
Another Young Justice Story

'Normal' Guy Reborn In the World where he knows nothing about With Some 'Powers'.

Rex_Zatch · 电视同人
14 Chs

Chapter-3 Ready to Rumble

Chapter-3 Ready to Rumble

Near the port of Gotham city, where I am training right now, I heard the noise of some people coming over.

From one of the warehouse's damaged holes I saw outside, there were 4 huge muscular guys and a skinny guy who was commanding them to bring something inside.

As I was trying to hear them talking, instead of them first, I heard a system ding sound.

[Ding, Host Acquired Adaptable Hearing]

Ok, now I can hear them talking.

"Boys, I need these items to be safe and secure, if not, you know what is penguin capable of doing right"

"Yes, sir, this item will be delivered to Gotham by tonight" One of the huge bulky guys talked while carrying a huge ass box.

They are trying to do something but where is this smell coming from, did someone fart or somethin--

[Ding, Host Acquired Adaptable sense of smell]

Wait a minute, I know this smell, gun powder, yes it is definitely gun power.

Before I died and came here, I used to go to the gun range to relieve my daily frustrations.

So these guys are criminals and that penguin guy seems like bad news. What can I do, I cannot fight them, right? They have guns, can a fist be faster than a gun?

What do I do? I am no hero, I am nothing but a coward who says he wants to do this and that but when the time comes I just freeze on the spot, the same thing happened when my girlfriend left me for something more.

I am the kinda a guy who doesn't want to leave his comfort zone, even if others try to pursue me. I just push them away like what happened before.

If this continues to happen, how am I going to protect my grandparents and how--

"Bang, Boom" Shit my hand slip while I was trying to back away and drop a huge drum down which made a loud sound.

"Boys, did you hear that, I think someone is trying to spy on us, find them and kill them" the Skinny guy ordered and left, leaving those 4 huge guys to handle the intruder.

"Don't worry sir, we will take care of the intruder"

Saying they started walking inside the room while one carrying a gun while the other two carrying an iron rod and the last one carrying a knife.

Oh, God! Oh, God! What do I do? Ya, System can help me right, it says it was a support system.

'Hey System, tell me what can I do to survive in his situation' I asked the system in my head.

[Ding, Host, believe in your ability, you have more than enough power to take those guys down without any effort]

What?.... Hope you are on the right, system, I don't want to suddenly die while fighting.

[Ding, You can do this Host, I am cheering for you, Host]

[You can do it, WO!!! HOO!!!]

[You are the best, Yes you are]

[You are the GOAT]

Ok, OK I understand now shut up and let me concentrate.

But first, let's check my status, and then make a play according to that.



Host Name: Ryan Summers

Title: Host, Meta-Human, Honey, Dear

Species: Meta-human

Birth Year: 1995, September 03

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Hair Color: Blond

Eyes Color: Green

Relatives: Adam Summers (Grandpa), May Summers (Grandma)

Affiliation: House of Summers

HP: 300/300

MP: 50/50 {Locked}

STR: 17 (Average 10)

VIT: 30 (VIT * 10 = HP)

AGI: 15 (Average 10)

INT: 25 (INT * 2 = MP)

LUCK: 15 (Average 10)

Gamer's Mind (Passive): MAX

{Gamer's Mind: Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows a peaceful state of mind. Resistance to mental attack.}

Gamer's Body (Passive): MAX

{Gamer's Body: After sleeping in a bed, it restores HP, and MP and cures all status effects. It helps with Pain Suppression}

Reactive Adaptation (Passive): MAX

{Reactive Adaptation: The ability to develop adaptations, powers, or skills in response to immediate threats.}

Acquired Adaptation Resistance (Passive), Accelerated Regenerative Healing Factor (Passive), Adaptation Regeneration (Passive), Psychic Immunity (Passive), Sensory Adaptation (Passive), Adaptation Development (Passive), Adaptive Appearance (Passive), Combat Adaptation (Passive), Adaptive Attacks/ Defend (Passive), Environmental Adaptation (Passive), Adaptive Movement (Passive), Adaptive Breathing, Pain Resistance and suppression (Passive), Adaptive Hearing, Adaptive Sense of Smell].

Ok, so my strength is 17, my vitality is 30 and my agility is 15, Ok calm down Ryan you can do this, you can do this.....do this...do....this.

Let's look at the imminent danger first, all four look dangerous, but the guy with the gun is more dangerous because of his long-range weapon, and then the second knife guy, and last those two, Ok A plan first, the plan will be---

"He is here guys, hiding behind the pillar, it looks like he is the only one"

Shit, Shit, shit How did they fin--- Oh God that mirror reflected my view. This weird sensation is not going away, is this what it feels like to face danger, am I scared?

While I was hearing those guys walking, I again heard a system prompt.

[Ding, Host Acquired Danger Sense]

Oh, it was only my Danger sense tingling, it's not that I was scared, ya I was just feeling danger that's all.

"Come out, we have already seen you, if you don't want to die by the bullet in your brain, you better come out"

Ugh, I cannot let them see my face otherwise they will tell that to the skinny guy or worse that penguin guy.

Sorry grandma, I have to tear this shirt you gave me on Christmas to cover my face, it is not that, I don't love you, grandma, it is because I love you that I have to protect my identity.

I cannot let them find me or our home location, don't worry grandma, grandpa I will never let anything happen to you, I promise.

*Tear* Cloth Covers my nose and face, a red hoodie covers my head and black stretching pants, and black sports shoes. (Similar to the Cover Image but with cloth only, Like Mark-1 and others will also come later on).

'Ok Now, Breath In Breath Out, OK you can do this'

'Ready to Rumble'




To be continued........


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