
Another Twilight fanfic

WARNING: -Expect drama while reading this, please be patient with me. It'll make sense even if it seems it doesn't. - a lot of swearing/cursing - MATURE CONTENT(kids you were warned) - Gore -GXG/WLW/BXB/LGBT+(just the gays, so homophobes, respectfully... begone please) -Forms of abuse from mental, physical, SA, etc. (It may be mentioned as someone's past or present) - THIS IS AN AU, AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE. Certain events might change or would not happen or have happened. Some pairings will have changes. Some facts about the story or the characters might change (Honestly, it's because I'm too lazy to research and watch it all over again) -English isn't my first language, so you will see misspellings and grammatical errors, I might or might not go back to edit them later on. -the frequency of chapter uploads depends on the mood really, so you might get more than one chapter a week or just one. Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN TWILIGHT, EVERYTHING ABOUT IT, STORY AND THE CHARACTERS OF IT BELONGS TO THE ORIGINAL CREATOR OR OWNER OF IT, THE ONLY THING I OWN ARE MY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS. I DO NOT OWN THE SONGS THAT WILL BE INCLUDED IN THIS STORY, THEY BELONG TO THEIR ORIGINAL CREATORS (did I do that right?) AN: This is a wish-fulfillment thing. I ran out of stories to read about Twilight, so I made one of my own. I'm not earning anything from this, I still have this boring job and responsibilities in real life, so please don't... please don't pressure me and be mean. For those who are wondering why I even published it here, it's because I wanted to motivate myself to continue the story. Thinking that there may be people wanting me to continue this as well. Basically, means I just don't want to end up forgetting about this. ~~~ This is a story of a woman who was forcefully reincarnated to another world. She was just working, kept thinking of just disappearing, and not existing. The usual shit that sadly a lot of people also think like this. Waking up every day, feeling shit because, well... I woke up. Seeing all this, a ROB plucked my soul out of my body, and just killed my healthy(not healthy, bitch be living like no tomorrow with the junk food and smoking) body and forced me to reincarnate, refusing my original wish to just disappear into oblivion! Told me I should be grateful to be alive and some shit that sounded like a 'live, laugh, love' type of culty thing. Woke up in a hellish situation, don't know which universe he shoved me in, just a clue that it was from one of the things I liked, but that didn't help to narrow it down aa, I liked a lot of stuff... Some weird too... Continued to suffer my hell for a while, cursing and begging the ass face for the sweet release of death and hopefully meet the guy again so I can punch him in the nuts, and suddenly the door opened and when I saw who it was, I now knew where I was. 'F***ing twilight?!'

EmphieIsMe · 电影同人
81 Chs

Chapter 74

AN: Haloo people. Back to the inconsistent upload, yeah, I am. Lots of stuff happening on my side, and let's just say I'm physically OK but everything else is crap.

What else to share since most of ya'll aren't in the discord to hear updates, uhm... Oh yeah, have been into that YT RP stuff, and thought of doing some myself, but that's still under consideration. Ya'll fellow single people there, you should try listening to some, there's some good ones out there, sweet stuff, fluffy shit. 🤣

Disclaimer, I consulted chatgpt for the singing scene, so it can edit my elementary level, repetitive, and pathetic collection of words in my English language bank in my head.

A bit of a huge time skip by the way. More of my nonsense plot, and just about doing whatever.



Manhattan 1949


In the dimly lit bar, a soft glow illuminated the stage. Women and a few men filled the seats, all eyes fixed on the beautiful woman singing. Her white wavy hair flowed down her back, and her sapphire pink eyes shone with a playful sparkle. Holding the microphone, she commanded everyone's attention with her presence.

She began to sing, her voice smooth and teasing.

÷She calls me daddy Song by KiNG MALA÷

🎶She's a little bit psycho

But she follows

When I call in the middle of the night🎶

She gazed at a group of women near the stage, her eyes intense and inviting. She swayed her hips with the music, drawing them in with each word.

