
Apocalyptic Family Reunion

Emilia died once... falling from the top of the base wall fighting off zombies that tried to enter their base. Zombies that wanted to destroy what little they had left to hold on to of their once glorious past. As she fell she thought that this was the end for her and that she would finally be able to rest, but when she opened her eyes she realized she had been reborn seven years in the past. A whole year before the apocalypse.At a time when her son still lived, her family was alive and the world balance hadn't been disrupted yet. Join Emilia Crossfow on her journey as she prepares to face the apocalypse as a mom and a warrior. Kill zombies during the day , cook and tell bedtime stories at night. ............ This is an original story as well as my first book so I hope for your support

snowstorm16 · Fantasy
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I just want to write this to say thanks to all those who are reading and voting and supporting this book. This is my first book so you support is appreciated.

^_^^_^ Very grateful!!

I also want to clarify some things so that it would be easier to understand what's going on moving forward.

So, there are three people in this book who are actually reborn ( I might decide to add more later on if I see fit but for now it's still three)

The three are :

#Emilia Lu (mom)

#Qin Lu (son)

# Ling Xiao ( father)

What's different about their rebirth is that their actually from three different parallel world's.

In Emilia's world her son, Qin Lu, dies two years into the apocalypse and she meets Ling Xiao a couple months after his death. She will be with him for the remainder of the time she is still alive. Falling in love with him in the process but the relationship didn't get to develop by the time she dies.

In Qin Lu's world his mom dies two years into the apocalypse and then he is found by his father a couple months later and lives with him until he dies. At that time his mom died he was only eight so until he was twelve he lived with his dad and bonded with him. His age also plays an important role because even though he is reborn he is still a child after all both in his previous and current life.

As for Ling Xiao in his world he met the mother and son half a year before the apocalypse. They became a family during that time and they were happy. But that happiness did not last long as the apocalypse came, and Emilia and Qin Lu die two years into the apocalypse.

So what's happening is that the three souls from three different but similar worlds , due to a spacial disturbance ended up in this world which was behind the other three in timeline.

That is basically what is going on here.

Once again thanks for your support and if I manage to finish this that I'm working on in time I will publish it today or if I can't then tomorrow.^_^^_^^_^