
Dukedom of Azeroth

5 years had passed since Shino had reincarnated into this new world, and so far, not a single good thing had happened. After the brief incident with his eyes, they had seemed to have entered some sort of 'hibernation' period, refusing to respond to his commands.

Although the mysterious space was a godly item that could enhance his cultivation by leaps and bounds, it was quite boring for him to sit in total darkness and meditate. However, a positive effect could be that his spiritual body had matured and now looked like it was about 12 years old.

The only good thing was that his energy control had improved to the point it was basically of the charts.

Previously he could only cover a small area of energy, but now as his mental body got older his control had improved to the point he was able to cover his parent's entire estate. And pull the massive amount of white energy to him.

Of course, he did not dare to since it might cause a very big commotion.

Shino had been right in the assumption that his father was a Noble. He was, in fact, the Duke of Azeroth. A minor dukedom, but a fairly big one. His father had just been appointed as the Duke after his own father had passed away a few months shy of his birthday.

And today was going to be a big day for him. His mom had finally agreed to take him outside the estate and explore the town.

"Hey, Shino come over here." Shino's mom had finally entered his room all dressed up. She was wearing a light blue dress that made her blue eyes light up even more.

"Yes, mama." Shino naturally not being stupid did not let anyone know that he was abnormal. He was extremely quiet and like to read and hang out with the maids his parent's had given him.

He stuck up his hand signaling for his mom to pick him up.

"Aren't you a little bit old to be having your mom carry you around like that, Shino." His father poked out his head from the side of the door. Shino really did not like his dad, he would always be there trying to put his grubby hands on his mom.

"Look, David, you made him mad." His mom laughed lightly as she picked him up.

"Mama, where are we going today?" Ignoring his dad, Shino asked his mom where exactly they would be exploring today.

"We'll be exploring the library today. I and your dad will also test your potential for cultivation today."

"Mama, what's cultivation?" Shino, of course, knew what cultivation was already. But he wanted to seem curious in front of his mother and father to not raise any suspicion,

"You'll know when we get there." Shino's mom chuckled as she watched her son so excited to go out to the town.

It didn't take long for them to leave the estate into the town.


Shino was legit excited to be going out to the town. He didn't really get out in his past life, and being the child of a Noble family it was a surreal experience.

As his mother took him out of the estate, she immediately started explaining everything around them.

"Shino, you see over there is our town library. That's our townhouse over there. All the important meetings happen over there."

The explanation given by his mother was quite basic, so he really wasn't that excited. But walking around the town was exciting. He could see the commoners walking about. The traders battering about prices.

"Mama, can we go to the library now?"

"Okay Shino, we can go now?"

To Shino right now the most important thing was to gather knowledge about this world. So to Shino, his best bet would be at the library where he could gather as knowledge as he could about this world of his.

The library was quite mediocre from the outside. It wasn't that grand from the outside. It was plain with not a hint of decoration. But his mind was changed when he entered the library.

"WOW!" The library was massive. And Shino meant massive. He had been to numerous library's as a kid, but never one this big.

"Does Shino think the library is big? Do you know there are other floors, but you're not permitted to go in yet."

"Mommy, can I go explore? I promise that I'll be back and I won't go over there?" Shino asked his mom. He wanted to get as far away as possible to not draw any attention.

"Okay Shino, but you better don't get lost. It's a really big library after all."

"Yes, mommy." The moment the chat with his mom was over, Shino instantly bolted. He ran down the hallway until he couldn't see his parent's figures anymore.

"Whewwww. Now I can freely do all the research I want." Shino grabbed a random book from the shelf. Its title was quite strange. 'How to plant crops.'

He placed the book where it was grabbing another book. 'The best way to find herbs.'

After moving to a completely different shelf, he tried again grabbing another book off the bookshelf. This time, he got a book that would help him. 'The History Of The Saint Kingdom.'

"The Saint Kindom has existed and thrived for over a 100 thousand years now." This statement was quite surprising for Shino. "Hmmm. On earth even China who was recognized as one of the oldest forms of civilization being formed around the 17th century B.C.

But China did not even hold a candle to The Saint Kingdom.

"The founder of the Saint Kindom, Saint Solomon, was one of the most powerful men in the continent. He could part oceans and move mountains with only a twitch of his fingers. But unfortunately, he went missing a few thousand years after he founded the Saint Kingdom. All of the authority over the kingdom was then left to his family."

"Moving mountains and parting oceans with a twitch of his fingers. I will definitely surprise him one day. The heavens are not the limit. I will become limitless."

"Shino, come here now?" Shino had been so absorbed in the book he had forgotten how much time had gone on.

"Coming mama."

After quickly putting the book back in place, he left heading for his parents.

"So Shino did you have fun?" Shino's mom said as he walked up next to her. "Yes mommy," he replied trying to sound as innocent as possible. "Can we get some books from the library and bring them home?" Shino asked his mom.

"Sure sweety why not? We'll have someone bring some books over," she replied, picking him up.

As his mother started heading for the library exit. Shino noticed that his dad was not following them. "Don't worry Shino. Daddy has some business to attend to right now."

"And mom."

"Yes, sweety."

"You never told me what cultivation was?"

"Ohh did I? I'll tell you once we get back home."

So end Shino's journey at the library for now.

The moment Shino left with his mother. A man dressed in black suddenly appeared in front of Shino's father.

"Duke Azeroth." The black man said.

Shino's father's aura instantly changed. It dominated the entire area, making the man in black feel stifled.

"What was he reading?" Duke David asked.

"He grabbed a couple books off the shelf, but then returned them. The only book he seemed interested in, was the history of the Saint Kingdom."

"Good. For now, just stand on guard until further notice." Shino's father replied, his eyes twinkling for a little bit.

"Yes, Duke Azeroth."

Yeahhhh. So sorry guys. I am a student and I have to go to school. So, it's been quite hectic. Here's the chapter some of you have been waiting for.

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