🎶She's got you wrapped around her finger

You try to linger

But she's already on her way to mine🎶

A knowing smile played on her lips as she pointed subtly at a man in the back, his face a mix of envy and fascination. The women around him giggled, whispering among themselves.

🎶It might be a little superficial

She plays with the boys

But she comes home to me

Little fucked up but I think it's official

'Cause she might be your girl

But she's calling me daddy🎶

She emphasized °daddy°, her voice dripping with seduction. The women in the audience leaned forward, captivated, while the men shifted uncomfortably, a mix of frustration and desire on their faces.

🎶She's mine

She wears a collar with my name

Secretive but not ashamed🎶

With a playful wink, she mimed tugging at an imaginary collar around her neck, sending a wave of excitement through the crowd. The women cheered, their admiration clear.

🎶She's mine

But I never tie her down

They always come around


Her movements became more deliberate, her hips swaying seductively as she prowled across the stage. She extended a hand to a woman in the front row, who blushed and reached out, but the singer pulled away just before their fingers touched, a teasing smile on her lips.

🎶I'm a bit of an ice cream

Little bit mean

But my girl likes the way I shut them down🎶

The crowd was enraptured, the singer's charm was irresistible, she glanced at another man, smirking as she sang, making it clear who had the power in the room.

🎶Say she likes to when I play king

A little plaything Yeah my girl like the way I wear my crown🎶

She mimed placing a crown on her head, her posture regal, the women cheered louder and their enthusiasm grew in each verse.

🎶You should see their face when they finally realize

That she plays with the boys

But she comes onto me🎶

Her voice dipped lower, more intimate, as if sharing a secret to the entire bar. The men can only watch entranced and helpless.

🎶Wanna change her mind but I get unwise

'Cause she might be your girl

But she's calling me daddy

She's mine

She wears a collar with my name

Secretive but not ashamed🎶

The singer's eyes sparkled as she sang again, the repetition driving home her dominance and allure. The women were entranced, hanging on her every word, while men looked on with a mix of jealousy and longing.

🎶She's mine

But I never tie her down

They always come around


In the mess

She's responsible

Change her mind

It's impossible

Close your mouth


Catch a fire

Watch the girl get

What she likes🎶

Deciding to finish the song with a flourish, her voice lingering on the final note. The bar erupted in applause, the women cheering and clapping, while the men stared, their desire clear. The woman took a bow, her white hair shimmering in the lights, her sapphire-pink eyes twinkling with satisfaction.



I got off the stage and went straight to my private office/room. There's a connecting room from my office since I spend most of my time here anyway.

I heard the door open and close, sensing my now grown-up wolfy man. Definitely looks older than me now, but not by much tho, though his shifter characteristic to slow down aging while he still embraces the wolf side kicked in.

And as everyone already expected, my body did stop aging at the age of 25. Well, not much different really, I just hit my peak, I just lost all the baby fat and got the sinful body akin to a succubus, but with the face of a Goddess that can do no wrong, one that would make a sinner of a believer, but also strengthen their beliefs at the same time. Contradicting descriptions, but these features are things I take advantage of a lot.

"Did you have to go that hard in there? I know you can just use you're gift to de-escalate, but what happens if you meet one of those more resistant to your weaker compulsion again, and we don't get to them in time." Nasu conplained to me while getting a glass and walking into my room, getting a box from the refrigerator from the room, and pouring animal blood in the glass, and then proceeded to hand it to me.

Still a softie, our boy grew up nicely, a true gentleman.

"It's fine, most of the guests here are regulars, the bouncers did their jobs, and I trust that you did too, no cameras or crazy people. None would be able to blab about the wonders of my performance or describe my features. Because I've already put a lock in their minds." I said in a monotone voice, my voice void of emotion. But due to our connection, he feels what I mean, I don't shut it off unless I need alone time. It calms him down, it weirds him out when I started talking like this.

Oh yeah, update. I can speak audibly. I did my best, experimented, and practiced a lot, and voila! After hundreds of rehabilitating trash by using them as my practice buddies... This is the best I could do. I erase all my emotions and intent when I speak... My voice still sounds beautiful, but just not compelling. But lemme tell you, it's haaaaaaard! It's still very hard, I've only been practicing this for 2 years now... And so far, I can only stand this for a few seconds. It's still hard to do long conversations.

