
Another Harem Protagonist in My Hero Academia

A Young man suddenly died while reading a Manga in his office. Then suddenly appear in a Dark place devoid of sound and light. Then suddenly He was pulled and appear in a white room. He look around And see a man or a pitch black void in a shape of man with a dots that look like stars. Then the void look at him a said "I choose you". . . . . . . Ehhhh!?!?!... . . . Hello Future Readers this is just something I made in whim so pls don't judge me that much also English is not my main language so expect wrong grammar or broken english comment if you like it or whatever just read it thank you. This is AU. And a very wishfullfilment story so expect some change in the characters I do not own the Characters only the MC so i will not take credits from other characters. I got that cover from the Google so I'm not gonna take credits from it so whomever the owner thank you. If you do not like this then. Off you go then Well Thats all Ok bye.

Normal_ROB · 漫画同人
9 Chs

Chapter 3 Sakusei Yuuki

"WWhaa- B-b-black credit card" then she look at the debit wondering if there is also huge money in there but she hurriedly look left and right to see if there is someone specially at night maybe there is a robber or a villain then she hurriedly hide the cards and return to the car but before that she look at the sleeping baby at the side of her kissed his cheek because its seems like this baby is an angel that suddenly appear before her.

Then she goes home and just check tomorrow the cards and carrying a baby and arrive at the door of her house then she press the doorbell and wait for someone inside to open the door.

Then few second later an old woman suddenly open the door and greet her she was a friend of her mother and help her from time to time.

When the old woman greet her she became surprise and anxious because she bought a unknown baby.

"Mamako what the hell is that child did you get pregnant again without us knowing who is that child"The old lady exclaimed in a loud and angry voiced.

The woma- no Mamako suddenly twitch her lips and said

"Oba san I not someone who have playing with a guy the only partner I have is hayato but who knows he is actually gay thats why he left us to a Guy from America and we only inter-course 1 time that unfortunately get me pregnant but even if its from that bastard I still love my daughter"She said in a very low and sad voice."

Mamako-"But this child... is not my child I found him near the road" Then she explain about the baby to the old lady.

After hearing what happen the old lady have a mix emotion if its a single baby she can take care of it but two its a problem because of her old age "Then what are your plan now? you know I'm old now I can't take care of two children".

Then she show to the old lady the letter and the card that the boy's parent(?) left.

Then she say that she will quit her job to take care her now two child.

Hours later talking with the old lady left and said she will come back every 3 days to see if Mamako can take care the 2 of them.

After The old lady left she goes to the crib in her room to put the baby near her sleeping daughter fortunately her crib is big that even 3 babies will fit and even though he put baby Yuuki inside It still have a big space because unlike Yuuki who's 8 months old her daughter are still 5 months old.

Then she take a quick shower and ready to go to bed but unfortunately when she was about to got to bed where the two baby cried seemingly hungry so she put the two baby in her bed and feed them.

Now You might ask what happen to our MC does he have a consciousness?

Well as of now there isn't thats still a baby our MC memories will return after the baby develop his brain about 50% so about 1 year and 7 month.

So whats are we waiting for? Let's use Timeskip no Jutsu

-------------------Timeskip No Jutsu-------------------

10 months later

*Uwahh* *Uwahh* I was Crying because of the pain when the time its enter my memories in my mind own mind in this world a baby can learn fast because of mutation there some babies that a quirks symptoms can develop quickly.

Then when I was wandering where am I and who am I suddenly memory flood to my mind that I am reincarnated and a mission by the petty God, But enough about that because there are more important matter in this world now. When the memory flood to my mind I became flabbergasted and at the same time happy you know why It's because my Mother(step) is The legendary Mother Mamako Oosuki a beautiful Milf finally God answer my prayer but not only that there also a surprise I have a little sister and this sister is my favorite in all little sister type in all Anime I have watch the cutest little sister type Nai Shiro from No Game No Life In this life I will do anything to love them and also make them love me.

But suddenly after thinking what should I do I became hungry because of this I can't control my mouth and start to cry like a child(well I'm still a child but still) then few second of crying my Mil- I mean mother came then carry me and then feed me I look around and saw my sister still sleeping then I start sucking on my mother breast when mother is breastfeeding me I suddenly remember a scene in a fanfict novel about a reincarnate man and a mother and I start copying them.

[Mamako POV]

I were cleaning the toys my children played earlier. Looking at yuuki toys I though its been 10 months when I brought Yuuki here. I didn't change his name to honor his place because when we tried to search his parent we found nothing so maybe they were died and killed by a maniac quirk that erase their body.

So that the only things I can do for them Even though I can't thank them in person I will not make them worry and will love Yuuki with all my heart .

I don't know why but Yuuki become attach to me and can't sleep without with me in his side and as for my daughter shiro she became attach to Yuuki and also can't sleep without Yuuki by her side so we got rid of the crib and bought a bigger bed so the three of us can sleep comportably in bed. But my thought has been broken when I heard Yuuki cry so I put the toys basket then hurriedly lift him and inspect him and its look like he is hungry then start feeding him but when I was feeding him there something strange that happening in my body its seems that Yuuki newly grown teeth are hitting my sensitive spot but I stop my self from moaning but still even I stop I let out a small moan and few second Its stop Its seem like he fallen asleep. Then after thinking what just happen I shook my head and I said to my self

'What are you doing Mamako thats you son?'

Then I just shook my head and decide to forget what happen in here.


Don't worry thats just a simple tease next I'm gonna timeskip again but there is another surprise that's many MHA fans want its..... secret hahaha..

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