
Another MCU Story

SI. Finding adventure in same old same MCU

Rex_Zatch · 电影同人
33 Chs

Chapter-5 Hoping To Become a Great Man In The Future

Ryan goes downstairs to the kitchen, after reaching he founds Adam cooking food. Ryan greets Adam and said "Adam, you are getting old you should not do, too many heavy lifting things, let me help you" Ryan moves close to help Adam, but Adam stops him "no, master we promised, that we will take care of you until you become an adult, even if it is only me know, I will serve you until these old bones give up." Adam slightly smiles, insuring Ryan that he can handle it.

Hearing this, Ryan did not feel relieved but instead remember back on what happened with May, 'Miss May, if you were here everything would have been better.'

-flashback 1 year ago-

While Ryan was doing his regular training, he heard the sound of *thud* from the mansion and glass breaking so, he went inside running while guessing something bad happen to May.

When he reaches inside, he saw May unconscious while holding a broken glass that made a cut on May's hand and blood was coming out of it.

Hurriedly, he called the ambulance, and then he calls Adam who went to Supermarket, to come home fast.

After a few minutes, Adam came from the supermarket, then After, a while Ambulance also came at, the same time so, we both went to the hospital.

-After reaching the hospital-

After the doctor checked May, they came and told us that May had a serious brain tumor, and she only had a few months to live before she dies.

After hearing what they told us, tears start running from my eyes, but soon anger took control and I catch the doctor's collar and start shouting at him, "You are saying you cannot do anything about it. Who gave you your medical license? I do not care about money; I want her to be healthy. Make her healthy, damn it, ugh". Before Ryan could do more Adam, pressed Ryan's shoulder and said "calm down sir, please sir, please"

After that, Ryan calm down and apologized to the doctor. After knowing May has less time to survive, they start spending time with her. Even though Adam did not show It, he is stopping himself from crying, but I know that because of my power, whoever I touch I can also sense their past and present emotions.

-five months after-at the hospital-

May condition has been serious lately, so, we admitted her to the hospital. Inside, Adam and May are taking while I am waiting to go inside.

-inside room-

"Adam promise me*cough* after I am gone you will protect him, *cough* you are the only one that is left in his life and*cough* do not let him get stray like us" May holding Adam's hand and Adam is holding May tightly like he does not want to let her go.

"I promise May, you can just rest now, I will bring Ryan over now, he is waiting to speak to you," Adam said in a sad tone while trying to hold back his tears.

Adam goes outside and brings Ryan with him. Ryan's eyes are red from crying for a while.

"Master Ryan, I am sorry I would not be able to see you grow up, but I hope you become a great man in the future". May said while showing her weak smile to Ryan.

"I will Miss May, I will" Ryan nodded and try to smile for May.

After a few hours, the doctor announce that May died, that time even Adam cried for her. I think he did not want to show her, how much sad he was. For a few months mansion was so quiet, but eventually, we have to move on even if it hurt.

After that Adam hire a few maids and a butler to help but for a few months for cooking only, he was allowed, first he was not good at it, but he eventually learns to cook.

-flashback end-

"It is good, Adam; this time beckon has not been burned. You should have some." Ryan, while eating, smilingly said to Adam.

"After you sir, as for dinner sir, would steak will be to your liking, sir." Adam denied Ryan's offer and asked Ryan for his choice.

"Yes, Adam, I was thinking of going to high school after 5 years, what do you th------." Before Ryan could complete Adam said in a cheery voice "yes, I think it is a great idea, sir, you can make friends, and sorry to say this sir, but you do not have any friends so far, you should make some there."

"hehehee, I also think it is a good idea, it is settled then after 5 years I will go to Midtown High School". Ryan nervously rubs the back of his head, he is excited and scared at the same time for the future event that is going to occur.

-time skip 5 years- 2009 Ad

'Wow, today is my first day going to the high school, I had never gone to high school in my past life also, it was not any high school. It is midtown high school where Spider-Man goes there and all Spider-Man crew' Ryan feels excited about meeting canon members of MCU in real life.

"Thoth, keep eyes on every person name list, I have given you, and call me if anything more than 'normal' happens around them." Ryan talks to his semi-AI, which he builds around 2 years ago with a manly PlayStation 3 console.

'Four years ago, I got this idea while remembering my past life, in my past life, I had the habit of reading the magazine, and it was written there that some people from the air force made a supercomputer, from many second-hand PlayStation 3. But the problem there arise that I had to start reading about Physics and Electronic Engineering to make an AI and I did not want to waste my time with that, but then Adam bought me this wonder full news, and with my ability today. I could make this genius semi-AI' Ryan remember his past five years.

-flashback 1 and a half years ago-

"Sir, mister Tony Stark, has hosted a party in his company for another success in business and all shareholders are invited. Sir, should I cancel it or accept it?". Adam informs Ryan about the parties at Tony's company.

'Now, I have bought more than 2000 PlayStation but how am I going to make than AI…huh…what…. What did Adam say? Ah… yes Tony Stark, he got the AI, I can replicate his knowledge. It is brilliant. Ryan was thinking about how to make an AI, but After hearing Adam Talking about tony, he made a plan.

"Accept it, Adam, I think it is time to meet the genius, playboy Tony Stark". Ryan hurriedly answers Adam's previous question.

"Ok sir, then it will be tonight at 9 pm, there are a few hours before the party start, sir I think you should take a bath and start changing from your PJ sir," Adam tells Ryan with a smile while a phone on one hand and towel on another.

"Hey, it is comfy ok, now give him that towel and tell the driver to be in time" Ryan takes the towel and went to take a bath.

"Certainly sir" Adam smile at Ryan's sometimes childish behavior and went to inform the driver.

Writing Story for fun.

Was really bored.

Seriously, English is not even my fourth language.

Seriously, how much bored can i be.

Critics go easy on me ok *wink* *wink*, oh my eyes hurt.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

I wanted to bring some emotion in story and more character development.

PLZ donot try to read between the line but plz read for the line for fun.

Rex_Zatchcreators' thoughts