't worry about it right now," April's sympathy for Sumire's childhood overpowered her secret's significance. "If for some reason you're not feeling what you believe is home, you can always come to me. I can be your orange juice provider in Aries. How does that sound, Sumire?" She recommended with a kind heart and consciousness, which contrasted with her threatening personality. Ryo took notice that she possibly didn't see him or his sister as a threat any longer, which was heartwarming on its own.

"I'd like that." Sumire cried.

April handed the orange crystal to Sumire. "You can take this back to Sunlight. Find out what it's all about. If you or Ryo want to stay here overnight anytime, please don't be afraid to ask, okay?" She turned her head to Ryo, who was smiling from their pleasant interaction. "And Ryo, why don't you help Sumire out? I think you'd fit her hobby as part of Sunlight."

Ryo's opportunities had opened up to heights he had never thought about the moment April suggested the idea. It would open the possibility of solving the case that Sumire had been speaking about, and it would give him some time to hide from his heist crime. It served as a sign of strength that he could muster over time, and gain the confidence to confront the people he had hurt in the past. If he had practiced speaking and interacting with others, he would understand compassion. "I think that sounds like a great idea." He encouraged him after assessing his and his sister's situation.

Sumire turned back to her brother. "Ryo, do you really mean that?"

"Of course," Ryo approached Sumire and held her tight with April. "You wanted to help me, so I'll help you achieve your goal. I want to make sure you get that chance to tell your mother the truth."

Sumire gracefully embraced the warmth and affection of her brother and April, reminded of the past where she was granted happiness in small pieces. Even if her father hadn't atoned for her sins and destroyed Sumire's dignity and sanity at a young age, there was a silver of experience that transformed her to become who she is now. Sumire felt mentally empowered and stronger than ever before, and she had the bonds in the present to thank for her progress.

"Thank you, guys..." Sumire said.


"There she is..." Hinazumi worriedly voiced out to Ichijo while looking through the Mountains Jazz Club window. "We better get to Sumire. I think Claude's got her under control inside.

"We'll take care of her. Don't worry about it," Ichijo told Sumire's mother, who had been crying uncontrollably. "Ryo, you should wait outside. You're not old enough to go inside yet. We'll be back before you know it."

Ryo watched his parents enter the jazz club while Sumire's mother kneeled down to face him head-on. "You're their son, aren't you?" She began while glancing through the windows where Ryo's parents were conversing with Claude.

"Yeah," Ryo said. "What about it?"

Sumire's mother chuckled and stood up. She gently pats Ryo's black hair and scruffed it up as a sign of familial affection. "One of these days, you'll meet my daughter, and if she has any problems, I want you to make sure to be there for her. She's your age, so it'll be easier to talk with her. Do you think you can do that for me?"

"I don't know," Ryo said, looking through the windows. He noticed Sumire joyously smiling on top of Claude's shoulder, held tightly. "She looks happy already."

You will understand sooner or later. Understand that my daughter has been through a lot. But this is the present now, and all the things in the past have made her who she is now. The same will apply to you. One of these days, the same will happen for you. But we must all move forward.

All I want is for my daughter to do that which makes her feel at home.