It's easier if I just do a straight face and monotone voice tho... But like... I can't do that always, especially in some situations when I need my voice and face to look and sound a certain way to hook- uh... Bond with my new friends?

"Whatever. Ah, there are letters for you from Olivia and the little turd. They sent me one too, so I guess it's the usual. They miss you and want you to visit again, come home. You didn't come back with me last time too... What happened? You've been acting weird since you last came there... I thought you 2 were getting along quite nicely, the princess rascal basically recognized you as her second momma... So why the sudden change? It's not like you to just suddenly abandon people... I felt it you know? I don't mean to, but I'm worried..." He asked in his now deeper voice, laced with concern.

I gave him an exasperated look... A sigh... And I opened my lips to share the reason.



2 years back...

"Honey... I want to ask you something. You don't have to answer me, but I would appreciate it if you did... My only request is that you don't lie to me." Olivia suddenly said, sat up, and stared at me directly.

I was lying down beside her, after a long °game of monopoly°... I'm not dumb, and adding the post nu- uhm.. Uh... Winning high? Yup, after that feeling, my mind was so clear that I already figured out what this was about. NJ, our little princess was already asking some questions... And most of the time, Olivia was there, also giving me questioning looks.

Also... No matter how careful we are, we can't succeed in hiding something from the people we live with. Haaaaah...

I gave her a look to signal her to continue, bracing myself for the inevitability. She took a deep breath and exhaled, I saw doubt and fear in her eyes... But soon enough, determination.

"You're not an ordinary human aren't you?"

I didn't respond, I didn't want to lie so I just smiled weakly. It's safer for her if she doesn't know anything about the supernatural world.

I haven't even informed my family about them... Nasu, yeah... I did, I wrote about the little brother I adopted. But, Olivia and NJ... Nope... It's too dangerous for humans... If you're wondering why I just don't turn them, well, it's cliche and selfish, but I kind of don't want to... You'll hate me for this, but I like the normality of my life with them. And... Uhm... Remember the vamp mate thing? If she turns... That means she's gonna be with someone else...

Yeah yeah yeah... Selfish right? I know... It's just, that ever since Rosalie, I haven't felt this content with anyone... It's easy with her... But that's because I kept my two worlds apart. I don't think the Volturi will let this go if they discover that I broke the law, well, technically I haven't, but knowing how much of a dick creepy face is... I don't want to risk it.

And yes, I have not forgotten the fact that I can just lock their memories or erase them... But, that would be betraying their trust and also sad for all of us... I can go and turn them by going to my cousins, I'm pretty sure they'll accept whoever I take there.

The mother and daughter would undoubtedly follow, but NJ has dreams, human dreams... She wants to be a famous person, a star, a model, and an actress, which to be honest, scares me, I know how screwed up the industry is for females. I can't have my daughter be played with like that.

So like any rich overprotective parent, I made a talent agency and also entered the music and theater industry, i started slowly building my empire plan and even resorted to using my compulsion to speed things up. It isn't the most prominent yet, but given that I have all the time in the world? Psh...

"I'm guessing you can't even tell me even if you wanted to... You're not the type to keep things if you save the other person from all the misunderstanding and pain... Or I might sound like I'm talking like a crazy person for you," she said a bit dejected.

I reached out for her hand, and squeezed it to reassure her that she wasn't being crazy. At least I didn't think so. Which cheered her up, but by just a little bit.

"We've been together for quite a while now, and have been living together, well, at least whenever you come back after your trip to wherever you decide to go, somewhere secret to even your brother... But that's beside the point... Uhm..."

She was fidgeting in place, probably not knowing how or where to start... Should I do the Edward and Bella scene where he asks her what she thought he was? Kinda cringe... But it is a bit of a loophole... Not like I need the loophole.

Fuck it. I sat up and faced her, meeting gazes.

