
Apocalyptic Family Reunion

Emilia died once... falling from the top of the base wall fighting off zombies that tried to enter their base. Zombies that wanted to destroy what little they had left to hold on to of their once glorious past. As she fell she thought that this was the end for her and that she would finally be able to rest, but when she opened her eyes she realized she had been reborn seven years in the past. A whole year before the apocalypse.At a time when her son still lived, her family was alive and the world balance hadn't been disrupted yet. Join Emilia Crossfow on her journey as she prepares to face the apocalypse as a mom and a warrior. Kill zombies during the day , cook and tell bedtime stories at night. ............ This is an original story as well as my first book so I hope for your support

snowstorm16 · 奇幻言情
50 Chs

never leave you

"Your family?" Qin Lu looked up at his mom puzzled. "I thought you were an orphan?" Qin Lu was genuinely surprised. In all his life both in the previous and this life his mom never mentioned having any family. As for him though he was curious why he thought that his mom was either an orphan or that she was kicked out of the house .

Qin Lu wasn't naive enough not to understand how this world worked and how single moms especially those who had kids in wedlock we're treated. Worse if they were as young as his mom. He never mentioned it because he was afraid that he would reopen his mom's old wound and also...he didn't want for his mom to have any reason to resent him. He was afraid that after mentioning it she would be reminded that the reason that she was on her own was because of him.

The young boy throughout his whole life had only know his mother and he did not want to lose his only reliance. His only family. Losing her would destroy him. Growing up in a single parent household Qin Lu was actually very insecure deep down, even though he never showed it. He knew that he was different from other kids. Not only did he not have a father but he also did not have grandparents and other family. He only knew his mom. Though the issue of his dad had been settled he still was curious about his other family. His  coldness was only an act to protect himself in case he was hurt one day.

"What no I'm not an orphan I have both parents and an older brother. " Emilia replied quickly. Honestly she wasn't really surprised he thought that after all she had never mentioned her family to him all his life. Their family was basically made up of the two of them.

"Then how come I've never met them before and why have they never visited."  He continued in a smaller voice as he tightly gripped his hands."Is it because they don't like me?"

No way they will love you she confidently exclaimed. I know they will there is no one who doesn't love my baby Qin she said as she pulled him so that he was sitting in her arms

"..They will??" Now Qin Lu was confused, from his mom's tone it sounded like his grandparents did not even know about him. But if that were the case then why is mom all alone and not with them. Why are they not talking then?

"Um it's actually a little complicated. You see when I was eighteen boyfriend and I had a little disagreement during the time you where conceived and I came here to city A to relax my mind and all." She crossed her fingers as she liked at this part. She honestly did not want to tell Qin Lu that he was the result of a drunken one night stand so she had to lie. A little white lie here won't hurt anybody. As for Ling Xiao... I'll just explain this too him when I meet him.  And while I was here I discovered that

"I was pregnant with you. I guess at that time I was confused and did not know what to do. I wanted to return home but I was also afraid of what my family would think. Plus I had later decided that I wanted to keep you and I was afraid that your grandparents would not agree so I... I stayed and never went back." She trailed off

Emilia continued "Since then I had just been talking to my family over phone calls as much as I can because I didn't want my family to be too worried but I just didn't go back."

Qin Lu was still trying to process all that he had heard when his mom continued talking.

"But I realise now that my actions were wrong and that all I was doing was just hurting them so I decided to make things right . I invited my family here to come have dinner with us tomorrow and I plan to introduce them to you as well. That way we can all be reunited and little Qin can have a full family exprience just like I had growing up. And don't you worry they are going to adore you "

So it's not because they don't like me that you don't talk Qin Lu finally managed to squeeze out. The boy couldn't explain just how he was feeling at that very moment. Knowing that his family did not despise him and that his mom was not kicked out because of him a sense of relief and happiness spread throughout him.

"I have grandparents too" he said more to himself than to his mom. The feeling was just too serile .

"Of course you do silly everyone does. And not only do you have grandparents you also have an uncle who I'm sure will love you too bits. Your grandparents too of course!"

After a the initial excitement fear washed over him. "Bu..but what if they don't like me and they want you to get rid of me." He croaked out as the fear of being abandoned washed over him. That fear of his of being deserted started to appear again. Qin Lu felt as if he was about to lose his mind over this.

"Don't be silly. My parents are the best and they will definitely like you. They have always wanted grandkids so why wouldn't they like you. Look don't stress yourself over this ok. And worst comes to worst you would still have me won't you." Emilia responded, she didn't know why but she felt that Qin Lu's state of mind did not seem right at that point and wanted to reassure him.

"You will never leave me?" Qin lu asked in a small voice seeking reassurance.

"Never!" She replied firmly.

Qi Lu felt at ease with that statement. He did not know why but even though he knew that his mom had probably just said that to abate him he strangely was still satisfied. He honestly didn't care if she said it half heartedly as long as he could remain by her side always.

Now come on it's time for bed. Emilia said to the little boy

Only then did Qin Lu remember that his mom just came back from a business trip that evening and she was probably tired.

"Okay goodnight Mom. Love you" he said getting up.

"Night night mom loves you too"she said kissing his forehead before watching him go off.

After seeing him off to bed, Emilia got up took a shower and went off to bed herself.

'Tomorrow's gonna be hectic.'She thought to herself. 'I just hope big brother is still as loving and forgiving as I remember.' She sighed before she drifted off to sleep.