*Go on, just say it.*

I saw her jaw clench for a second, and then she started.

"I always thought and accepted the fact that you were always in long sleeves, used an umbrella, and if you had a choice, you would not go out when the sun is out and the sky very clear... I thought it was because you were an albino, and it makes sense, the sun is bad for you... But a couple of times, I accidentally saw it... The sun hit your skin, and it... Glowed, there was a soft glow... I kept it to myself, my mind still trying to make sense of it... I'm just a woman with basic education, I didn't know much about the human body like you do... So it might still be humanly possible right?" she asked the last part while looking at me with a hopeful tint, hoping that I could explain.

I inaudibly chuckled and shook my head to deny it. *As far as I know, I don't think so, unless I'm covered in oil, or my skin was so dry it reflects sunshine... No. You already know how soft and moisturized my skin is darling*

I took her right hand and guided her hand to slide and caress my arm, ending it by intertwining our fingers and kissing the back of her hand. I smirked at her mischievously, seeing her cheeks start to the adorable tint of pink.

"Y-yes... Uhmm... Uh..." she stuttered but got the strength again to continue. Barely.

I again chuckled at her cuteness, the gap moe is something, she's normally very composed and motherly, but she gets this flustered easily for me. Imagine a milf acting all dere dere with you. Too weeb of a reference for you? Welp, whatever.

"I also saw the inside of the box in the fridge where you keep your special medicine... Your drinks... My brain still tried to make sense of it, you know medicine... You experiment... Maybe you use it for that... I don't know... But then, one night, I woke up in the middle of the night... You and Nasu were out for one of your °walks°, and I saw a wolf, a big wolf with you... And it... He... He transformed into Nasu... I quickly looked away and went to the kitchen... I was confused and scared, and my mind was spiraling... I kept telling myself that I must've been still half asleep, but then you came in, and asked me what was wrong... Why I was still up... I told you I just had a nightmare... You comforted me... It worked... But then the next day, I did the laundry, I didn't know why I did it, but I did it... I checked both of your clothes... At first, I felt silly and guilty, but then I saw just a little bit of blood and fur..." she said all this while staring right through me... Her eyes were blank.

Oh, it was that night, that we suspected that she might have seen us. We sensed her presence, but when we observed for a while, she didn't confront us or act differently. Damn, I truly did not learn from past mistakes huh. I still get caught doing stuff that shouldn't be known. Ugh... I got sloppy...

"And it wasn't so obvious before, I was already a bit older than you when we met... And I just kept getting older, I guess not by much, compared to other women, because of all the stuff you give me and make me use to take care of my health and skin... But it still shows... And you did mature too, for some time... Then it... It just stopped for you... I know you're still young, and you can say it's just genetics, but... Pairing it all up with the previous things I saw... Your strength... And some other stuff... I don't know what you are... But.. It can't be human, at least not completely... I see you eat normal food, but you still drink blood... Or what I assume is blood, you keep it chilled in a box, in our fridge... I just don't know anymore... I don't, I can't... I don't want to feel crazy anymore..."

She said all this, starting with a steady voice, then shaky... And now she's crying... And as you all already know by now, I'm pretty weak against tears from my loved ones, and yes, I do love this woman... Not as much as I do with my mate, but enough to be willing to break the law and shield them... And refuse to turn them because of my selfishness.

[AN: I mean... I get it, but some people would hate it. Saying stuff like just turns her coming up with stuff like having multiple vamp mates. But nope. This universe's mate thing for each species doesn't work like that, sadly. We're not doinPokemonon shit here.]

Seeing how broken she is right now, I felt my heart bleed for her. I came into this woman's life and messed with it, now she's like this... Now I have to face the consequences of my choices. So with resolve, I gently held her cheeks, wiping and kissing her tears off of her face, guiding her to focus on me now, and when she did. I explained everything to her, the supernatural law, race, ah... Also including my past...that includes the mate thing... And my mate...

I didn't hide anything from her. After I finished signing everything to her, she just stared at me for a few seconds to see if I was lying, and then she looked down and had been looking down for a while now, processing everything I just shared. This is understandable, she expected me to not be normal, to get some information... But not this much information. It's a lot.

Soon she looked up to me... I saw her eyes, she looked shocked, overwhelmed, and hurt?.

"So you have... You have a soul mate, and she's still out there... Alive... But she broke your heart and trust... But you still love her, and you're still waiting for her, even for her next life, when she's reborn... You are always gonna want and love her... So.. What am I to you? A placeholder? If she suddenly shows up to get back with you, you'll leave me? I... Accept the other women, I know I can't keep you to myself, I can't satisfy you in bed... I'm just too weak... But I'm ok with them because I knew they were only temporary... You always come back to me..." She was crying again.

"I know I got myself into this, I was the one who pursued you... But it still hurts. I didn't know... I thought, that at least, we're all equal to you..."

I tried to reach out to her hand, but she evaded me. Stung a bit, this was the first time that she had done this to me.

"Tell me... I... I-I think I can accept it somehow, but why haven't you offered to turn me? What were you planning with us, me? Were you planning to just leave me in the future? Abandon me? What about NJ? She adores you, worships the ground you walk on!"

I quickly hug her while covering her mouth. And after a bit, I moved away a little to meet her angry gaze. I looked at her pleadingly, and I'm not proud to say this, but I might have used my perfectly godly looks to my advantage to boost it. What can a human do in the face of it? Nothing. She gave in, softened, and nodded, signaling that she would keep quiet.

I explained my reasoning, my selfish reasoning... To which she just kept silent for a couple of minutes... But when she opened her lips again to speak...

"I need time, this is a lot... I promise in my life that I would not speak of any of this to anyone or anywhere... But I need to think about all of this. Us..."



Back to present

"So I left..." I said after finishing my recap to him. Sighing.

"And did not go back, like a father who went out to buy milk. Did I use that correctly? I still don't get where you got the idea to use that to describe abandoning children, the other one you used, °Ghosted° makes more sense, to be honest, but guess, that kind of works for what you're doing with Olivia" he gave me a judgy look.

"Oi, I did not ghost her, we still communicate, I didn't buy milk... I still support them... I'm just busy lately. I'm setting up a whole industry for my little NJ so she won't get taken advantage of... Oh, by the way, get rid of that creep who wants to recruit her, set up a new manager, her current one needs to go too" I made excuses. Yep, I knew I was just making excuses.

"first off, you do not reply to her, I do. 2nd, simply sending money, and getting rid of pests in the shadows does not make up for your absence. And 3rd, you're just scared of what her response would be, you're stalking, and avoiding the issue here... Remember, we have the connection sis, I feel you." he said with a blank face first, and then teasing in the end.

"First off, Ew. Phrasing. 2nd... I'm-"

"connection" he cut me off.

"Fine. Write that we'll go there next month"

He snorted and left without further teasing me, taking some folders with him.

Haaah... Moment of truth then.


AN: guuuuuuuuys, setting expectations. Expect the worst to avoid disappointment. Ya'll already know that I tend to go south when ya'll want me to go north. This chap is a bit longer to make up for the long break.

Still no tablet, not enough funds, and my phone broke 2 times, and my charger one more time. So forgive me for not being able to write much mah friends.

Thanks to those who keep sending power stones those who commented, and the new readers who added this to their library. I loooove you guys. It's the only thing motivating me to continue and not just lock the scenes in my head 🤣.

So as mentioned, to remedy and give ya'll another way to donate, I made a Kofi account, but you can still use the PayPal account to send it directly, it's actually better if you do that, but if not, you can just donate through Kofi. But just to remind you, while I need and would actually appreciate it if you do donate since that'll help me with my irlrealtuation, you don't have to. My FF is free to read. Ok? You're not obligated to donate. I already appreciate you just joining my journey with the MC.(links👇)



If you have any song recommendations or any ideas that you think would be cool to see in the novel, share them on our Discord. You'll also get updates if there's going to be a change or delay in the chapters. Maybe you can even be in the novel yourself. Here's the invite: 👇
